Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the process of enhancing the visibility of a web page or website in order to increase traffic to that website. SEO is very useful to companies as they will be able to attract more people to their website, thereby making their products or services popular. Here are a few strategies which will help in your efforts.

SEO Tip 1#:Know Your Targeted Audience

If you want to have an effective SEO strategy, the first thing you need to make sure is to be familiar with your target audience. Defining target audience would include determining their age, sex, needs and geographic locations. Knowing your target audience is significant for producing relevant content for the website. Knowing he audience is also important for integrating the right keywords in the content. Hence identifying your target audience and being familiar their needs and demands is an important aspect that will help SEO in any other city.


SEO Tip 2#:Keyword Research

Next step you need to focus on is the keyword. It is important to integrate relevant and most popular keywords to your content. Although many people may need your product or service, it is not necessary that they know the precise name of the service or product you offer. So if you have the right keywords, your content will be in the top of the search list when the prospective customer runs a search.

When you have chosen the right keyword, the next important thing is to insert the keyword at the right place. Search engine experts affirm that if you have the keywords as title tag, the search engines will easily locate your website. It is also possible for you to use the keywords in the navigating links. But make sure that it makes perfect sense when you integrate the keywords in the navigating links.

SEO Tip #3:Choose A Domain Name

After choosing the keyword, the next step is to select a relevant domain name. There are two different ways to select a domain name. One is to use the keywords as the domain name. But the problem with choosing the keywords as the domain name is that since the keywords are hugely popular they may already be used as the domain name by some other sites. The second option is to use the brand or company name as the domain name. If your company or product name is unique, you can have it as the domain name.

SEO Tip #4: Diversity

Diversity is important to SEO. If you have different contents designed to optimize the site, you can easily fetch the attraction of the people. If you are using different contents like pictures or videos along with written content, you will be able to attract those people who aren’t exactly looking for written content.

If you keep in mind these things, you will be able to increase traffic to your site using the SEO in any other city.

In addition, Keywords, SEO URL and Headlines is another way to get targeted search engine traffic.

Patrick LeMay works for Wolf21 Inc, which is an integrated Social Media Marketing company providing marketing solutions online for business owners and business professionals acrossToronto,Ontario,Canada.


  1. aziz


    Nice article,well written and composed,very useful tips about SEO and improving ranking tips are unique,target audience tip is great,Thank for sharing.Great job.

  2. Neil Edward


    i think these are the important SEO Strategies.that we have to keep in mind.
    thanks for writing this article

  3. Roy Marvelous


    What if you already have a domain name. Should you create a second domain name to point to it?

  4. Latief


    Awesome article! Simple but really useful for everyone, thanks for remind me about diversity bro! Great! I need to looking my contents after writing this comment πŸ™‚

  5. Hendrik


    This is a good post. I liked the 1st point. Knowing your audience is very essential if you want to product any product, not only your website. Only then you can customize your site for the targeted audience. However, newbies who enter into this internet marketing in search of some extra money ignore these basics and learn the lesson the hard way.

    I appreciate your effort to steer newbies.

  6. sai


    google keywordtool is worked well for my site.its help me to choose the trending keywords for better search rankings.nice info πŸ™‚

  7. John


    Another strategy I would like to mention is to mix up your link building campaign because it is important to have dofollow/nofollow links mixed up instead of focusing on massive dofollow links.

    The more natural your campaign, the better results you get.

  8. Asim Jofa


    Took me time to read most the remarks, but I really appreciated the post. It proved to be Very useful to me and I am confident to just about all the commenter here! It’s always nice when you can not merely be enlightened, but additionally entertained! I’m sure you had fun writing this kind of post.

  9. Healthy Lifestyle


    this really a great info and tips in SEO big help..thanks for sharing this information…thumbs up..!!

  10. Christian Esperar


    SEO really matters most when you have a website. Almost all sites in WWW are doing SEO and big companies pay an SEO expert just to make sure that there site will be uprank there competitors. This can help your site improve there ranking in SERP especially if the site name is TLD.

  11. Azhar


    According to my experience keyword research is back bone of SEO but which one keyword research tool you suggest?

    • dhanna


      I think she have mentioned it at the Diversity part. Images and videos are now use in getting more backlinks by posting it on your blog posts. I’ve read a lot of article about video marketing and putting links on images, quite a good tip other than pure boring texts on the content.

      The article tackles the important part of SEO, well the keyword is nevertheless top on my list.

  12. Reply

    Your second tip – keyword research – is one of the best ways to gain a competitive advantage, in my opinion, because it helps you spot opportunities that your competitors may not be on to yet. Once you go beyond the core keywords and start getting into the lower volume queries, you can start to see gems that others aren’t wasting time on yet.

  13. Floyd Andrews


    Some people would actually look more into the visuals rather than the text content. You may have very useful text written all over the place, but if the visitors do not like what they see, they’ll look for another site that looks a lot more interesting. Make those designs, but don’t go overboard!

  14. andreas


    Thank you for sharing this insightful post! The best domain name comes with a “.COM”. Most website comes with .com. And domain names should be 1) easy to remember 2) and related to your product or to the content of your website.

  15. Reply

    I’ve seen so many of these kind of articles but it never gets old, that’s how important I think SEO is. I believe choosing the right niche and domain for us might be the most critical decision that we will ever make when it comes to starting a website. They will determine how well we will do in the future, so we should choose wisely because most of our SEO depends on it.

  16. steve


    Good tips especially for newbies. From the start of building a new website, It is very important to choose the right keywords for the domain. And after that, working on the content with the right keywords also. It’s all very essential for SEO.

    • Reply

      ComLuv is a fantastic tool which I have been using for my sites keyword link building campaigns. Your sites receive great quality backlinks from high PR sites just like this one.

  17. Megan Brown


    Excellent Tips. All are highly important and effective too and not a single one is neglected.

    Thanks a lot for this important sharing.

  18. Stephan Hilson


    It is true knowing your audience is definitely important. I am not sure what I am going to do with keyword research but I guess it wouldn’t hurt if I will try to learn it. I’ve learn the importance of having a good domain name just recently when someone that I know was very successful in a website because of this. Perhaps I will try to diversify my contents. Thanks for sharing the article.

  19. Murray Lunn


    I couldn’t agree more about knowing your audience.

    I did an audit for one of my websites and found I was gong after an entirely wrong audience; once I shifted the tone and style of my content, I saw the traffic start to jump up because I was using the copy people wanted to hear (and used to find information online).

  20. Gary barnes


    Currently, i am using SEO. Really these tips are very effective to increase site traffic. Help me a lot. Now more people are visiting my site. Thanks for sharing such a useful information.

  21. Aaron


    Seo process starts right from selecting your domain name, choosing your targeting keywords and then start working on link building process.

  22. Marketing Philosophy


    Keyword research and diversity are the keys when it comes to SEO, of course someone should not focus only on On-Page SEO but should think about Off-Page SEO too which is probably more effective if you want to rank high on search engines. The best way to have the best results is to work on both On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO…

    Kostas | Opportunities Planet

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