Search engine traffic is one of the best type of traffic to have coming to your blog. Why is this so? This is called targeted traffic because people search for things related to your blog, and your blog becomes a target for them. These type of people is called targeted traffic because your content appeals to their needs.

Targeted search engine traffic is great to have as it can be plenty, and the great thing about it is that it’s free.

In order to get targeted search engine traffic to your blog you don’t have to be a SEO expert or take any courses in search engine optimization. You just have to apply the tips that I will provide in this article.

Get Indexed By Google


There are millions perhaps billions of searches conducted on Google per day (not sure of the current stats). No matter what niche your blog falls in someone is searching for keywords linking to your blog. So the only thing that you have to do is have your blog indexed into the Google search engine results for the keywords best describing your blog.

  • How To Index Blog On Google?

First thing that you have to do is install the Google SiteMap plugin which automatically generates a sitemap for you.

Login to the Google Webmaster Tools and you can suit your sitemap there so that your blog will be indexed faster.

Next you go to the Google Add Url page and submit your blog their.

With the Google Sitemap Plugin each time you publish a new blog post Google Bot will be notified to crawl your blog to seek for any changes made. When the Google Bot finds the new blog post that you have made, it will take further steps to include it in search results the next time someone searches for something related to that topic.

For more info on how to get your articles indexed on Google, here is a great article that I wrote: How To Index Your Articles On Google Search



The useage of the right keywords on our blog plays a very important factor for getting traffic from search engines. Using the right keywords which best describes our blog or for the article that we write is one of the best things to do in order to accumulate targeted traffic. Not using the right keywords on our blog can make our blog lose out on the best traffic that there is to be had.

When using keywords we don’t just want to use single words which describes our blog. We should think like other people and use long-tail keywords. Using phrases which describes our blog is also another great way to do it.

For Example: words that can be used to describe my blog are – blog, blogging, wordpress, tutorial.

But I use phrases such as – wordpress blogging tips, wordpress tutorial, how to start a blog, free blogging tips, how to make money blogging.

Why did I use phrases? This is because I target the keywords that people search for by using the phrases in my keyword meta tag area. Using phrases for keywords give you a better chance for getting more search engine traffic. When writing an article you have to think about the words and phrases that people will search for if they want to find your article, and use them as keywords to better target these people.

Another great thing to do is research the keywords so that you can be more accurate at choosing the right keywords. I recommend you using the Google Keyword Tool to do so. It’s free and easy to use.


Using SEO friendly URLs on your blog/website plays a big part in getting search engine traffic.

SEO URLs is basically having keywords or phrases embedded inside the URL. This will help you rank better for a particular keyword, depending on how great your content is.

For example: A SEO friendly URL would be structured like this

And a non SEO friendly URL would look like this

How To Setup SEO Friendly URL In WordPress

Step 1: Go to the ‘Customize Permalink Structure’ page in your WordPress Admin : Dashboard>Options>Permalinks

Step 2: Then select the ‘Custom Structure’ Option. We only wanted to list the Post Name and Post ID number in the URL, so we customized it as /%postname%/%post_id%/

A full list of customization options is available at

Step 3: Don’t save the new Permalink Structure yet! Before updating your Permalink Structure, install and activate the Permalink Redirect WordPress Plugin. This lets you bypass mod_rewrites or changes to your .htaccess file.

Permalink Redirect WordPress Plugin replies a 301 permanent redirect, if requested URL is different from entry’s (or archive’s) permalink. It is used to ensure that there is only one URL associated with each blog entry, therefore eliminating dupicate content issues.

Step 4: Go back to your ‘Customize Permalink Structure’ page in the WP Admin and hit the ‘Update Permalink Structure’ button.

Now all of the posts on your blog will have the new SEO keyword friendly URL structure and all incoming links which point to the old URL’s will be directed to the new optimized URL’s.

As an added bonus, if you change the Post Slug in your blog posts while Writing new posts or Managing older ones, the URL will reflect the keywords in your Post Slug and not the entire title given to a post. If you notice, I’ve simplified the URL for this post to read “/seo-friendly-url-structure/”.



Headlines plays the one of the most important part for your artile when it comes to getting search engine traffic. Most of the times using keywords in an article headline gives great outcome when ranking for search engine results.

The same can be said of headlines just like the keyword. You have to think of what people are typing into search engine and use it as your headline. When people are searching, they don’t just type in one word and hit the search button. They are more likely to type in a phrase which best describes what they are looking for. Using these phrase as your headline can make them come straight to your blog after the search engine results comes up.

I think you might have remembered my Google Adsense Tips article. If you notice with the title of this article, (which is known as the headline), I didn’t just put Google Adsense Tips. Even though time and again people do search for the phrase Google Adsense Tips. But rather I used How To Increase Your Google Adsense Revenue which gets tons of search engine traffic rather that the first set of phrase.

I made sure to use phrases which people are typing into the search engines so that I can better target them.

Group Discussion


  • What other tips and tricks do you use to get traffic from search engines?

    1. Paul


      Hi Kharim,
      Good article. However, one thing we should remember that proper keyword should not be more than 4.5%. It will kill ranking.

    2. FMurphy


      Good article. Found the bit about Permalinks redirect v. helpful. Hadn’t heard of that pllugin before. Will give it a try.

    3. Reply

      Good tips especially for newbies. From the start of building a new website, It is very important to choose the right keywords for the domain. And after that, working on the content with the right keywords also. It’s all very essential for SEO.

    4. Faissal Alhaithami


      Great post for bloggers who want to start get traffic through search engine!!
      well done! thanks a lot for it.

    5. cebuseohosting2011


      Thank you for a clear resource. I keep hearing about SEO but it’s pretty confusing! and I hope this these tips are really useful for me. and It feels good to find this kind of an interesting topic on the internet like this SEO nowadays. I was greatly interested with what you’ve shared and posted with us. thanks for sharing.

      • Reply

        SEO is not hard. It is very very easy. Follow these tips that I have provided and you can build up your traffic from search engine in no time. Thanks for your comment.

        Please I am also asking you to make a comment on my other post located here –
        Thanks very much 🙂

    6. Petre


      Nice tips! I think the best think you can do when optimizing your blog is getting SEO friendly URL’s, i thing they are the most important in the SEO optimizing process.

    7. Coupon Cambodia


      Greetings from Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

      Great resource. This helps us especially to us who are new in online business. Thank you, Kharim Tomlinson.

      Coupon Cambodia @Coupon Cambodia

    8. Reply

      I liked the lines that in order to get targeted search engine traffic I don’t have to be an SEO expert nor take any courses in search engine optimization but just follow your tips. Reading this post has made me realize that optimization is not difficult at all. Thanks for all the motivating words, I found this post very helpful.

      • Reply

        Hey there Brian, thanks for another comment from you 🙂

        I also have a next post coming about SEO experts if you really need their help, so plz look out for it. Optimization is very easy to do. All you have to do is follow the tips that I have provided and you will be getting some search engine traffic in no time. Make sure that the keywords that you target are in the title, url and mata tags. Thanks again man 🙂

        Please I am also asking you to make a comment on my other post located here –
        Thanks very much 🙂

    9. Raj


      url structure and seo title play major role in attracting more traffic, fortunately thesis theme will take care of most of the SEO issues…

    10. Reply

      Another good way to get traffic from Google, is to name your images right. It can have a huge impact on the position you site has in the search results.

      But besides that user and seo friendly urls, can make or break any website.!

      • Reply

        Great tip Jimmy. This will also help you to get targeted traffic using images with the correct alt tag. Thanks for the tip and the comment.

        Please I am also asking you to make a comment on my other post located here –
        Thanks very much 🙂

    11. Thomas


      Hi…What a nice and informative post you have here…Congratulations for the nice blog…

    12. Nicholas Scott


      Keywords are that words that people search with there .Such as headlines ,headings,
      .,and the urls are provided with this money making process.

    13. Reply

      Hi Kharim!

      Well explanation of wp seo especially for beginners..

      SEO URL is a must, and I have seen people still use page id as their URL; without custome postname permalink

      Great post!

      • Reply

        Hey Kimi,

        Yep SEO friendly URL is a must for me.

        Sorry I haven’t been around much and I must thank you for coming here and commenting. 🙂

        Please I am also asking you to make a comment on my other post located here –
        Thanks very much 🙂

    14. Sarah


      Blogs always provide tips for that and that but sometimes, they are not effective…I hope this one will be efficient as well…

    15. charlotte


      Hi Kharim,
      Nice article you have there, It’s look quite interesting…Hope to hear more from you…

    16. Nicholas Scott


      The best simplest easiest and cheapest way to get website traffic is being top in the search engines and let FREE generic traffic work for you. And obviously the important way of bring your website at the top of the pages of search engine is to publish your post on the social media sites , use highly recommended keywords as well

    17. how to know if your pregnant


      In seo keyword and description and head url these things are very important.

    18. alainamaybin


      Hi Kharim, great post! SEO does play a big role in getting search engine traffic, especially when you find a keyword sweet spot of high demand and low supply.

    19. Marketing Philosophy


      On page SEO is certainly very important but in my opinion SEO out of page (backlinks) has much better results and the combination of them is a sure way for better rankings in search engines.

      • Reply

        Building backlinks I think is the second most important to optimizing your site for SEO. Without that then your site will fail to get that search engine traffic. Great tip you provided! Thanks for the kind comment.

        Please I am also asking you to make a comment on my other post located here –
        Thanks very much 🙂

    20. steve


      There’s a lot of blog post sharing this kind of information. Well everybody has different view on something. But I found your article different from others, the content seems more accurate and really realistic. I try the tips you mentioned here and see how it can boost my own website.

    21. Cher Shives


      Hi Kharim…I am glad you shared this article to all of us…I am interested in reading this that is why I have learned a lot from this…

    22. Lance Cameron


      another added tip is also to subscribe to your sites keyword via Google Alerts.
      i know in some situations this would not work but in my situation i am subscribed to my Yahja Keyword which is my main and i get notified every time my keywords used.
      This can also be reassuring that your blog has being crawled.

    23. Ross


      That is really a fact but I have a little bit differ experience. I think that “relevant tags” are more important than “keywords”. Matt Cutts says itself that Google did not give importance because there comes a copy right problem.

    24. Megan Brown


      Thats ture you have shared all 3 way which is basic and highly effective in order to get search engine traffic.

      Form this Keyword and SEO URL is very much important for this. And you have also shared how to make SEO friendly URL in wordpress that awesome for those who are newbie to this.

      Thanks a lot for this important post.

      • Reply

        Hey 🙂 thanks for another comment. Once you choose the right keywords which matches your site and follow these tips then you can’t go wrong!

        Please I am also asking you to make a comment on my other post located here –
        Thanks very much 🙂

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