Offshore Web Development

Offshore is the concept of outsourcing projects to companies that lie outside your native borders. This undoubtedly can be a great decision if executed correctly and if you can find the right offshore partner. They key is to find the right offshore web development company to work with as this will have a direct impact on the results you achieve.

Today, it is absolutely essential that you have a website that looks great but functions even better. This is why so many businesses both small and big are searching for a trusted partner to work at an affordable price. If you are looking to save money but still get great results, then working with an offshore web development company can be a viable option for you.If you are located in the US, UK or Australia, you should really consider working with an offshore web development company in India as it is a brilliant destination to help you accomplish your web development goals. The key is to find the right offshore partner and below we will discuss some of things you need to keep in mind when making your choice:

✓ Reputation of the Company – Ensure that the company your thinking about working with has a good reputation within the market. This really means that they have a happy client base who would be more than happy to serve as references as well as they are known for delivering high quality work. Things such as testimonials and client references really need to be checked out when you are looking to hire a offshore web development provider.

Portfolio of the Company – Results and actual delivered work speak volumes about the capabilities and results an offshore company has delivered. It is critical that you check and go through the portfolio that the company will provide as well as understand if they have delivered a similar project to yours in the past. Experience is really important especially in the world of web development.

Communication & Transparency – The key to any good relationship is communication so ensure that you have a set way of communicating and engaging with the offshore web development company in India you are looking to work. Check to see how they will provide updates and what type of project management tools the company is using to get a good sense of the communication medium the company will use with you as a client. This will allow you to really know what’s going on with your work and allow both parties to be transparent with each other which is very important.

Deliverables & Contract – Completing a project on-time and on budget is absolutely essential Check to see what type of deliverables the offshore web development company is providing you to get a good sense of what you will get once all the dust settles. In addition, have all this information that has been agreed on in writing so that they are no surprises for the vendor or the client that is getting the work done. The more clear and transparent things are, the better it is for everyone involved.

The above list is by no means all the things that should be kept in mind when working with an offshore web development company but rather a guide or some of the important things that need to be kept in mind. Working with an offshore company can be a very lucrative, time-saving and headache avoiding decision if executed correctly. The key is to find the right offshore partner that has the experience, expertise and capabilities to deliver what you are looking for. Take your time and go through all the necessary due diligence when choosing an offshore web development company to work.


  1. Reply

    The idea is correct. By choosing an offshore web developer, webmaster or web marketing specialists, you will have the advantage in terms of the costs. Because the cost will be lower, but it doesn’t mean that the quality will be lower. In most cases the quality is very high and there are professionals behind the company.
    In any case the first thing is to ask for references and make a test cooperation to see if this suits your needs.
    Also this is such a field that it’s not necessary to meet your webmaster in person or to set up a meeting, of course if it’s not the case that you need a person to work a full time job in your office.

  2. Reply

    This list could be expanded to pretty much and web development company. Not simply ones located in India. The portfolio is what I think is most important.

  3. Ryan Jones


    I respect the idea, but I do all my own work for my site, and in terms of small businesses as a whole, its nice to be able to visit your vendor or client without a passport.
    Maybe if I were larger I’d consider it, but I still want to stick with myself, and local.

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