
Hello readers, Kharim here… Yes the owner of this awesome blog.

As you have seen and may have known that I haven’t been on my blog for quite some time now. I have always been around though because there have been posts coming on my blog every now and then. Most of those posts are guest posts but they were published under my name. So yes I have been posting guest posts on a regular whenever I get them and I have time to post them.

But what really happened why I had slowed down in my blogging? Will I ever continue to blog or will this blog be put offline?

Well let me explain to you what happened…

Why Did I Stop Blogging?

If you know me then you know that Kharim is a very busy person and I never have much time to do everything at once. It’s like no matter how hard I try to structure my time, it seems like time always runs out on me.

This is not my main reason why I slowed down in blogging.

A lot of other bloggers had contacted me asking, why did you stop blogging. The truth is, I never stopped blogging. I just had too much work doing at the same time. So writing posts became a challenge.

I did publish guest posts that I got from other bloggers and I must say that I am thankful for them helping to keep my blog up to date with incoming articles.

The thing is, blogging isn’t my main resource of income, so I had to put blogging on the second burner so to speak.

I started many projects and I am working hard to make those work for me too. So please be patient with me and stick around because I will be writing posts on a regular now.

My Future Plans Pertaining To Blogging

My future plans for blogging is a never ending one… I will always be a blogger.

What I plan to do is continue write posts on my blog and hope to get my audience back.

I am going to jump back into guest blogging, blog commenting, forum posting and also I started YouTubing.

Yes, that’s right, I have started making YouTube videos. This was one of my biggest steps that I have made in blogging, doing YouTube videos.

There are tons of bloggers out there that have YouTube channel and this is a great way to make your blog unique.

Apart from doing YouTube for my blog, I have another YouTube channel which I am trying to become a vlogger and post some other videos from ideas that I have.

Online Store and Other Projects

I also started this small online store as well in which I resell products online. Photography is another thing that I love and I do this on the side as well so as to build up a photography career. I have been travelling as well, here there and everywhere that I can.

And the list goes on…

Look out for me…

As I said, I will still do blogging along with the many projects that I have going on.

Thanks for your time and look out for me posting some awesome stuff soon.


  1. Reply

    Hello Kharim,

    Just amazing information you explain hereabout blogging. Although for beginners blogging is the tough platform but after that it is best. Indeed thanx for sharing.

  2. Reply

    I am an irregular blogger and this post inspired me to continue blogging. Awesome, Kharim. Consistency is the key to success, keep it up.

  3. Anika


    This is one most usual problem with many of blogger how to come back for blogging and you share really nice and informatics post to solve this problem thanks for making this post and sharing with all of us.

  4. viki debbarma


    Sir, I am too new to this platform and i find it so difficult to work over it…!

  5. Nomi


    I just land on your blog through google, i read many posts of your blog and i found is very informative!
    I recommended your blog to everyone on the Blogging World!!!

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