Modern entrepreneurs think that by launching the website, they would increase the customer base but is it a true fact? Well, majority of us businesses also hire SEO companies to boost the rankings of the web link but only few are successful. After spending money and with failed results, they realize the mistake that nothing can be built by sinking the capital. It is important to monitor the issues with the website and find whether it complies with the SE standards. There are few tell tale signs that helps the clients to arrive at a definite conclusion.

Website is not on the search engine listings:

The website was launched long ago but in spite of hiring the search engine professionals it is not available in the first page listing. According to the rule of the thumb, majority of traffic should originate from various search engines such as Google and Bing. If users are not being directed from the search engine, it means that the site is not optimized and needs immediate audit by experienced professionals. Every page should be optimized to increase the number of visit of the users. Only organic method is the bet to boost the online customer base.

Majority of web traffic is spam:

Sometimes the web traffic that hits the site is devoid of niche customers that the business is targeting. In such a situation, the only option left is to completely overhaul the web pages and adopt new strategy for search engine optimization. Content is the king however if you feel that it is not designed and created in a proper manner, it is time to change the SEO vendor immediately. People allowing spam web traffic would be banned by the prominent search engines.

Sales are absent:

Enterprises can attract all sorts of traffic from the internet but if they are not converted into business leads, the whole process is an exercise in futility. SEO audit is essential to identify the reasons of poor conversion. One of the best ways to entice the prospective customers is to engage them in a meaningful way. In short, striking rapport and initiating two way conversations would go a long way in boosting the depressed sales of the business.

PPC campaign is floundering:

Pay per click campaign fails to generate revenues in spite of spending money to increase the page click and site visits. In majority of cases, the expenditure doesn’t justify the income forcing clients to opt for the specialists. They can find the weak chinks in the armor and take corrective steps to meet the objectives. In fact, the conversion rate should be more than 10% and the return needs to be in excess of the money spent on PPC project.

Abnormal bounce rate:

In some cases visitors arriving at the web pages leave quickly, therefore the bounce rate become very high. In short, even if the web traffic increases, the prospects of revenue are next to nothing. People facing the issue should introspect and find the problem. One of the reasons could be that the users are not finding what they are looking for. Engagement is the weapon that should be used by the business clients to target the visitors. You can contact the experts in order to make the web pages more attractive and also work on enhancing the interaction with future customers. With sustained effort, you can easily reduce the bounce rate, thereby improving the search engine listings.

Low Website activity:

More and more hits are not the sole parameters for the success of SEO techniques. It is the activity of the customers such as liking and commenting that increases the popularity of the website. Therefore, the focus should be to make the web pages more navigable and simple. In addition, content should be short, crisp and to the point to maintain easy readability.

Stagnant traffic:

Businesses finding their web traffic increase and becoming static after some time should ponder upon the limitations of the existing services. If you are facing such a problem, contact reputed agencies to resolve the problem. In few cases, out of box thinking is required and not every SEO company can do the same. In order to monitor the success of the website uses the latest search engine analytics tools and change the strategy if the result in not visible soon enough.

Absence of back links and weird results:

Website content is created around the prominent keyword in a particular niche however sometimes the link information thrown up on the screen is related to other unrelated string of words. You need to immediately redress the issue or else you may end up with customers not interested in the products and services.

Another factor that is to be kept in mind is the absence of back links as they redirect the visitors to the parent page. In case, they are not enough, hire an expert to accelerate the process of creating more and more in the future.


Lauren McLaren was born and raised in Australia. She is working for Digital Muscle, and providing Affordable Web Design services in Australia. She’s hardworking, competent and trustworthy. Her role within the company is to manage a team of SEO Specialists. In her spare time, she loves to read, cook and watch movies.

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    One of those effective SEO strategies that would help your website/blogs becoming successful in search engines rankings and increase your site traffic/monetization. Continue sharing more helpful seo articles like this.

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