1. Tuan


    To measure website speed, I just recommend the Pingdom tools as they are much more accurate than iwebtool. We can see which elements are slowing our web pages and take action immediately.
    Thanks for sharing other tools also.

  2. Karl Hadwen


    Hey Kharim,

    Great set of tools for every site owner here. Everybody should be using Feedburner as it’s great for collecting RSS subscribers and very easy in terms of analytics. Also Firebug is fantastic for Firefox, shame there’s not a similar version for Chrome, the Chrome version is really awful, hopefully they bring something better out.

    Great set of tools,

  3. Reply

    Nice list but I rely more on Desktop Tools so that I can access it offline too..
    here are few which I use:
    Windows live writer
    feed demon
    Polaris for Google analytic
    Nifty stats

  4. Thomas


    Well heck, everyone else was posting their results, haha…

    Domain name Size Load Time Average Speed per KB
    FavTrip.com 62.83 KB 0.55 seconds 0.01 seconds

  5. Karl Hadwen


    Hey Kharim,

    Thanks for all the tools, just used the speed test for my website and got a speed of 0.79 seconds, pretty impressive.


  6. Thomas


    Being able to use the website speed tool and check multiple domains is great. Thanks so much.

    Now if only my best site didn’t take double the time to load as all my others! Haha.

  7. Reply

    Kharim, thanks for sharing what looks to be some pretty darn useful tools. I know a few of them, but will be checking the rest out!

  8. Reply

    Just re site counters: One of the best is Stat Counter. Gives you heaps of information, and you get three counters free. Gostats is good too.

  9. Reply

    Useful tip Kharim!

    I didn’t know the color tool, it is my new found tool now, thanks to you!

    My fav tools so far are feedburner, iwebtool, and firebug, also google analytics 🙂

  10. Reply

    I could really use Website Speed Test tool & Stylesheet Code Generator. Other than that, I am already using tools like Feedburner, Twitterfeed, Sitecounter & Analytics.

  11. Reply

    I happened to stumble upon Firebug some months ago and I have to say that it proved to be one of the best tools a webmaster can have. It is great since you don’t have to change the real HTML code and you can test pretty much every CSS modification that comes to your mind.

  12. valentine


    Hi Kharim,
    Thanks for sharing these awsome list, I haven’t use some of them but am gonna try it now.

    Thanks for providing your readers this information!.

  13. YaGirlNextDoor


    Is it safe to say Firefox is your preferred browser of use? I recently had both Firefox and Chrome and now no pc. They seem to disagree with each other.

  14. Imran Yousaf


    Kharim, FireBug is my favorite plugin for firefox. Firebug for firefox has more power as compared to firebug for chrome. So it means you are also using the firebug cuz, I can see the traces of its usage 😉 Your custom subscription widget. Cheers my friend.

  15. Reply

    I’ve heard and do use quite a few of these that you have listed and find them extremely useful, but I’ve not heard of WuFoo, so that’s one that I’ll have to go and check out 😉

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