Blogging might be all the rage these days, but if you want your blog to stand out that’s going to mean work. You need to make sure you apply all of these tips when you start and launch your blog.

Get Training

It might sound silly to talk about training in the context of writing a blog. You just sit down and write it, right? Well, not exactly. That is the basic form of what you do, but it’s important to mold your blog into something else. You can get training in SEO and PPC advertising. Both of these things will help you to drive business to your blog and to make some money from it too.

Link It To Your Website

If you want to widen the appeal and scope of your blog you need to think about adding it to your website. If you don’t have a website make sure you create one right away. And you can use the blog as the centerpiece of this site. It’s a fantastic arena to drive traffic to the blog, not to mention the fact that it makes the whole thing seem much more professional. Of course, for this to be effective you need to make sure you make the website easy to navigate.

Perfect The Content

It’s essential that the content on your blog is perfect. You can’t afford to have any slip-ups in terms of spelling and grammar. And you need to make sure your content is snappy, easy to read and attracts people. You want to have readers coming back each and every week. So it’s a very important part of the process. It might even be worth liaising with other writers to see if they can help you perfect your content as much as possible.


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Keep It Current

One of the worst things you can do as a blogger is to have an old and outdated blog. This is the perfect way to make sure you fail. As a blogger, you have to make sure that you keep the blog updated on a frequent basis. You also need to be careful to keep it current and relevant. Blogging about current affairs or trending topics is a great way to secure readers and help make your blog stand out.

Market It Well

If you want success in anything, you need to make sure you promote and advertise it. With your blog, it’s no different. You’ve got to come up with the optimum way of marketing your blog well. One of the best ways of doing this is through the use of social media sites. You can get on there and drive your blog through your profile. Another good idea would be to try to get guest blogs with other bloggers. This will raise your profile among other audiences.

Blogging is one of the most modern forms of business marketing out there. Whether you’re blogging for yourself or for your business you need to be sure it’s spot on. The blogosphere is getting awful crowded, and ultra-competitive, so you need to make sure your blog stands out.


  1. Reply

    Thanks for sharing these tips, Kharim.

    Although I’ve had my blog for over 10 years now, it hasn’t really been the focus of my business.

    My focus has mainly been email/affiliate marketing, Youtube, SEO and social media marketing as well.

    That said, I’ve decided to go all in with blogging this year and I’m currently in “research mode”… Hence why I’ve stumbled across your site.

    Awesome tips anyway and I’ll definitely put them into action.

  2. Obodo Charles


    Hi Kharim,
    Can a blog ever be perfect? Maybe not, but one thing that I know is that publishing quality content will make your blog stand out from the crowd. Thanks for sharing this wonderful write-up.

  3. Chandrika


    Great Post, really good and well composed article. This article will definitely helpful for the beginners …..

  4. Reply

    Well, a very composed article Buddy. I agree with all the points mentioned here. A perfect blog is, which provides quality content with updated news as well as take care of user experience.

  5. Ryan Jones


    I don’t think a blog is ever perfect, there is always something that needs to be updated or altered. Always make sure you are writing to your followers though, as you said you can’t slip up, I like my people too much to turn them away. I’ve made a few grammar errors, and stupid posts that made my views plummet, but I’ve rebounded.

    The point, always make people happy, and they’ll come find you.

  6. Raphael


    Lovely post, really good for beginner bloggers. I was able to learn from this post. Keep it up!

  7. Dylann Andre


    Great post! It seems amazing idea about Jaw-Dropping Ways You Can Perfect Your Blog. Many will learn form this. Thanks for sharing.

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