Welcome To My Resources Page

I have made this page to show you the list of products, services and free tools that I have personally used to make my blog a success. I guarantee that if you use these resources listed below then you too will have great success in making your blog the next big thing.

Please check the tools that I use below and you too can feel free to use them for making a successful website or blog.


WordPress Hosting


There is no better way to start your blog by getting your very own hosting. I am always telling my blog readers to stay away from free hosting because you get better customer service and better quality with paid hosting.

There are many places that you can host your blog, but I recommend the you use Host Gator.

HostGator has been around since 2002 and has been a world-leading provider of web hosting service. So why wouldn’t you want to be apart of this great hosting service?

HostGator has hosting as cheap as $4.95 – CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? As cheap as $4.95

Check out the price lists below:

    Hatchling Plan (Starting at $4.95/month)
    Baby Plan (Starting at $7.95/month)
    Business Plan (Starting at $12.95/month)

If you order your hosting package now and use this coupon code below. I will give you a discount of $9.94 off the package price.
Coupon Code: websuccess

Click HERE To Order Now

 WordPress Plugins

These are the list of WordPress plugins that I use on my blog.

  • CommentLuv Premium – This is a great plugin to help boost comments on your blog posts. What this plugin does is to reward your commentators with a link back to their blog. Rewarding your commentators with backlinks also helps to build a great community around your blog.

Make Money Blogging

We all want to make money blogging right?

  • Google Adsense – Google Adsense is a paid per click program and a great way to make money money especially if your blog has tons of traffic. Place Google Adsense on your blog and each time a visitor clicks on your Google Ads you get paid.
  • BuySellAds – If you want to make money from your blog then you can sell advertisements on your blog for whatever price you want. BuySellAds is a great marketplace where buyers and sellers can go to if they wish to buy or sell advertisements.

Boost Your Blog Traffic

Without traffic then our blog is lonely. Here are a list of tools that you can use to boost your blog traffic.

  • BroadedNet – Broaded is a blog promotion platform which allows you to drive traffic to your blog from other blogs in your niche without the use of social media or search engines. This is real human traffic from other blogs. This is one of my top tools for building traffic for my blog.

Email Marketing

If your blog is loved by many then they will want to subscribe to it. Here are some tools that you can use to grab some subscribers and to build your mailing list.

  • AWeber.com – It is always great to have a mailing list for your blog so that you can allow your visitors to subscribe to your blog. A mailing list is good for both traffic and making money. So why not start your mailing list today? I encourage you to use AWeber, its a great service for building your list.

Try Aweber for FREE Today!


Twitter Tools

  • Twitter.com – I use Twitter to market my blog, and market my affiliate links. I also use it to communicate with some of my blog readers, other bloggers and friends. Follow me on Twitter @KharimTommlinson
  • TweetDeck – This is also a great way to use Twitter to handle your @replies. This is a really great desktop application.
  • CoTweet – This is an online based Twitter application that I use CoTweet to schedule my tweet.



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