Being passionate about the niche that you have placed your blog in is really important if you want your blog to be successful.

No doubt you want your blog to be successful else you wouldn’t have made it in the first place. So this is why you should be passionate about the niche that you want to blog about.

I must say that I have found myself in wrong niches when I just started blogging and being in the wrong niche made me fail to accomplish achievement in that niche. I have now found myself in a niche that I am passionate about, blogging, which I must say that I have had great success with it.

A lot of new bloggers often found themselves in the wrong niche when starting out a new blog and can be a waste of time if you made a blog on a particular topic that you absolutely know nothing about.

So why should we be passionate about our niche?

  • The First Step To Success

  • As is stated in the beginning of this post, “Being passionate about the niche that you have placed your blog in is really important if you want your blog to be successful”, and this has proven to be true for me and many other bloggers.

    It makes no sense you venture into a niche that you know little or absolutely nothing about because you would fail at it. For example: You know what the color RED looks like and you are trying to explain the color to a blind man. You can’t, you will fail! This is like being in the wrong niche.

    New bloggers often go into the wrong niche because they see a crowd of people flocking to it. This is a really bad way to start a new blog. It’s best to go into a niche that you have accurate knowledge about and this will help you to delivery quality contents for your readers.

  • Delivering Contents

  • If you are passionate about the niche that you want to blog about then you will must have accurate knowledge on the topic that you want to blog about.

    Remember you want to attract readers who are searching for information on the niche that you have placed your blog into, so that you can educate them.

    Search Engines are very smart and they will know if you are copying other people’s content and passing them on as your own. So the search engines will rank you lowers in search results, therefore you will get little traffic coming into your site from these major search engines.

  • The Niche That Kills Your Blog

  • I have gotten some emails and messages from people who want to start blogging and they want to go into a niche that they will totally kill their blog.

    This is the make money online niche.

    They don’t know how to make money online and they want to make money online by blogging about making money online. How is this going to work? It will never work.

    In order to successfully educate others about something then you have to first be educated and understand what you have learnt.

    Group Discussion…

    This topic was really meant to target people who are new to blogging and want to start a blog.
    For the other bloggers that have a blog:

    • Give us more tips on why you should be passionate about your niche.
    • Also share with us which niche is your blog in.


    1. Domain name registration


      You need to be passionate about your blog in other to be successful, if you are not passionate or the you are blogging in your professional field, you will find it very difficult to take the blog to the highest level…

    2. CJ


      Great post man!
      It’s really funny you’d mention that though, haha, everyone wants to start a blog about making money online, while only a small percentage of them actually know how! lol


    3. Joe Boyle


      Being passionate about your niche not only allows you to deliver great content that your readers will love, but it allows you to do something even better. What is that one thing? Do it happily.

      Even if you, by some miracle, can still deliver decent content (if you hate your niche), you will hate it, thus making it impossible to succeed.

      Great post, Kharim!

    4. Reply


      Without passion we couldn’t go far enough as passion motivates us to explore more and more on the particular niche. A nice might not popular but if you put your effort on that, it will be really helpful to you – and even profitable!

    5. Reply

      I absolutely agree on this point, blog’s niche is very important, else people won’t come back to your blog. The other thing is if we don’t blog about niche that we know well, we won’t enjoy blogging 🙂 Thanks for pointing out dude 🙂

    6. Jonathan Beebe


      Great post Kharim!

      Although there are those who are simply passionate about ‘making money’ and can pursue any niche just so long as they can make money from it, I’m on the other end of the spectrum: I have to be passionate about my niche… and that I am.

      I also agree that you should explore methods of making money, and perhaps blog in a different niche for a while before going into the MMO niche. I started blogging in a completely different niche, and only after finding a way to make money with it that really worked for me did I start my “make money online” blog that I’m running now.

      Thanks again for another great post… keep up the great work Kharim!

    7. Valentine Belonwu


      Hi Kharim,
      Well, i think am passionate about my niche because my blog is only a week old but i created it to educate people, motivate them and also share tips about how to make money online.
      Some people want to go into blogging because they wanted to start making money from their blogging, first without knowing that the Secret of the successful bloggers is through sharing their ideas to other people who are very passionate to learn what it takes to make money online. and some of them started blogging because they might heard that starting a blog will enable you to make thousand’s of dollars everymonth without knowing it will never work for them.

      In conclusion, If you are passionate about the niche that you want to blog about then you will have accurate knowledge on the topic that you want to blog about and In order to be successfully educate others about something what you have learnt through the year of your struggling into the online world. 😉 and thanks for sharing this topic 😆

      • the Music Diva


        OK Valentine.. I have to put my 2 cents in here.. you obviously know your stuff (in spite of brand new site) because you already have killer, i.e. clickable Blog posts! I mean “Most Disastrous Place to be is in the Middle of the Road” ? Well, I clicked, that’s all I have to say! 🙂

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