Before you even think about designing your new website, it’s vital you take the necessary time out to conduct adequate keyword research. Keyword research is an important part of any SEO strategy, and basically means finding low competition keywords people are searching for that are relevant to the product or service you provide.

This really is the first step, and can save you from future frustration and even failure if done properly. In case you don’t know why keyword research should be carried out before designing your website, read on.

Here are 3 reasons that will hopefully explain just why this is so important.

1. Keyword research reveals your market.

Keywords can help you define who your market is, and this in itself should inform how you present your website. Knowing the specific industry and audience you’re targeting will help you design your website in a way that caters to them. For example, if you’re only targeting residents of Brisbane, then perhaps the design of your site can reflect this (perhaps by using an iconic image or two from Brisbane). Internet marketing is all about knowing your customers, and you really need to know this before starting the design and layout of your website.

2. Keyword research can inform your content.

After getting a firm grip on the market you’ll be targeting with your new website, you’ll also know what kind of content they’d be interested in. This will then help you develop a great content schedule and outlay to give your customers exactly what they’re looking for when on your website. Of course, you’ll need to insert these keywords in your content organically, always making sure you give your visitors value. Without knowing which keywords can bring you the traffic you need, you’re likely to waste precious time and resources creating content that simply won’t get read. And if you’re website is intended to make sales or gain subscribers or leads, then you won’t see much positive action on this front any time soon.

3. Keyword research will dictate how you write your content.

Finally, once you know who your market is, and what kind of content they’d like to consume, you can then determine the best way to write your content. Different audiences, and different industries expect different things when it comes to the way their content is written. For example, business and marketing professionals generally expect lots of stats and hard data to back up claims made throughout the content. And tech professionals generally like to see lots of specs peppered throughout that latest blog post. Being mindful of this when writing your content will help your readers get exactly what they need from your site, and this will hopefully turn them into loyal customers or subscribers for years to come.

Doing enough keyword research before you design your website is absolutely vital if you want to see your website succeed online. Keyword research will help you nail down your target market, helping you design your website and write your content. So the next time you sit down to design your new website, make sure you’ve already done your keyword research. Many times, it can be the difference between success and failure.


  1. Alex


    You couldnt be more right with this post. This should be done before anything else when it comes to making blogs and websites.

  2. Reply

    Your Views actually suites my way. Keyword research is very crucial for SEO and Helps in success of our website. Implementing our keywords in proper way should be followed while writing a content.

  3. Sudipto


    Keyword research is very important and helps in finding more information which helps us in making good website. this post really gonna help many newbies. Thanks for sharing this post.

  4. Reply


    Nice post, Well keyword research is all about the content and I guess you have shared every point regarding it.


  5. Anna Smith


    Now days, there are lots of websites are coming into market. If we want to rank our website on top of pages then we want to do some keyword research. Because through Keyword Research we get total ideas of people searching keywords.
    Thanks for adding these three points.

  6. Reply

    Very rare information about blogging. Keyword research is very necessary and should be one of the earliest things to be sorted out by any blogger because I believe some website layouts and designs are more appropriate for certain niches.

  7. Nithing Upendran


    Yet another wonderful post I guess and I agree with all your keyword research points.


  8. Paul


    It is really really motivating information for all the newbie around the web. You have explained in such a simple way, it will help me to grow up as an blogger. And I will surely try to benefit out of your helpful information.
    Thanks for sharing us this wonderful post.

  9. Manish


    Great article it is really important to know right keyword before designing a website it helps in maintaining the seo of the site.

  10. Vivian


    Thanks for this insightful article. Keyword research is very necessary and should be one of the earliest things to be sorted out by any blogger because I believe some website layouts and designs are more appropriate for certain niches.

  11. jawad zaib


    In the start of my blogging career,,,i blind foldedly started blogs without researching for the keywords and was not very successful but now i am doing a long research before starting a new blog…this article is a great help for newbies and they will benefit from this post,,,thanks for sharing it with us….

  12. David Weightman


    As per organization and priority setting, I would definitely agree that keyword research and selection for SEO should be done prior to website design and creation. I can attest to it since some of my clients wants to do it the other way around, only to find out that their keyword need to adjust with what their audience expect after seeing the design and arrangement of the site. Worse, they get to experience a lot of difficulties in Marketing after making that terrible move.

  13. John


    Keyword research plays a major role in ranking and traffic on the ant website. I heard that keyword will give boost up to our website through searching but your tips with full detailed are really helpful for any new one who wants to deliver his website to the market…….

  14. Reply

    Nice article
    Many people when start a website underestimate the role of Keywords and they definitely have to read those tips above.
    thanks so much for your valuable information.


  15. Pamella Gorj


    Thanks for these great tips sir i always follow all your tips and i got success i hope i will try this in march month i got something new thank you so much.

  16. Gautham Nekkanti


    I completely agree with you. Without keyword research, there won’t be a proper idea of site structure and what to write in the first place.

  17. shafique


    Nice post. We must reasearch keywords before designing website so It will be SEO friendly.

  18. James Frost


    That is the key to success without any doubt and from now I will give proper care before my new websites to design.All the points are precisely described and agree with the facts that before getting started need to know my audience whom I will target and so keyword research is a must.That’s an important part of SEO and now I’ve known what I lacked.
    Thanks for sharing

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