It is a fact that search engine optimization is essential for your website. But, instead of going overboard and implementing numerous SEO tips, what you need to do is research and find out the best SEO techniques that can help optimize your site’s performance. However, in-spite of this, there may be times when we make the mistake of implementing SEO strategies that are no longer effective and thus, to steer clear from this problem here is a list of few common SEO mistakes that you need to avoid.

What are these common SEO mistakes?

1. Slow Website
Your site’s page loading speed and download time is the deciding factor that can help boost your site’s traffic & ranking. A slow website is one of the main reasons for higher bounce rate and hence, you need to fix this issue immediately by optimizing your site’s pagespeed, which will help enhance customer experience.

2. Lack of Sitemap
A rookie SEO mistake that can cost your business. Not creating a sitemap can have a negative impact on your website. Since, sitemap helps search engine spiders to navigate your site easily, leading to faster indexing of your website, creating & submitting a sitemap is essential for a successful SEO campaign.

3. Ineffective Keyword Research
To rank high on SERPs, you need to implement the right keywords on your website. Generic keywords, more often than not, will fail to bring in your target audience and thus, as one of the key aspects that will ensure that your business grows, doing a thorough Keyword research is important, before your implement it on your site.

4. Keyword Stuffing
On one hand, while keyword research is important, on the other hand, you also need to ensure that you don’t over-optimize your site with keywords. Keyword stuffing can get you penalized by Google, as it leads to poor user experience and as such it is essential that you avoid this SEO mistake and instead make use of long-tail keywords for a better-optimized site.

5. Uninteresting Content & Boring Headlines
As we all know, content is the backbone of an SEO strategy. Without quality content, you’ll not be able to entice any audience to your site and thus, creating interesting, benefit-focused content is vital if you want to improve your site’s traffic and search engine ranking.

Additionally, headlines too play an important role in the success of an SEO campaign and hence, you also need to ensure that you optimize your content’s headline, which will help increase the CTRs of your site.

6. Broken Links
Another common SEO mistake, broken links can earn you bad reputation and can hurt your site’s ranking. They are a major cause of frustration for visitors and can affect your brand’s credibility, if not fixed immediately.

Now, these are just some of the SEO mistakes that you need to fix. However, here is a guide that you need to look into, to get a detail list of SEO mistakes that you need to avoid.

What is this guide about?

This guide is an infographic that has highlighted all the common SEO mistakes that you might make and provides you with helpful suggestion on how you can fix them. The infographic consists of 25+ silly SEO mistakes, which if not rectified can hurt your site’s ranking and traffic. Plus, for convenient sake, you can also download a PDF of this guide for free and keep it for your reference.

So, check out this below mentioned infographic and fix these mistakes to stay ahead of your competitors and to improve your site’s ROI!

25+ Common SEO Mistakes That Are Killing Your Website[Infographic] by the team at


  1. Reply

    But your article is very useful to understand the other webmaster who normally do mistake in keyword research, link building or writing a poor content…

  2. Peter Clarkson



    The list is better useful the other way out. If doing everything would produce successful results. I like the way its presented as 10 mistakes!

  3. Reply

    Hey! post a very nice article. I almost do many mistakes when i was fresher doing an SEO. But your article is very useful to understand the other webmaster who normally do mistake in keyword research, link building or writing a poor content…

    Thanks for sharing the post. looking forward for your next post.

  4. Reply


    I guess I really loved this post as it has such great informative points.

    I must admit that I always look for posts which has “mistakes” and its solution because by following the post I can overcome those mistakes.


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