One of the best ways to make money blogging is to do it through affiliate marketing. A lot of successful bloggers who are making money from their blog says that affiliate marketing is their number one income source. Lots of bloggers are pulling in six-figures each month with affiliate marketing and you can do the same as well from your blog.

Have you tried affiliate marketing? Have you had success with it?

If not then this article was written specially for you so that you can apply some of these tips to help you to make money with affiliate marketing. Hope that you enjoy these tips and apply the points where needed to help you make money blogging.


Offer A Bonus To Buyers

I have seen lots of bloggers having success with this method: offering a bonus to people who purchase from your affiliate link.

How does this work?

Well lets say that you are marketing HostGator and telling your readers that this is one of the best hosting that they can use for their blog. Did you know that you can offer a bonus while marketing HostGator?

Want to know how I do it?

Well I do this by offering free WordPress blog installation. If a person purchases from my affiliate link while signing up for HostGator then what I will do is install WordPress for them on their hosting account, install a theme and also a few plugins.

You can do the same so that you can make money while affiliate marketing.

What you can do is give away gifts, 2 weeks advertising link or anything that comes to your mind.

Write A Great Product Review

Another great way to make money with affiliate marketing is to write reviews of the product.

When you do this, you can highlight the benefits of using the product and how this will help the person that is purchasing it.

Make sure to honest write reviews of the product that you are marketing.

You may ask why. Why can’t you just twist your review to make it look like this product is a must have and it will work magic for the buyer?

This is because if you lie while writing the review then chances are your readers will get a hint that you are lying. Those who purchase the product and realized that you have lied to them will never trust you again. They may not even visit your blog again and may also tell others how you lied to them just to make a few bucks.

So always remember that honesty pays, so be truthful while writing reviews if you want to make money with affiliate marketing.

Use Coupon Codes When Promoting

People love to save money while shopping. A great way to do this people will use discount coupon codes while shopping online.

When promoting your affiliate links, if possible then promote them and use discount coupons as well.

The truth is, most people only buy stuff then they can get a discount on the product being purchased, or they wait until a sale is on the product.

If you have a product that you want to market, make sure to wait until there is a sale on it or use coupon codes to market that product. You will be able to make a few more sales that way.

Recommend Products That You Use

What if you have a tool or product that you use on your blog which helps you to get more work done in a short time? Or a tool which makes your SEO research much easier?

Would you keep that tool to yourself? Or would you tell people about it and have an opportunity to make money while doing it?

I don’t know about you, but my blog is about helping bloggers to be successful whether I make money marketing an item or not.

Sharing products, tools and services that you use on your blog to become a successful blogger, can help you to make money while affiliate marketing.

If you have a product or tool and you can prove to your audience that you have been having success with this product or tool, then you can make money recommending this product to them as well.

If you don’t use a tool and you are recommending it to your audience, they will wonder why are you not using it.

So it is always best to recommend the things that you have used or if you haven’t used them as yet then make sure that this product has been used by others that you know about or a product that is popular which people seem to be going for.

Call To Action Converts Well

Do you know what a call to action is and how it can help you to make money with affiliate marketing?

Well according to Wikipedia, “A call to action, or CTA, is a banner, button, or some type of graphic or text on a website meant to prompt a user to click it and continue down a conversion funnel. It is an essential part of inbound marketing as well as permission marketing in that it actively strives to convert a user into a leadand later into a customer. The main goal of a CTA is a click“.

So the main point of using a call to action is to get the person(s) that you are marketing to, to click through so that they can make a purchase.

You cause use these in forms of an eye-catching banner, pop ups or a floating bar. These will help to capture the minds of those looking on and will also invite them to click on the link.

In Conclusion…

Once you start applying these tips and increase your traffic then you will be able to make money through affiliate marketing. Be sure to promote products and services that are close to your blog’s topic or niche. This way it will be easier for you to do affiliate marketing.


  1. Nicole Pary


    Amazing Stuff!
    This is awesome info! I think affiliates should also beware of promoting overly hype products. Plus affiliates should also set their selves apart from other affiliates by writing their own ads and use the marketing materials the vendors give you only as a guide not in their ad campaigns. This will help affiliates in the long run because other affiliates more than likely will use these same ads and prospects can find out especially if the visitors do their own research.
    Thanks for sharing an impressive and interesting information oe enjoyed to reading this article. Thumb’s up.. πŸ™‚

  2. Reply

    Offering bonus to the readers will surely fetch more sales and boost our affiliate income. thanks for great tips πŸ™‚

  3. Amit Tak


    Offering bonus to the readers will surely fetch more sales and boost our affiliate income. thanks for sharing the great tips with me πŸ™‚

  4. Reply

    Hello Kharim Tomlinson,

    Thanks for this info,and on my own opinion affiliates marketing isn’t not only way to make money online with a blog, it’s a way to help us improving relationship with others, when you want to sell some thing, you have to get trusted first, from your buyers, and of course, you have to find the way to do it, it also is a way affiliate marketing helps you improve your skill.

    • Reply

      Hey Adrain,

      You are so right about that. In order to sell to somebody then trust is needed and in order to gain that trust then creating a relationship between you and your blog readers is a great way to do it.

      Thanks for that point.

  5. syed javeed


    Wonderful posts , i think this tips gonna rock and fetch every one handsome money, but be aware of hackers and fraudsters , they are the thief through network.affiliate marketing is a great technique to earn money

  6. shiwangi shrivastava


    Hello, nicely written regarding affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is booming and various people is opting for it as a source of income. Hope I will meet up with this opportunity near future. Thanks for sharing good catchlines.

  7. Deepanshu


    Affiliate marketing seems to be a good source of income haven’t tried yet but looking forward to this as it’s was recommended by my friends also.
    Good for sharing this information.

    • Reply

      Hey pal,

      Thanks for stopping by. Yes this is a great way to make money online.

      You should try it and see how well it works for you.

      Thanks for the comment and all the best.

  8. Carol Susan


    Awesome post .i hope everybody will like your post, Thank you so much for sharing a nice way of affiliate marketing with us

  9. Zaib Abbasi


    hey Kharim Tomlinson,
    Thank you so much for sharing a nice way of affiliate marketing with us. Can you tell me how can i sign up for go daddy?

  10. Amilia joe


    Thank you for sharing very good method for marketing affiliate product especially one to provide coupon and distribute on different coupon offering websites.

    • Reply

      Hi Amilia,

      You are welcome. Using discounts will help to boost your affiliate sales, so be sure to promote products with discount coupon codes.

      Thanks for the comment.

  11. Gautam


    Great Tips for promoting Affiliate products and the best Way to promote and make sale is writing a review and then offering discounts or coupon codes.This really works.

    • Reply

      Hi Gautam,

      You are so right pal. Most review sites make tons of money because people are always looking for reviews on products online.

      After they read that review there is normally an affiliate link leading to that product. And if there is a discount coupon code then this encourages the person who is reading the review to buy.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  12. Anil Kumar


    Offering bonus to the readers or buyers will surely fetch more sales and boost our affiliate income. You’ve shared wonderful tips of affiliate marketing tips.


    • Reply

      Hello Anil,

      I have seen Enstine do it on his blog and he seems to be having success with it. So this is why I recommend doing it as well.

      Thanks for the comment.

  13. Saqib Razzaq


    Well post. Another thing that works awesome for me and results into a lot of sales is creating a Recommendations page, include affiliate products in it and display it in navigation bar. It always works for me.

    • Reply

      Hey Saqib,

      You are so right about that pal. Making a page with the tools that you use to make your blog successful is a great way to go.

      Lisa Irby said that her tool box page is converting well for her.

      I have made a resources page for my blog as well. Just need to promote it some more and edit it so that it looks presentable.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

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