WordPress is always known for its endless plugins. There are certain plugins which can easily bring traffic to your site. Plugins are always essential for the site that helps to assist the site a high rank in the Google Search engine. WordPress plugins comes in different shapes and sizes.

Find the Most Appropriate Plugins

WordPress SEO by Yoast:

By far the top class WordPress plugin for SEO, WordPress SEO by Yoast is a very essential tool that helps in analyzing and looking all the contents to make sure that the keywords are used properly. It gives information about the amount of time a keyword gets appear in the content. It also ensures that whether the keyword used is in a proper way or not. It also provides a snippet of how the results will appear when other people will see it in the Google SERPS.

Search Meter:

The plugin though simple but it is very useful. It works with the search box on your website and will be recording every search that is being made on your site. In this manner one can also analyze the record of search that is made. The plugin is thus very useful and is also recommended by many experts.

All in One SEO Pack:

The plugin is very similar to that of WordPress SEO by Yoast, and the name of plugin speaks for itself. All In One SEO Pack is listed as one of the most popular WordPress plugin with more than 15 millions of download worldwide. It doesn’t focus on getting a single aspect done, but instead does many things. It optimizes tags, ensures the density of keywords and many other things. Many of the features of this particular plugin do not require work from the user but does it automatically.  However just installing the following plugin in the WordPress site does not help in Search Engine Optimisation ( SEO) to get the best results it is also required to configure the plugin perfectly also.

W3 Total Cache:

If one wants to increase the performance of the site, then this plugin is simply made for them and the visitors of your site will thank you for this. The W3 Toatl Cache increases the speed at which the page of the website gets loaded. The plugin generates the website once and stores a copy of the website that loads later within a fraction of seconds. In a survey taken way back in the year 2009, it was found that 47 percent of the people expect the webpage to load within 2 seconds and 40 percent of those will close the page if it is not loaded within that time.


This plugin acts as a poll on the website. One can ask questions to the visitors using the plugin and they can quickly answer the poll. The feedback one can obtain through Freeweb is priceless and can be used for the updation or changing around the site for its betterment.

Note: There are hundreds of plugins available. These are just a few to get you all started with thing. Are there any other plugin which you want to add? Please write in the comment box and it will be entertained too.


Alia is an internet marketer. She loves writing, traveling and blogging. An article on home tuition Singapore attracts her attention. These days she is busy to write an article on play euromillions


  1. Reply

    I really love the security plugin called Wordfence. It allow me to auto block any IP trying to hack my site, it notifies me of out-of-date plugins, and if you do get hacked it will show you which files have been changed, then show you a comparison of before and after, and easily allow you to go back to the previous version of any file. The basic model is also free with the option of a more advanced paid model. Very slick and super easy to set up and use.

  2. Reply

    Ur articles are amazing and thank you that u r posting such a useful articles
    I like ur articles basically the way u present it Its very interesting n useful

  3. Muhammad Asad Ullah Khan


    I am regular reader of your blog and no doubt it all stuff is awesome. The best thing about your sharing and posting is that you always provide content that is helpful for both the newbie and experts. Looking for more stuff and tutorials.

  4. Basharath


    Hi bro
    All plugins are good. Generally it’s found that people encounter problem using W3total cache. I use WP super cache plugin.

    Thank you for the article.


  5. Fakharuddin


    Hello Kharim,
    Thanks for the awesome list of WP blog plugin. Search Meter is completely new for me and going to utilize this plugin to generate more contents for my blog readers.

  6. Linda


    Great list but I feel at least a commenting or related posts plugin should also made the list. For exampe I so much love the share buttons on this website. They are beautiful and very attractive. Plugins that beautify a website must also be considered as top five. So my opinion I think your share buttons should have been number 5. 🙂

  7. Reply

    Hi Kharim

    out of these 5 plugins i have installed 4..i’l try 5th also..thanx for the list theses are really important for wordpress blog.

  8. Vishnu Sahasranamam


    This is a nice list, everyone have their own list of best plugins, I’ll just bookmark this page as i need to look at the plugins which i need for my website.

  9. viki debbarma


    I will agree with you as m using wordpress plugin….if you do have some more alternative pls share.!

  10. viki debbarma


    As a new `blogger I would say that WordPress is a really good plugin, as I am happy using it. Thanx for sharing an informative post.

  11. Rocky Murasing


    I have used Search Meter, and is a convenient one. But I have never tried the other tools you have listed out here. I trust on your list, and intending to give a shot.

  12. Basharath


    Hi bro
    Very good article. Feed web is something new for me.

    Thanks for the share


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