Now that you’ve started conceptualizing how you want your blog to look like and what it should contain, comes the next question: how to start a blog work for you? The answer is simple: have a lot of blog visitors. Having a good amount of blog visitors is not only good for advertising, but it’s also a key success indicator on showing how credible the blog is. Here are seven tactics to help you in increasing your site traffic.

1. Make Pillar Content Using These Secrets:

Write great headlines, get the length right, generate ideas from useful comments

Have you ever year of the phrase “content is king”? To give an idea, the digital world has repeatedly lessened the length of the human attention span to 8 seconds in 2013. This means that having a great headline is the best way to grab the attention of a reader. Write one that will stand out in a sea of online articles.

Second, always get the length right. Since attention span is a lot shorter when someone is on the computer screen, competition is so diverse between all internet platforms. Get to your point straight and deliver a punch that would make the content stand out.

Third, you have to listen. There’s no other better way to tell if you are doing the right job other than hearing directly from your readers. Learn to filter which content engages them the most and stick to those topics.

2. Establish Evergreen List Posts

The term “evergreen” has circulate content marketing in the recent years. This is basically a piece of content that is timeless and doesn’t expire. This could be a how-to article or an informative article on a particular product. Take note that this should not contain things like news, polls, and other things that grow out of fashion. As an example, instead of publishing an article about the hottest hair trends, just create a listicle on steps how to achieve timeless fashionable hairstyles.

3. Repurpose Your Posts

The good thing about blogging is that content is easily archived and accessed at the touch of a fingertip. This is especially good if there are posts that become relevant at a particular time. For example, content about making a good dinner is something that can be bumped up during Thanksgiving or Christmas. This is also why evergreen list posts are very important aspects of a blog.

4. Get Your Content Into Circulation

Amazing content is nothing if nobody sees it. Use social media and other networking sites to reach your target readers. Try to be present where they are, and let your content be shared organically. You can also use advertising to target specific demographics you need.


5. Cross Promote To Your E-Mailing List

Having an e-mailing list is a step closer to converting your readers from random page views to actual people you can talk to. Create content that is very interesting, so much so that the readers would want to have more in smaller, bite-size pieces inside their e-mail inbox. You can also offer special treats when they subscribe to your mailing list, which gives value to your blog. Just make sure that overall interest is sustained and that an established schedule and content plan is followed.

6. Get Free Links On Other High Traffic Sites

Try to match your content to high-traffic websites that have the same keywords. Look at how the sites can link to your page, and contact the owner of the page through a personal message requesting to link your blog to some keywords on their site. It would help if you are able to show the relevance of your content to the existing articles. This also gives your blog a good affinity with sites who have the readers you need.

7. Tweet Your Post Multiple Times, With Different Teaser Quotes

Tweet snippets of your content to give readers a glimpse of what you have to say without revealing the full message. Just like how a headline works, small quotes tweeted repeatedly create a pattern of recall with the readers. Chances are, people are bound to click on those for a better understanding of the quote.

Author bio: 

Vincent Hill is an expert writer who writes on different categories like how to make a blog, content writing, blog design and much more. His writing is not only descriptive but also meaningful. He loves to share his ideas on different categories.


  1. Reply

    Great post, I appreciate you and I would like to read your next post. Thanks for sharing this useful information.

  2. Guy Siverson


    Evergreen and List Post – Two invaluable words that can mean very powerful results on the search engines. However, some niches (maybe mine) might not be easy to write Evergreen content into. If you were building a Dentistry site (that is not my niche), how would you go about making sure you have Evergreen content available?

  3. Harry Uppal


    Hi Kharim,
    No doubt that these tips are amazing and I will be using for sure.
    Thanks for the share.

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