make money from ecommerceIn the year 2012, $231 billion was generated in eCommerce sales. Projections estimated that there would be well over $262 billion generated by the end of 2013 by eCommerce sale, and that these figures would only increase in the years to follow, according to Internet Retailer.

How much of that money did your company generate last year?

How much of that money would you like to make next year?

There are several tips that you can implement into your business plan today that can allow you to take full advantage of the eCommerce industry within the next year.

Focus on Providing a Quality Experience for Consumers

In order to increase business for your ecommerce online store, you need to make sure that you always focus on enhancing the quality and efficiency of the average consumer experience. You might think that this is a given, especially since consumers are the driving force and bloodline of all businesses – online and offline. However, you need to keep in mind that traditional stores have the upper hand in this regard because of being able to physically be there for consumers.

They are greeted by smiles, handshakes, and even hugs offered by employees. They can see, feel, and touch the available inventory before making a purchase. Therefore, eCommerce business owners  have to go above and beyond to provide the very best quality service and overall experience to their consumers that will keep them coming back for more in the future.

Find Creative Ways to Obtain Real-Time Feedback

You might think that your eCommerce business is succeeding when, in reality, it could be drifting towards inevitable failure. Keep in mind that your opinion is always going to be biased, especially since it is your company that is offering these products and/or services. To get a realistic assessment of how your business is performing, you need to reach out to your customers and find out.

Before the information superhighway was used as an effective marketing tool, all that a business owner had at their disposal was suggestion boxes, feedback forms, and the occasional review in a local newspaper. Nowadays, one of the most powerful marketing tools that can be used to take your eCommerce business to the next level is the social media platform.

Create and Maintain a Facebook Brand Page

There are currently over 1.6 billion active Facebook members around the world and over 15 million companies that have decided to establish Facebook brand pages to market their products and services to that massive crowd, according to Expanded Ramblings. By not having a Facebook page, you are one of the biggest reasons why your eCommerce business is not performing as well as it could be. Having a Facebook brand page allows you to effectively maximize exposure to your company, marketing your products and services at a level that could never be achieved by traditional forms of advertising.

You will also be missing out on a great opportunity to receive real-time feedback and communication from your customers and clients through these pages as well.

Consistency is Essential

You can do all that you can to please every single customer that visits your website today. You might decide to get as much feedback from your customers and clients as you can today and even respond to the feedback that you have already received. You might spend countless hours developing your Facebook brand page today. However, if you do not continue to do these things after today, then you will not be able to experience lasting benefits from your efforts. In order to take your eCommerce business to the next level, you need to consistently search for opportunities to do more and be better for your customers.


  1. Samir



    Nice tips for increasing ecommerce revenue and I have a small online store for which I’m gonna implement this tips.


  2. Mahesh


    It is good for companies to mention the eCommerces of annual stastics.I am new in eCommerce and I am currently facing countless issues and trying to overcome them. One of those issues is lack of of sales and I learned a lot in this post about that issue. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Aman


    Consistency indeed is the point that people lack behind …. People actually gotta work on consistency and quality ..quality and consistency is indeed a great combination ….

  4. Saqib Razzaq


    I am new in eCommerce and I am currently facing countless issues and trying to overcome them. One of those issues is lack of of sales and I learned a lot in this post about that issue. Thanks for sharing.

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