Before anything let the reader beware, this is not a guarantee or promise of plenty money to be made. Nor is it a guarantee at all for money to be made even a single cent. What this article is and should be seen to be is a mere guide. A write up based on my experience of what I know has made money for me in the past from some of my articles and whether it will work for others really I don’t know. But in the spirit of sharing, I am writing it anyway so have a nice read. One more thing, this topic is especially talking about published articles with contextual ads such as adsense attached to them. By short articles I mean articles less than 1000 words.

How To Make Money Writing Short Articles

make money writing online

The internet is a marvelous invention. From it you can connect with thousands of strangers with interesting perspectives from all over the world in a couple of minutes. Even more fascinating to me is the idea of getting paid to write articles that you may not have considered worth a dime, maybe in the 20th century. But not so in the 21stcentury world, you get paid to write short articles on the world wide web in many platforms such as blogger, ehow and hubpages to mention a few. With the advent of contextual advertising from google and other internet companies, it is possible to make passive income with short articles.

To cut this introduction short let me simply say there are some things that make certain articles stand out and even generate income on auto pilot and those are the things I consider to be money making factors of online articles.

<strong><li>1. Write every article with an audience in mind</li></strong>

If this is so obvious why is it that so many articles I read on the web don’t seem to reach a particular audience? Is it that the writers have forgotten the theme of their article or that they simply lack the required writing skills? I can’t speak for anyone but myself so I would rationalize that they don’t really know what they are doing. One good way to go about this is to do a comprehensive research of keywords that are related to your article’s topic. You can learn about keyword research here on the web if you visit various forums and enquire or go through their archives. The web is a university when it comes to writing for money. If you write an article that targets a specific audience like let’s say “how to knit baby socks” you have a very good article in the making. This example targets people with a passion for knitting or babies and baby clothes or both and so it will certainly attract relevant adverts from contextual ad programs like adsense with baby stuff to sell or handmade clothing which ultimately will result in more clicks and more money.

<strong><li>2. See your article as a real product</li></strong>

When writing an online article, write as if you are making a product that must be sold. Remember that a product solves problems and so too should your article. Your article should be the answer to someone’s question, the solution to someone’s problem, the torch that lights up someone’s life in fact a breath of fresh air. If I write about how to design a cruise missile, well may be it solves someone’s problem, but certainly not in practical terms. What I mean is, not only is it not a realistic article to write but it may be suitable for someone who lives on another planet not earth, if you can find such a person then good luck with that.

<strong><li>3. Promote your article</li></strong>

If you had a product and want to sell it, how would you go about attracting buyers? My guess is you would want to create awareness of the product and attract attention of people who are most likely to buy it. Likewise your article, it should be promoted to the right audience, people who would likely find it interesting. Using the example above, a good place to find people interested in baby socks would be a forum or blog about baby mamas or nursing mothers, even stay at home mums or handmade clothing. Making this article known to them is a key step towards improving its commercial value.

<strong><li>4. Write in a simple, conversational and practical way</li></strong>

Articles are supposed to be simple write-ups. They are simply an expression of what we think, how we feel and what we experience and all these things are the most simple and practical things there are to talk about. I imagine if I was having a conversation with a friend and spoke to him in a highly academic manner when all we are really talking about is sports, then the conversation will be really boring. So too it is with articles. The use of technical language is uncalled for even when the topic is a bit complex. In fact simplifying the language used makes it possible for your ‘client’ to understand what you are talking about and would want to make him/her learn more from you thereby keeping him/her glued to your article. What’s more in future he or she would like to return to know what new thing you have to offer them this is important if you are a blogger. So write simple.

<strong><li>5. Be accurate with your thinking</li></strong>

In as much as you are mostly expressing your opinion when you write, note that your opinion ought to be accurate at least from an objective point of view. Even if every man has an opinion, yours must be subject to reality and reality deals with facts. Get your facts right before you write or else you may have a lot of explaining to do and apologies to make because of the many people who might be offended by what you write. Also learn to empathize see your reader’s likely point of view as well so as to remain within acceptable limits. How does this affect your earnings? Simple readership (traffic in more technical language) will either increase if you are seen as an expert in your niche or diminish over time if you are perceived to be a lay about by your readers.

  • 6. Uniqueness
  • Be yourself when you write. No need to plagiarize or steal another person’s article and claim it as yours. It is a big waste of time because it doesn’t work and will eventually cost you your reputation. See this article writing thing as a business, not fun. Well may be fun too but be serious about it while you catch your fun but the need to be unique, and not a clone must stand out in your article. That way there will be only a few of you and plenty of the competition out there.

    In Conclusion

    I can summarize this article in one sentence, “to make money from writing articles you must write unique, relevant, useful and informative articles to a highly motivated audience”.
    That is my humble submission, it has worked for me, but I don’t know if it would work for you.


    1. Reply

      Thats very much true as this is one and only universal rule to earn online.
      Thanks alot for sharing such a usefull post

    2. Vivek Jain


      Uniqueness of any article is an important factor, few people manage to keep their articles original simply because they can’t find a niche that’s not been talked to death already.

      Also, the short articles with 300-400 words are necessary for writing as the seo fundamental considered. Anyways Excellent topic on which you have written. Thanks for your precious writing 🙂

    3. Sarah


      You are doing great Job with real concepts. This is very useful and great thing for me. Thanks for sharing.

    4. Reply

      overall best article but point 6 is very important uniqueness is very important while writing any article.thanks for sharing.

    5. Melinda


      You can market other peoples products which is called affiliate marketing. First you join up with a newtork that has all the products you can promote like Clickbank, and they will give you a special link that links you to the product – then you write articles with that link in them and submit them to the article directories.

    6. Reply

      Excellent topic and yes there are pros and cons of internet related jobs especially the writing jobs. I understand the pressure that one has to undergo in order to succeed in compose a great a informative article. Though all the writer have the points you have highlighted in their minds it is easy to get carried away and miss some very important milestone to be met. Thanks for revisiting these concepts.

    7. Ganesh Maharjan


      Nice Article..! as I’m Learning Blogging & Blog Monetization. This can very good guide for me. Thanks..

    8. Dan - earn extra money from home UK


      The online world revolves around Web 2.0 content, the very reason why writing is such a profitable skill. More writing skills means more opportunities to earn money online!

    9. Discount women clothing


      I think the most important of the above points is the uniqueness.
      your article must be informative and unique with typography and content.
      it is the main way to be best with small articles.

    10. Lynn Sanders


      Uniqueness is an important factor, few people manage to keep their articles original simply because they can’t find a niche that’s not been talked to death already.
      But in these situations an open mind can go a long way, and the money won’t fail to show up.

      • Reply

        Lynn Sanders you are right about uniqueness as a factor to make money online from writing articles. Just as in real life mostly unique quality products make the most money in the market space.

        Thanks for the comment

    11. Gay


      I like Infobarrel and Squidoo as article submission sites. Infobarrel pays a higher revenue share, but they are also newer and not as well-ranked yet. It takes a lot of content to begin earning money online with articles, and all of them will take time and dedication.

      By working some every day, you can develop a decent passive revenue stream. It is a lot of work, but once the work is done, you can usually reap rewards for a long time. For many of us, the time put in is worth it.

      You can also use articles to drive traffic to affiliate products or your own website. That is how I make the bulk of my income. It is, so far, a successful strategy for me and many others.

    12. cna classes


      Well the topic you choose really unique and information is ultimate you gave us. I completely enjoyed the post and hoping more post from you soon.

    13. Calin


      I actually never thought that number of words your articles have actually impacts (too much) your money making potential. The blogs that make me most money are blogs with articles that have around 200 words, but blog posts that offer all the that is needed.

      So I guess that this should be the rule: write exactly as much as there is needed to offer the complete information on your topic, even if it’s just 50 words (or 1,000).

    14. Reply


      These aren’t exactly tips, they’re more like steps. It’s very important to follow these steps in order to achieve success and earn money, which is another important step if you want to progress. It’s also very important to focus on the work and focus on the quality, not necessarely on the quantity. If you want to do something good, you must work as hard as possible and put passion.

    15. Maria Pavel


      I guess the most important thing in order to make money with short articles is know what you’re passionate about and make a discussion out of it. It would surely be easy for us if we continue to do it this way. At the same time, we won’t bother to copy other’s article because we can consider ourselves as an expert of our chosen topic.

    16. Michael


      Readers are often lazy and the same thing goes for writers. To be honest, I’m a really lazy writer too but I forced myself to write at least one article per day. I rather put more effort on the quality than the quantity. I did some Google Trends research and posted articles that we’re starting to get more attention. This way I got a lot of views from google and bing.

    17. Marketing Philosophy


      Actually your last paragraph summarize it all “to make money from writing articles you must write unique, relevant, useful and informative articles to a highly motivated audience” it’s really that simple and another thing that I would add is “write for people not search engines”

      Kostas | Opportunities Planet

    18. Megan Brown


      Thats very much true as this is one and only universal rule to earn online. The point which you have shared are the perfect one just need to implement it as you says.

      Thanks a lot for sharing such a useful post.

    19. Raj


      I thought short articles means something that is slightly longer than your summary! 🙂 Recently, I have been trying to post certain articles in the 400-600 words range that talks about specific sub-concepts which otherwise would have been a category/ part of a longer post. Let us see how this works.

      • Reply

        Raj They could be anything below 500, 400,1000, 900 and so on. Some bloggers write as much as 5000 words in some of their posts, I call those long posts but then it’s still a matter of opinion

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