
Photo via Dimitar Nikolov

The world of blogging is always growing, and it can be an excellent way to make money. Before you can realistically sell adverts on your blog, you need to make sure that it is popular. Making the most out of your platform is not as hard as it might sound. If you get things right, your readership will expand, and you will have regular, loyal followers. What could be better than that?

#1 Create catchy headlines

If your headlines are dull, nobody will want to read your site. Remember, people look at blogs in their spare time. They want something fun (or funny) that they can look at for a few minutes. If you try to make your posts too serious, people will not bother with them. Instead, choose punchy headlines that people love. That way, loads of people will click on your posts.

#2 Get the design spot on

The design of your site has a huge impact on whether people will stay on your blog. There are some incredible companies out there, like Tucson Web Design that can help you along the way. You should check out some of these agencies and see whether they can help you. Of course, the more you invest in your site, the more it will pay off. It is that simple. You should check out ways to enhance your blog today.

#3 Choose coherent imagery

The images you choose have to be good – that in itself is pretty obvious. You also need to make sure that the photos you use are coherent with one another. That is to say that they work together on the site. If all the imagery looks odd, you will find that your page looks a little tacky. That is the last thing you want. Instead, you should do everything you can to make sure that the images follow a style guide.

#4 Research every post

When you write a post, you need to make sure that you have some research to back it up. All too often, people think that all they need to do is give their opinions on a blog. That is completely wrong. You need to make sure that everything you do is well thought out. Research different topics online and make sure that you have some interesting facts on your blog. That way, your readers will gain something when they read your posts.

#5 Allow people to guest post

Guest posts are an excellent way to increase the popularity of your posts. Ask people to contribute posts to your page. That way, you will find that they share the posts online. That means that their friends and followers will check out your blog. You can find guest posters online or in forums that are for bloggers. Reach out to people and see whether they would like some extra exposure for their writing. If they do, you could find that they will write you a post for free.

#6 Ask people for their opinion

These days, blogs need to be interactive. That means that you need to communicate with your readers. The best way to do so is to ask them what they think about your posts. You should already have a comments section on your blog. Ask people to leave you a quick comment about each post. That way, you can start to interact with people, and they will learn to love your site.

If you follow each of these points, you should find that people love your blog. Making money online is not as hard as you first think. Use this information and start making your blog stand out now.


  1. Reply

    Kharim the above is really nice post about standing out…

    I agree with you. Headlines is really important for create attraction, the readers came online and reading our blog article but it is not really true. The just can our content, thus to the catch headline is great for that.

    I always use Headlines Analyzer to make sure that my headlines will be impressed.

    I love what you mention about guest post. It is the reason that I submitted my guest on professional blog like yours.

    Thanks for sharing..

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