The phrase “time is money” was never truer than when referring to the time you waste performing mundane but necessary tasks. Making Phone calls, clearing out your email inbox, posting social media updates and scheduling meetings are all essential aspects of your work, but hardly worth what you charge for your hourly rate. However, with the right mobile apps, computer software and the help of a virtual assistant, you can be super organized while reserving your valuable time for work that puts money in your pocket.

Don’t expect to achieve freedom from drudgery for free. You may be able to score some useful mobile phone apps or computer software for little or no money, but others will require a significant investment. Be prepared to pay a good salary for the services of the highest-skilled and reliable virtual assistants as well. Even so, the money you spend will be a bargain.

Once you’ve set up your apps and software and chosen one or more virtual assistants, your operation should run smoothly with little or no supervision from you. However, you must be prepared to invest the necessary time and effort up front to set things up. Ensure that each app and software program you obtain is worth installing on your mobile phone or your computer. Vet potential virtual assistants with thorough background checks and in-depth discussions about how they work and how you expect tasks to be done. After all, you will be trusting this person with crucial personal and work-related data.

The Lazy Geek’s Guide to Outsourcing Everything [Infographic] by Who Is Hosting This: The Blog


  1. merry


    yes, sometimes i am feel lazy to do anything, i just want lay down and relax. thank you for sharing this article

  2. Pramod


    Hi mate !
    Mindblowing is the only word that can describe this infographic.This infographic has made me aware of the points i had no idea about.Thanks a ton mate for sharing this infographic with us.


  3. Samir


    Awesome infographics, yes time is really important for all specially for blogger. But using these gadgets like computer, mobiles and etc will make us more busier and lazy. Apps for scheduling the tasks are also helpful.

    • Reply

      Hey Samir,

      I love using my mobile on the go. This helps me to stay connected to my social media networks and also when it comes to checking my emails.

      Thanks for the comment and all the best to you.

  4. Sekhar


    Good post, The only work I would like to outsource as of now would be “Managing Social Media”. I spent a lot of hour every day on social media site.

  5. John Zee


    Great and informative insight of outsourcing ,, The buffer app especially is a good app to schedule our messages ..

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