Marketing a business has become tremendously important for every business these days. Doesn’t matter whether you have started a small consulting business, opened a cafe, or a shop, you need to constantly look for ways to attract business by bringing in the target audience. 

According to the stats, around 97% of people discover local businesses online more than from anywhere else. And if you are not following any local small business marketing strategies you are losing a high-end customer base. 

Going online doesn’t mean you need to spend a lot of budgets but now it is also possible to target your market according to your budget depending upon which platform is your customer-specific. 

Here are a few strategies that you can look upon this year to market your business to save you money!

Set your goal and budget: 

The very step of marketing is defining your goals while strategizing your budget. In order to decide it, you need to confirm from your end a question i.e. “What do you want?” that makes you decide what is important to you; Are you looking for brand awareness? Do you desire to maximize local exposure? 

Once you get to know all the answers, you will begin with the next step that is small business marketing strategies. 

 Best ways to market a small business

  • Gain the interest of your audience on one social media platform:

Winning user’s interests is easy but hard and time-consuming as well. So, it is best to focus on a particular social media channel. For example, if your followers are following you on Instagram and not retweeting you much on twitter and liking Facebook posts then you must give your all the attention to the Instagram page.

To make sure which social media platform is full of your target audiences you need to analyze your current social media presence. To do so, there are several tools like Hootsuite, Hubspot, and app like groost. that you can take advantage of. It will help you target your audiences if you even don’t know what strategy you must follow. All your guidance will be available on the tool or app itself. Allowing you to forget about hiring a third party for handling your social media account.

  • Add a blog page on your site and update it regularly:

Blogging is the best way to gain users’ interest organically without paying anybody anything. If you can write it is best otherwise you just require a writer who can write about your business-related things.  It is the best strategy for branding for marketing for small business owners.  In this section, you can demonstrate your services in a different way than gain users’ interest. 

You can use your blog right from advising anything to award announcements. But make sure quality content which not be plagiarised and have SEO based keywords i.e. LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) to rank your website to be Google SERP (search engine result page).

What to ensure for keyword research if you want to perform on your own?

If you are not aware of SEO terms than you don’t need to worry; it is a big term. But for small business internet marketing, you can perform a few tricks at your home without hiring third party trough tools and apps.  Using such tools will let you understand what phrases or keywords are used by your targeting (it means what are the keywords or sentence your customers are searching in Google search engine).

After analyzing the keywords from social media you can then use them on your content to make discover by your audiences. 

Make sure to use the Keywords in the title tags (Titles that you will give to blog), body content (the keywords must be in paragraphs giving meaning to the whole paragraph otherwise don’ use to just add it), headings, image file names, and meta description (The information you see in Google when you search about something just below the title) so that search engines can check that your content is relevant according to audience search.

  • Go with LInkedin ads/ Google Adwords

If you have a business that can advertise on Google then don’t let your competitor rule LinkedIn platform or go with Google Ads. Just try to be the one who can bring regularly new marketing approaches and think differently. Have the confidence to become a unicorn among donkeys.

Not only just show your audience why your business is awesome but why it is head-and-shoulders above everyone else.

Wrapping up:

There are many strategies out there but the above-mentioned one is worth considering. Try to learn just basic and take help from tools as you never know which channel or strategy among these few have the potential to skyrocket your growth this year.

Try to get your business answers about what you want. Don’t wait to apply these marketing strategies for small businesses even if you are marketing a new business.


  1. Reply

    This blog is a very nice and lovely. I do really have fun reading this post and also reading the comments. I’ve learned a lot from this article that’s why I really love this. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  2. Reply

    The thing we must all remember about advertising on social media is that it’s still “social” media. The hint is in the title there.

    We must connect with our prospects as if we were meeting them at a house party. You wouldn’t dive into a pitch at a party, so don’t do it here.

    Only seek to find a mutual connection, then take it off the platform when you’re both ready to move forward to the next stage. Seek permission, don’t force it. Consent is a wonderful thing.

  3. Reply

    Great article Kharim! I really thought ruling LinkedIn or advertising on Google ads was spot on. I came across this article that might be helpful to readers since this article mentions LinkedIn.

  4. Reply

    Hello Kharim
    I got great insights from reading your article, I was just thinking to do Linkedin ads and claimed my 50$ ad credits. I don’t know what approach to take running ads on Linkedin. If you have any additional tricks, please do a post about it.
    By the way, I loved this phrase in your copy: ” Have the confidence to become a unicorn among donkeys.” 🙂

  5. Reply

    This playful trick is a lot outside of my box, but I can see it being applied in my writing in small doses. I do have one piece I feel is stodgy. I’m comfortable with it, but I could throw in a few hops, skips, and jumps, to make it more worthy of the space it is taking. 🙂 Thanks for the valuable info.

  6. Reply

    Good job on this topic! In today’s age, it’s almost impossible to improve your business without a social media presence. May be its best clarifications I’ve read regarding social media field. Social media is definitely something that a lot of businesses haven’t fully utilized. Thanks so much for the tips!

  7. Reply

    First of all I thanks a lot to you for sharing such great information. I am glad to visit and read your blog. This is really helpful and interesting content for new bloggers. Once again thanks for sharing strategies for running small business. Keep continuing to share.

  8. Reply

    Such a great share. I am glad to visit and read your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful thoughts with us and help us to understand the strategies for small businesses. I really appreciate your advice and I found it very helpful as well as I will definitely use these guides in my content.

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