First of all, let us know what is SEO? Full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It is a technique through which a website can increase the number of its visitors by getting a high ranking in the search result page of a search engine like Google, Yahoo, and Bing etc. The work of SEO is to make sure that your website is accessible to the search engines and it also tries to increase the chance of getting the website when searched by someone on a search engine. If you want to grow your online business, then it is required a well-organized SEO optimization strategy. In today’s world, SEO is the topmost priority in business in order to attract your customers to your products. But in this changing era, this is not an easy job. Some of the most common SEO mistakes may lead your website to not accessible to your audience. So, in order to grow your business, there are some common SEO mistakes to avoid.


if you want your website to be on top rank, you have to be very careful with the keywords usage. Choosing the wrong keywords is one of the most common SEO mistakes. You should give special emphasis on choosing the correct keywords. Because correct keywords are the prime source through which a visitor can reach your website through search engines. Though you have defined your website with good keywords  but it depends on the visitors which keywords they use to search for their requirement on a search engine. So before you optimize, you should carefully research on search optimization strategy. For such research, you can use tools like Google Adword, Google Trends, Keyword planner etc. to avoid SEO errors.


You might have thought that choosing the right keyword is enough to increase ratings of your website but unfortunately, you are wrong. Only choosing the correct keyword is not enough to increase the rating. Choosing the correct keyword is important to search optimization strategy but overusing of that keyword will make your content useless and meaningless. There are chances that visitors will get irritated because of overuse of the keywords. So do not repeat the selected keywords again and again. Widen your thoughts and fill your content with enormous verities of keywords for the SEO mistakes to avoid.


This is one of the most common SEO mistakes. You might have created a website two or three years back with loads of good content and interesting facts in it. But hardly have you gone through those content since it was first published? In this changing time only creating a website and content is not enough. Try to add recent, unique, fresh and evergreen topic and also try to focus on quality over quantity. Your content should not only be of good quality but it should also be original. Duplicate content will lead to spam practice and these SEO errors need to be avoided.


It is the most important point to be taken care of. You cannot have a good rating on your website with a slow site. Visitors will lose patience if your website is taking time to load. This is one of the most common SEO mistakes which may lead your website to down-rank. To speed up your site you can take the help of different tools like Google Page Speed Insights, Pingdom, etc.

It is not possible for the people to carry their desktop or laptop everywhere. So maximum people search their needs over the mobile phone. So try to make your website and its content easy to browse over mobile phone and provide a smooth mobile experience to your visitors.


It is another one of the most common SEO mistakes. The problem is that to increase the rating of your website you use attractive keywords but your content does not match with the keywords. The major mistake is you try to cover different topics in one content which minimizes the quality of the content creating a bad impression on the visitors. In one content try to focus on one topic with quality information.


In the above, we have discussed 5 most common SEO mistakes out of many others. You have to put emphasis on these SEO errors and try not to do such mistakes. These techniques are not easy to follow. You may need an SEO firm or expert’s help to avoid the above discussed SEO mistakes. If you can get rid of these errors, you can get your website at the top rank of search engines. Hope these techniques will be helpful to you to raise your business.

Author Bio:- James Tredwell is a Technical SEO at who works with unique problems and advanced search situations. He helps clients improve organic traffic through a deep understanding of Google’s algorithm and Web technology.

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