This guest contribution was submitted by Pamelia Brown, who specializes in writing about associates degree.

As the blogosphere continues to expand, more and more people are turning to blogging to advance their businesses, share their opinions and explore their creativity. With this informal medium, you can post whatever you want over the internet without going through the same stringent editing standards that you would have to in print media. Because of this, many bloggers know how to produce content without really knowing how to write well at all.

Part of producing high quality content is making your posts look as professional and polished as possible. Here are three habits that can help anyone write perfect posts:

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Three Wonderful Writing Habits

Proofread. How many times have you reread something more than once, saw nothing wrong with it, only to later notice an obvious typo after you already posted it? This is common. Although we go over things with a fine toothed comb, we can still miss errors. There are two remedies for this. First, you can have someone else proofread it for you. Because blog posts tend to be on the short side, you can probably have a friend or colleague read it and return it to you within hours or even minutes. The second choice is to print out your post and read it on paper. This can make a huge difference, as seeing the words in print instead of on the computer screen allows you to see mistakes much more clearly.

Tighten. While we were in school, we were told to expand on our sentences with adjectives, adverbs and fancy phrases like “therefore” and “in conclusion.” A blog post is not a dissertation, so less is more if you want to hold onto a reader’s attention. You can tighten your work by eliminating those extra words. You’ll also want to avoid being redundant or getting off topic. The more focused your post looks, the more professional it looks.

Have a clear beginning, middle and end. One of the reasons that people enjoy reading stories is because they know what they’re going to get out of it: a clear beginning, middle and end. Your blog posts should also follow this format. You should start your post with a promise to your readers regarding a topic. The middle of the post has that topic explored in more detail. When they get to the end of your post, your readers should feel like they’ve accomplished what your post’s headline promised to offer them. You can create a small outline before you start writing so that you have an idea of how to start, what points to make, and how to wrap it up.

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In Conclusion…

These three habits can help you in writing more polished, professional posts. Anyone can create high quality blog posts with good content as long as they go that extra mile to make sure they’re as close to perfect as possible.


  1. Mika Castro


    The three writing habits to produce professional post is awesome! I am sure that this habits will come to an end successful because as a reader, this is a satisfactory guaranteed project especially for beginners.

  2. Reply

    I’ve also noticed that printing an article out helps me proof it better. And I agree with you – edit, edit, edit….and then edit some more for a great article.

  3. Reply

    You’ve laid out some very good points.

    We all know how much of a difference to the meaning a typo can make. I think sometimes we are so used to some of our mistakes that we actually consider it as correct, grammatical and typographical errors. That’s what proofreading is for, to avoid these from happening.

  4. Petre


    I think the most important thing about writing a post is having a clear beginning, that will capture the reader’s attention and if he thinks it’s good enough he will continue reading the rest of the post.

  5. SeoDezin


    With a good start of an article you can focus the attention of the reader. I always write the most necessary part of the article at the beginning.

  6. Thiru


    Great tips here, I always used to fail proof read my post which is not possible in my hurry schedule. Need to change it.. Great tips here.

  7. Reply

    Hi Pamelia,

    Since I am fairly new to blogging, I have a question for you. Right now I am not sure whether to make my blog personal, or write in the third person as I was taught in school growing up. Do you think making blogs personal (using I, Me, Us, Our) is beneficial for a blog or does it hurt it just like it hurt essays when we use to write in grade school.

  8. Reply

    Hello Pamelia,

    Personally I 100% agree with you on your initial opening statement that businesses are marketing with blogs more and more now. I started up a program over at blog engage ( a social network I own for bloggers) that meets the needs of these businesses and for a few dollars I offer a great service to help promote and build brand awareness for these blogs.

    So far I have seen some really great content coming from blogs so I think they are using your advice and putting much attention to the quality of their blogs content. Ironically enough I think business blogs will start setting the stages for expected quality content on a blogging personal level.

    In other words I think business blogs will bring much more respect to the blogosphere then we’ve had over the past 5 or 10 years. I can’t wait until this starts going mainstream I’m so excited for it all.

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