Have you ever wondered why Lisa Irby, Darren Rowse, Hesham Fathy, Brian Clarke and John Chow are such successful bloggers? Do you think they have some sort of secret formula hiding that they use to make money blogging and to generate such high volume of traffic to their blogs? Have you ever wondered? I am sure you have wondered about this over and over without coming up with the right answers.

Well wonder no more. The secret was in your face all along without you even knowing it or having the slightest clue to what it is. Look a little closer at their blog and you will see it. All of these bloggers provide tips and tricks for you to become a successful blogger just like them. That’s the secret.

If you read these blogs carefully and, follow each and every tip that they provide then you can have great success like them and become a “pro blogger” in no time.

Read And Apply Tips

I am sure you know these top bloggers that I have mentioned above and some time or another you have read their blogs, you might also be a subscriber of their blog. If you do then I am sure that you are getting the secrets from these bloggers.

It very wise to read these blogs and I encourage you to read one or if possible all of these blogs to help you towards your success. You will get inspiration just by spending 10 minutes per visit to these blogs. The only way to get educated about blogging is if you read from the experts. Not only that but you have to apply what you have read.

Way before I started blogging I used to read lots of blogs, especially Lisa Irby’s blog (2createawebsite). I wanted to start my own blog but in order for me to become successful I had to get educated by the expert bloggers, by reading their blog. Before I launched my blog I spent hours on blogs getting tips and watching tutorial videos so that it would be much easier whenever I started blogging.

After I read and knew how to take an approach to blogging I then consulted Lisa Irby on which domain name would be best for my blog. There again I asked someone who was blogging for a long time for help in choosing my domain name, because we all know how important it is when choosing the right name for your blog.

So if you are new to blogging and want to start your own blog, please get educated about blogging so that you don’t make any blogging mistakes and this will also make blogging easier for you.

Imitate These Bloggers

I don’t mean you should copy what these bloggers have written and post it on your blog, because we all know that copying other people’s information and passing it off as your own is wrong, you’ll get nowhere if that’s what you plan to do. I mean you should look at the way these bloggers construct their blog post, follow their writing pattern, add as much energy to their blog post as they do.

If you look at the way these bloggers write, I don’t know about you but for me it helps to boost my energy to blog. I try to immitate these top bloggers because I would like to be a top blogger one day as well.

Blogging isn’t for the weak and that’s why if you immitate these top bloggers it will make you stronger.

Follow Their Recommendations

Most of the times these top bloggers will recommend some sort of plugin to you, an eBook or product which will help you to become successfu and if tou so desire to be auccessful then you would follow their recommendations.

Some of these might be affiliate products which will help these bloggers to become rich. So should you conclude that they only want to make money if you buy this product through their link? No you shouldn’t. These bloggers only recommend things to us that will only bring success or things that will help us to make blogging a bit easier.

One thing I like is that these top bloggers recommend things that they have personally used and won’t ask you to use it if it didn’t work for them. If they recommend something to you that didn’t do what you thought it would, then you and others who followed this recommendation would lose credibility in this blogger.

So don’t be afraid to follow the recommendations of these bloggers, it will help with your blogging success.

Group Discussion

  • Do you still think they are hiding some sort of secret from us?
  • If so, What other secrets do you think these top bloggers are hiding from us?


  1. Reply

    So true. It’s a great idea to understand and to follow the patterns of the online greats. After all, they have much more experience at it than I do and their experience is a valuable resource. I like to follow Lisa Irby, too. You’re also doing an awesome job at setting a pattern for us newer bloggers. I’ve learned a lot from what you’ve written. Thanks for a great article, Kharim!

    • Reply

      I too follow Lisa Irby and she is really great.

      She has helped me with some awesome blogging tips as well and this is why my blog is great to this day.

      Thanks for the comment.

  2. Reply

    Haha, great Question. This question often comes in my mind, there must be surely something the expert bloggers might be hiding, you can say the x factor. It may be something, but if he is a great/ really good blogger, then he wont hide any. But generally what happens is that no one wants to share the secret.

  3. Michael


    I agree with you. Their approach towards blogging lead them towards success. They are not afraid to share their knowledge about something plus the fact they they started the right time when it comes to blogging. I couldn’t imagine what else they contribute to others for them to also be successful like them.

  4. Reply

    Excellent article Kharim. All the bloggers I’m sure, do not miss on writing about tips on how to be like successful like them, how to monetize and so on…and I myself as an avid reader have read a dozen of those articles trying to figure out who offers the better tips. I think the best way is to try what they advise and get back to them in case their strategies do not work for us πŸ™‚

    • Reply

      Hey again Brian, These expert bloggers are really great and its great when we follow their advices and read their blogs. Thanks for the comment.

      Please I am also asking you to make one more comment on my other article:
      5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

  5. charlene


    That’s a very catchy title Kharim! I agree with you that there are really no more unrevealed secrets from other successful bloggers. Blogging itself is not a secret way of earning money, it’s very popular. All we need to do, like what you’ve said, is OBSERVE and IMITATE.

    • Reply

      There is no secret. Hard work is the key to success. With blogging you must be original and create great content. Thanks for the comment Charlene.

      Please I am also asking you to make one more comment on my other article:
      5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

  6. Reply

    These A-listers certainly know what they are doing and they have a lot of good advice to offer. However I do think one of the main reasons that they became so hugely successful is that they got in early.

    While it’s still possible to become well known and make good money from your blog using their techniques, I think it’s almost impossible to get to their level now. There’s just too much competition.

    • Reply

      That’s true Matt… I love reading their blog posts and taking their advice. I hope that you are also doing the same.

      Please I am asking you to also leave a comment on the article link below… Thanks πŸ™‚
      5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

  7. Sonu


    One thing which is very important “Follow Their Recommendations” Mostly people ignore advice from top bloggers

    • Reply

      That is so true Sonu. I follow their tips and it has gotten me this far today. Thanks for the comment.

      Please I am asking you to also leave a comment on the article link below… Thanks πŸ™‚
      5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

  8. Sabrina


    Like you I read Lisa Irby’s blog and I also watched most of her videos on YouTube before launching my blog. I wished I would have listened to one of her most stressed tips and not used free webhosting. I have also learned a lot from some of the other bloggers that you’ve mentioned.

    I think that it is important to look at the advice and tips that they provide. However, we have to keep in mind that some of things that worked for them in the past may not be relevant today especially how fast things are changes. I think finding what works for you personally and being willingly to put in the hard work is the key for success.

    Good Post!

    • Reply

      I used to use free hosting as well and then it messed me up…. My blog got deleted. But I have learned from my mistakes and now enjoying my own self-hosted blog. Thanks again for the comment Sabrina.

      Please I am asking you to also leave a comment on the article link below… Thanks πŸ™‚
      5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

  9. Ben Lang


    Certainly is tough to become as successful as them but hopefully with a lot of hard work it’s possible πŸ™‚

  10. Adrienne


    Hey Kharim,

    I really enjoyed reading this post. And you are SO right. What can we learn from each of these people because they have reached that level of success.

    I try to put my energy into each post I write as well as help others learn and hopefully teach them something along the way. I have visited each of these bloggers at one time or another but am not a frequent subscriber. I’m sure paying more attention to what they are sharing will benefit me as well.

    Thanks for pointing this out and again, really great post!


    • John


      I wish there was some secret they were hiding. Unfortunately the secret is only hard work and the savvy to capitalize on that hard work. Aw, shucks.

      Man it would be great if there was that “Easy Button” to success, though πŸ™‚

      Great piece, man.

      • Reply

        LOL πŸ˜€ Me to John… But the secret as you say is hard work, and if you put in the time and effort then it will pay off greatly in the end.

        Thanks for your comment.

  11. Andrew Handley


    I like this post Kharim; it’s true that imitating people who are good at what you want to do is a great way to be successful. However, no matter who is giving you information, it’s always best to look further into it, especially if it involves dishing out some money

    “These bloggers only recommend things to us that will only bring success or things that will help us to make blogging a bit easier.”

    To me that sounds like horrible advice. Nobody became successful in ANY field just by doing what other people said.

  12. Jeremy


    I believe their secret method is continuously showing their success proof, unique and good content. Truthfully speaking, sometimes, I don’t like the content at Hesham blog much, but because of his design is kind of unique, it makes me remember more about the blog. In addition, he continuously showed social proof, how much he earn and inspire people πŸ™‚

    • Reply

      Thanks for the comment Jeremy. Hesham’s blog is great and full of great blogging tips that will help you to become a successful blogger. I think you should subscribe to his blog to get it delivered to you if you don’t want to go directly on the blog to read.

  13. William Tha Great


    Hey Kharim,

    I remember when I first started out blogging I wanted to build a blog just like the blogs that made it look so easy. The thing is that you can’t see all the hard work they put into building their blogs up to where they are now. I don’t believe in imitating, copying, or anything of that sort. I believe in making your own path in the snow. You have to work hard at figuring out what works best for you, because what works for another person might not also work for you. It is wise of you to always consider their help, or the help of anyone for that matter. Those top bloggers know excatly what their talking about. I believe they made it where they are at through trial & error. You have to fail, and then get back up and learn from your mistakes.

    God bless,
    William Veasley

    • Reply

      Hey William, I also wanted to build a blog that was really unique and one that people would flock to. But yes hard work is the key to become successful like these expert bloggers. Once they can do it then we can do it as well.

      Thanks for the comment.

      • William Tha Great


        I don’t plan on letting anything stop me from making it to the top. One day at a time I will work hard, and only pushing myself with each passing day.

        God bless,
        William Veasley

        • Reply

          Same here William. Even though I am hardly online at times and that makes it kinda hard for me, I refuse to give up. Thanks for your kind comment.

          Please I am asking you to also leave a comment on the article link below… Thanks πŸ™‚
          5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

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