The growth of mobile apps is continuing and they have evolved from being individual platforms into complete mobile strategies. In the past, businesses simply hired a DIY kind of app maker, got their app developed through them and promoted it through traditional marketing channels. The game has completely changed now. Organizations are putting serious resources and efforts into the development and marketing of their apps. The marketing strategy comes into play even before the app development starts and continues after the launch too.

Focus on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Before developing an app, you need to set up your goals, which should be realistic, specific and measurable. This step is similar to any other marketing campaign. What’s different in app marketing is to focus on KPIs specific to app marketing like organic and loyal user acquisition, app store rankings etc. Doing it on your own can be difficult if it’s an unknown and unfamiliar territory for you. You should thus hire app store optimization services India for the job.

Dedicate Appropriate Resources

This is ‘Mobile Age’ and apps hold a significant position in it. Undervaluing app advertising and dedicating a small percentage of marketing budget to it will only harm you. To ensure effective mobile app marketing, you need to allocate at least 7-10% of your marketing budget to it. Getting the services of app store optimization India on board will help in structuring out the plan on how to use this budget. The app’s visibility needs to exist in key marketplaces year-round and a strategy is a must for that proper advertising and promotion. Allocating and planning the budget expenditure appropriately will ensure that you can have proper visibility at the right time.

Use Burst Campaign to Lift Your App Organically

You can use paid media purchases to boost your app ranking, but until users discover, download, install and use your app, there is no real success. To achieve that organic lift, make use of burst campaign. This campaign is focused on driving a high volume of downloads for the short term. This will increase your app ranking in app stores and it will become visible to potential organic users. This burst campaign will help in generating a peak of organic downloads, which is what you were aiming for.

Monitor the Churn Rate

There will be a big chunk of users who will download the app but won’t use it more than once or twice. You want to attain loyal users and not these temporary ones because it’s the loyal users who will determine the success and future of your app. So, monitor the churn rate; if you don’t find many loyal users, you need to dig deep into the designing and functionality of your app. There might be issues in it, which require immediate attention.

Mobile app marketing is no mean business and to make your app visible and successful you need app store optimization services India. The marketing agency you hire thus needs to be creative as well as expert in devising marketing strategies for apps.


  1. Reply

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  2. Reply

    Great Post!

    Applications increment client commitment
    Organizations are utilizing applications to improve their cycles and increment the degree of openness their clients need to them. The purpose of a portable application is to consistently interface and communicate with clients, making it an important apparatus for the cutting edge business.

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