Plugins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine. Plugins Directory has some 8,830 plugins and 81,433,552 downloads, and counting. That’s really great.

I have some WordPress plugins that I use on this blog to make it user friendly, SEO friendly, and much more. I am going to share with you my 18 favorite WordPress Plugins. This may seem like a large list but all I have to say is, the more the merrier. 🙂

  • All In One SEO – This SEO plugin will help your blog to rank better in search engines. (Downloads: Over 4,716,659)
  • CommentLuv – Plugin to show a link to the last post from the commenters blog by parsing the feed at their given URL when they leave a comment. Rewards your readers and encourage more comments. CommentLuv Website(Downloads: Over 155,373)
  • Feed2tweet – Automatically tweet post as they are published to my twitter account (Downloads: Over 3,305)
  • Google Analytics for WordPress – This plugin makes it simple to add Google Analytics with extra search engines and automatic clickout and download tracking to your WordPress blog. (Downloads: Over 848,135)
  • Google XML Sitemaps – This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and to better index your blog. (Downloads: Over 3,290,571)
  • LinkWithin – Displays recommended stories and associated thumbnails from your blog. (Downloads: Over 5,542)
  • Popular Posts – Displays a highly configurable list of the most popular posts. (Downloads: Over 48,352)

  • SexyBookmarks – SexyBookmarks adds a (X)HTML compliant list of social bookmarking icons to each of your posts. (Downloads: Over 208,530)
  • Top Commentators Widget – Adds a sidebar widget to show the top commentators in your WP site. Adapted from Show Top Commentators plugin. (Downloads: 42,998)
  • TweetMeme Retweet Button – Adds a button which easily lets you retweet your blog posts. (Downloads: Over 224,221)
  • Twitterlink Comments – Plugin to show a link to follow the comment author on twitter if they have entered in their username at least once in the comment form. (Downloads: 3,733)
  • Stats – Tracks views, post/page views, referrers, and clicks. (Downloads: 1,440,151)
  • WordPress Automatic Upgrade – WordPress Automatic Upgrade allows a user to automatically upgrade the wordpress installation to the latest one provided by using the 5 steps. (Downloads: Over 370,743)
  • WP-PageNavi – Adds a more advanced paging navigation to your WordPress blog. (Downloads: Over 627,792)
  • WP Greet Box – Show a different message to your visitor depending on which site they are coming from. For example, you can ask Digg visitors to Digg your post, Google visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed, and more! Best of all, this plugin is compatible with various WordPress cache plugins. (Downloads: Over 129,620)
  • WP Super Cache – Very fast caching plugin for WordPress. (Downloads: Over 1,117,307)
  • WPtouch iPhone Theme – A plugin which formats your site with a mobile theme for the Apple iPhone / iPod touch, Google Android, Palm Pre and other touch-based smartphones. (Downloads: Over 631,981)
  • Xhanch – My Twitter – Twitter plugin for wordpress that displays your latest tweets. (Downloads 3,334)

Well if you liked my list of plugins, I have made it even easier for you. I have zipped all of these plugins mentioned above so you can download them. 🙂

Click HERE to download the plugins package (Size: 4.8 MB)

Share with us, what plugins do you use on your blog.
Leave your comments in the comment section below. 🙂 Thank you.


  1. Liinda


    Really cool list here I must confess being blogging for a while now yet I didn’t even know most of these wordpress plugins even existed. One is going to be quite helpful to now which is the PageNavi plugin. Thanks alot

  2. Lorenzo


    I use Redirection and Widget Logic on my sites. Redirection is useful for quickly fixing 404 errors. I use Widget Logic to assign a certain widget to a WP page or post.

  3. Zeeshan


    I don’t know why people still use All In One SEO when they have this amazing plugin known as Yoast.

  4. Mohsin Ali


    I prefer nrelates plugin over Linkwithin as it will give lots of option to customize.

  5. Joe


    I forgot to mention, I have one plugin that I use absolutely everywhere to help manage my linkjuice, and I thought I would share it.

    It is called “meta robots”, and it allows you to turn assign the tags and/or categories “noindex” value so that you can control the landing page from the search engines.


  6. Joe


    You hit a home run with this list Kharim. I use most of the plugins you mentioned, and people new to WordPress could use this recommendation as a startup guide.

    I have found that Headspace2 incorporates a few of these, and is billed as the successor to “all in one seo pack”.

    Do you guys use this as well?


  7. Gonzalo Neer


    Nothing beats the WordPress plugins all are truly useful and effcetive. Commentluv is the best because it allows you to view tour recent visited post. This is great thanks for the post.

  8. Thomas O'Hearn


    LOL. Kharim, I spent an hour last night searching for a plugin I wanted for my blog. I’m searching “popular posters,” and variations of that. “Top posters.”

    Top CommenTATOR. Got it. So thankful. Great list.

  9. Bob Brown


    You are right. The more the merrier, there are so many plug-ins ever exists. I love all the wordpress plug-ins, all are very worthy. Thanks for providing this information, this is truly helps.

  10. Brayden


    Many wordpress plug-ins are existing right now and these are commonly use by famous bloggers who experience traffic to their sites. This plug-ins are all so good and it helps more.

  11. Marketing Philosophy


    Very usefull list of wordpress plugins thanks for sharing!

  12. abhilash


    it is ver nice list .. i used 10 plugin in this list ..
    i will give try rest of plugin
    thanx for this post

  13. Mba in Delhi


    SEO By Yoast is Better Then – All in One seo
    It gives you more options , Suggestions etc

  14. DamonDay


    Hello Kharim,
    I have most of those plugins but not the wp super cache. I am going to have to check that out because my site is very slow and I know google looks at load speed. Can you tell me what plugin you use for a back up solution? I used to use WP backup and it would email me weekly backups. Ever since I upgraded to WP 3.0 the email function no longer works and the backup seems to time out now before it finishes.

    It used to work smoothly in the background and now I think I just need to find a better solution. Any suggestions? Thanks

    Also I see you just got the new version of commentluv, I am going to head over to register on your site. I am about to download the new version myself. How are you liking it?

  15. Cindy Seipel


    Thanks for sharing – I love to see what others are using to spiff up their blogs and make them more powerful. It’s a learning experience!

  16. Sergfalix


    Great collection of plugins!

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  17. Carla from seo packages


    Nice article Kharim.
    Most people these days seem to use other systems like WordPress.
    WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platform available on the internet today.
    Many smart marketers have used WordPress to promote their business and products online.
    It’s extremely flexible and powerful.

    Other benefits of using WordPress to create your business website is that you don’t need to know a single html code.
    In fact, as long as you know how to use Microsoft Word processor such as MS Word, you would be able to use WordPress.

  18. Reply

    Hi, Kharim. This was a very informative post. I just migrated to self hosted WP a few weeks ago and I am currently using a lot of the plug ins that you described. I’m learning as I go along. I found your blog through the #blogchat thread on Twitter and I will continue to pass by and check out your posts. The question is, why aren’t you following me back on Twitter yet? Wink, wink. Looking forward to your tweets and to learning more from your posts.


    • Reply

      Thanks for the comment Maria 🙂

      Glad to see that you have started your blog and it seems that you are enjoying it already. Nice that you are using most of the plugins mentioned here 😉 Now following you on Twitter 🙂

  19. YaGirlNextDoor


    Great list for those who wonder what pugins can add and help build up their blogs. I use these also and they are almost must haves now. Great job of puttin them together in a a zip file for that one time upload.

  20. Nanci Murdock


    I love all these WP-plugins as well. A few of them I hadn’t heard of, so thanks very much. I would like to add broken link checker. It is a free plug in that will e-mail you every day (or you can use it after each post as a tool) to fix all your broken links. What I love about it, is that you can fix them right from the plug in dashboard and not have to visit the individual posts/pages for fixing.

    Thanks again,


  21. Bruce Serven


    Great list Kharim.

    One question though… What plugin are you using to do the author bio box at the end of your post (where it says your name and description along with “Kharim has written 51 awesome articles”)? I’ve searched on the WP site but can’t seem to find that plugin.


    • Reply

      Thanks for the comment Bruce… The author box is not a plugin. Check the 2 links below on how to add it to your blog 🙂

      How to Add an About Author Box in the Post Footer in WordPress

      How to Add an About Author Box in Thesis 1.6

  22. Eugene


    Thank you for this blog post, great info. But I’ve a question for you, I have a blog that is hosted on WordPress, can I put any of these widgets on there?
    Please email me with an answer,
    .-= Eugene´s last blog ..your SEO questions =-.

    • Reply

      Hey Eugene. I am not sure but I think you can use them. To be sure check the dos and don’t of the Why not go to self hosted?

      • Eugene


        Thank you for your response. I checked and it does appear that in order to use any WordPress plugin, the blog has to be hosted on your server…
        As far as the reason that I want my blog to remain hosted on WordPress, wordpress hosted blogs are easier to market as far as SEO and get more juice from Google. WP blogs get crawled faster and rank higher in Google results from my experience.
        If you have any research on this I’d love to read it!
        .-= Eugene´s last blog ..your SEO questions =-.

        • Barbara



          You’re correct; the free blogs available at do not allow plugins as multiple users could possibly be affected by a conflict if someone installed a bad plugin.

          The suggestion was to go to a ‘self-hosted’ version of WordPress. This is sort of confusing terminology but means you would find a hosting provider, preferably one who offers an easy setup for wordpress, and pay a monthly hosting fee for your site.

          If you think the benefits of WP on the free version are good for Google, the self hosted variety is head and shoulders above it. You can import your current WP site into the hosted version using an import tool in admin…and then start installed plugins of your choosing.

          I do resell for a hosting provider, but primarily to get clients onboard with a company that has a quick and easy setup. Check out – inexpensive, great Customer Service and very simple setup; login to the Control Panel, click the WP icon and in minutes your site is setup.

          I advise either setting up with a different domain name or have their CS help you revise it to an IP address; then you can have it running while setting up and not have it be your live site until you transfer your posts from the free version.

          I’m doing this for clients and the increase in their traffic shows that there is almost as big a difference in moving from free to hosted WP as there is in moving from Blogger to WP.

          Hope that helps!
          .-= Barbara @ VinoLuciStyle´s last undefined ..Response cached until Sat 24 @ 20:23 GMT (Refreshes in 3.63 Hours) =-.

  23. Barbara


    I use some of your most popular plugins for myself and clients. I do have a food blog but also build WP sites for other bloggers and the first one I include is the Ozh Drop Down Menu. It revises your menu to a horizontal menu with drop down sub menu items; so much easier to navigate. I also use Ozh Better Feed; allows me to determine where to truncate my posts for a partial feed.

    Last, but not least, I use List Category Post for all my food blogging sites. Allows a short code to be inserted on a page that will then list posts from that category; perfect to list recipes from a variety of categories on food blogging sites but certainly useful for similar needs for other purposes too.

  24. andy


    Hi Shane,

    I appreciate that you posted this. I was inspired by today’s post at and have been looking for other people’s opinions on the best plugins.

    Have a good day!

  25. Jose Baters


    Hey, I found your blog in a new directory of blogs. I dont know how your blog came up, must have been a typo, anyway cool blog, I bookmarked you. 🙂

  26. MrsMoody


    All in one SEO, CommentLuv Google analytics, Google XML sitemaps, Wp-supercache, and many more 🙂
    Good night lovely people, going to zzzzz its 21.44 in Germany 🙂
    .-= MrsMoody´s last blog ..Customize permalink for SEO purpose =-.

  27. MrsMoody


    Cool plugins, i have some, others i don’t. But fixed social button is my newest plug in now, it’s pretty cool 🙂
    .-= MrsMoody´s last blog ..Customize permalink for SEO purpose =-.

  28. build a niche store


    i must say your favorite wordpress plugins are too good and many of them are also my favorite like LinkWithin and All In One SEO.
    thanks for sharing:)

    • Reply

      Thanks very much @MikeMiller

      Those are my favourite plugins. Without them my blog skeleton wouldn’t be able to stand up 😀

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