Stick to Your Subject

Don’t try to please everyone. Always have your goal in mind. Designing a website can be fun and also challenging. However, your reason for designing a site should not be to win awards or to make it look attractive. The site should accomplish its intended goal. It is important to have the goal of your site in writing before starting the design work. This will help you align your design with the overall objective.

First Impressions Count

What message are you sending out to your customers? The homepage of your website should clearly describe your site. This page should not be too cluttered. Use interesting graphics and inviting text to lure your visitors to go deeper into the website. If you want to appear as a serious business, purchase your own domain name. Avoid using free hosting services.

Design Sites, Not Pages

Your main concern should be the overall design of the website. When you design a website from scratch, you need to create a design which has a consistent feel and look, makes sense to users and can be easily extended in future. A consistent web design differentiates professional sites from amateur ones.

Make Navigation Easy

Visitor should find it easy to navigate from one page to another in your website. It is vital to link in a well thought out, consistent manner so as to help users navigate. Make sure the links to your pages are clear. If you are selling products or services, make it very easy for visitors to buy. Display your business name, email address, phone number, and address on every page. Encourage customers to get in touch with their comments and questions. Include links to other websites when necessary.

Market Your Site

Make sure that the URL of your website is on all company letter heads, business cards, phone systems and brochures. Consider banner advertising and swap links with related websites. List your website with the leading search engines. Be sure to read their submission conditions first.

Keep Your Site Current

Give people a reason to visit, revisit and recommend your pages. For your website to be successful, it needs to be rich in relevant, current and helpful content. You could offer regular articles that would be interesting and helpful to visitors, or have occasional attention-grabbing events. Your visitors are likely to be attracted by the words ‘Free’ and ‘Discount’. If you use these words, make sure you are offering something valuable.

Conduct Surveys

Ask users about your website. Create a survey and offer rewards to the people who respond. Ask your friends to visit the site and let them share what they think about it. Their responses can offer valuable input concerning what needs to be improved. Always look for ways of improving your site. Keep doing market research and subscribe to professional E-zines. Find out what your competitors are doing well. Always ask for feedback from relatives, customers and friends. This will help you see your website from a very different perspective.


  1. Chetan Gupta


    Yeah really these 7 tips for webmasters are good. These tips will surely help any webmaster in improving blogging quality and blog.

  2. Reply

    I think these tips on web design are great. Very simple and easy to understand for those with not much experience. Some of the tips are basic but they still need to be mentioned as many, even experience webs designers, still do not do the basics.

  3. Reply

    Even though I am not a web designer, these tips are helpful for all bloggers as every bloggers must work on its blog design once in awhile

  4. wwe wallpapers


    Agreed. More updates are always useful. Im not so sure I agree with the surveys, most people see it as spam and are less likely to help with followers. The only time that really works is when you have a high amount of organic traffic that is consistent.

  5. custom logo design


    Hi kimathic,

    Your post really helped me to understand the new useful tips of web designing. It will be very useful for web designers. It has great details and yet it is easy to understand.
    That’s what i was looking for. I will definately share it with others.

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. sokun


    I agree with marketing your site. There is no point in writing content if no one reads it.

  7. Affordable Logo Design


    Wow great job , Glad you to share such a informative tips with us it will help me a lot keep it up.

  8. John Cooper


    Hi Kimathic,
    Usability and the utility, not the visual design, determine the success or failure of a web-site. Since the visitor of the page is the only person who clicks the mouse and therefore decides everything, user-centric design has become a standard approach for successful and profit-oriented web design. After all, if users can’t use a feature, it might as well not exist.
    Nice post. Hope to read more from you.

  9. kimathic


    Thanks guys for your comments. I’m glad that you find the post helpful.

  10. kimathic


    Thank guys for your comments. I’m glad that you find the post helpful.

  11. Reply

    Your article includes the information that i was looking for. Your post includes great tips and you managed to keep it simple and understandable.Your post helps me to understand this, and i will surely recommend it to other people.Thanks and keep up the good work.

  12. Petre


    Nice post! I believe that the design of a site can really improve your sales. Just keep it as simple as possible, without any bling-bling.

  13. casey


    My friends are web designers. I will share this to them and I am sure they will like it. It can give them tips for their career.

  14. Wez Bailey


    Thank you for this post. very often I come across sites which have all sorts of ‘decorations’ with absolutely no meaningful content, without forgetting the time that it takes to load those sites. Web designers should also take into account that not everyone has rapid internet connection and people visiting your website from say a remote under developed country with VERY slow connection may perhaps even fail to load a single page of your website-bottom line is, keep it simple and keep the readers coming 🙂

  15. Abdirisak Jibril


    I agree the best is to make it simple. You can always have a great website that is made simple.

  16. J Edward


    Your article on the topic “7 Great Tips For ALL Web Designers” have great tips and you managed to keep it simple and understandable.
    Thanks and keep up the good work.

  17. jkar photography


    you are right. Sometimes we tend to impress all of our audience/visitors not knowing that our site is loading heavily because of the rigid design. Thanks for the tips.

    Anyways, what plugin did you use for that author bio with profile picture?

    • kimathic


      Hi and thanks for the compliments. The author bio was created within word press.

    • Marketing Philosophy


      I agree with you it is important to decrease the time needed for your site to load because if it takes more than a few seconds, visitors will go away and search what they are looking for on another site

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