As a fresher, when someone explains you, about SEO, You consider it as the best medium through which you can easily earn money, name and fame for your website, as it will be visible to millions of people all around the world. But, my dear friend, here you are wrong as it’s not easy to rank your website removing millions of other websites and taking place at the top. There are other bunch of people who think that doing SEO is a rocket science, but let me correct you by a famous quote “Practice makes a Person Perfect”. All you have to do just follow and practice all the tips which are provided.

In this post, you will read about few simple tips, that can help you in the future and help you in exploring and improving your SEO knowledge.

Defined LSI (Keywords)

Here LSI referred as Latent Semantic Indexing. Whenever you start SEO,  the first step is to make a website for the business, which you are planning to grow. Selection of Domain name, hosting page are all the required steps that bring you closer to SEO. After the completion of the above process, you will have our own website. Now from here, the work of an SEO begins, you need to rectify the keywords in Google Adsense, which have more searches and the keywords which are mostly used by your opponent. Selection of right keywords plays a unique role (broad match, phrase match, exact match). LSI allows the search engine to understand the synonyms, which are used in a content. It’s a method which helps in determining the relationship between terms and concepts in content. Use Yoast SEO plugins, when you are working with wordPress and have to check the density of the content.


Eye-Catching Content

Now at the above steps, you have shorted out the list of keywords, that is required for the company. With the help of those keywords, you have to form unique content, which is different from competitors. A good content will help you in generating good leads and will also increase your SEO ranking. Make sure that you check the content and the points that are listed on your competitor’s website. Placing the keywords with correct density is important for every post. Make sure that your content doesn’t have any plagiarism and is more than 80% unique.

Make the Website Representative or Optimize Your Website

Make sure that you are done with all the requirements that are needed to represent your website. Provide a sophisticated URL with a hyphen. Optimize every image and videos, so that your website opens quickly and users don’t have to wait for more than 8-10 seconds for loading the page. Users should be able to make a responsive website Or a mobile-friendly platform. As it is the age of portable items.

Proper Utilization of Social Networking Sites

Social networks play a vital role, in reaching the masses within the less span of time. Use all the sites that can help you in increasing more public visit to your site. Plan your budget and target the right people. Maintain all the social network pages efficiently, and keep updating your latest post and articles, so that your followers never get bored with your page.

Brand Building

With the help of social networking site, you can easily make a good brand of your website. Brand building is must, when you have to increase the rank of your website. A known brand will reduce half of your work and can maintain a good position in the market. Hence brand building is important.


The Schema should be defined properly, as it helps in providing ratings to your page. A good rating can speak a lot, which 1000 of words might fail to speak.

Be professional

You need to keep yourself updated with all the changes that are done by Google, which might affect your company website and ranking. Keep on practicing your work and make sure, you are well aware of all the guidelines, that can provide assistance, when you are unable to reach the target.


Links are an important part of SEO. Ensure that all your links are created within your niche and have high domain authority.

Author Bio-

Sam Steve is a professional in MLM business and has spent a lot of time working in SEO to raise a good platform. If you require an MLM Software US you can reach us at any time around the clock.


  1. Reply

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