Look out Facebook because there is a new kid in town, or at least there will be very soon, and it gives people even more reason to never communicate face to face anymore.  Google Plus is currently in the works and if you thought Facebook was worth sitting in front of the computer for for hours every day then your going to love what you will soon be seeing.  Just like FB the newest social networking platform is a way to connect with your friends and family but it offers a number of options that the well renowned Facebook does not.

Keeping Your Friends and Family Close But Your Friends Closer

One of the best things about the new Google + that users will definitely be able to appreciate is the option of separating friends and family. We all know we post some things on FB sometimes that our moms and dads should probably not see but we just can’t help ourselves. What can we say, some things our friends just have to hear or see…

And thanks to Google + they will be able to but we will have the option of shielded our innocent parents from those things they shouldn’t know about their precious children.  With Google Plus Circles you can separate friends, and even different groups of friends, family, and colleagues and then post status updates to individual groups rather than everybody at once.

Hanging Out While Your Hanging In

Hanging out with friends used to mean going somewhere, meeting up with your friends, and hanging out but Google intends to fix that pesky problem of ever having to leave your house to visit friends with its Google Hangouts.  Friends can “hang in” rather than “hang out” by meeting up right online via video chat.  One friend simply has to post that their “hanging out” and other friends can join in, whether it is one friend, two friends, or twenty.  This feature seems like it can be useful in numerous ways such as for study groups, work collaboration, and even more so for becoming a hermit.

Facebook hasn’t given its users options like this before, and once Google Plus is out it will be too late to come up with something similar.  Social networkers will already be on to Google and once they’re hooked, Facebook as we know it will be over.  All we have to do is think back to when Myspace first came out and where it is now.  Not many people are checking their myspace accounts anymore but Facebook is now a way of life for people all over the world.  It probably won’t be long though before Google Plus starts to get all of our attention, and when I say all I mean that literally.

At least with Google Plus though we can look at each other while we’re talking and censor what we say to our dear parents and other innocent family members.  These features alone may aid Google in luring away the dedicated Facebook fans, that used to be the dedicated Myspace fans…


  1. Martin


    I doubt Google will exceed Facebook – when it comes to social media, Google has a lot of work to do. Facebook and Google are great for making friends, but they’re an important source of traffic too. I created a Google Fan Page for one of my websites, but I prefer the one from Facebook because it’s more useful at this moment. Maybe in a year or two Google will help promote websites too, but right now it’s wasted time.

  2. Stephen


    I think facebook can implement something similar to google circles where your posts will only be visible by certain people (selected by you) or groups.

  3. Roy Marvelous


    I really wanted to like Google+ but ended up going back to Facebook after a month. It’s only my techy friends who used G+ more than Facebook.

  4. Joseph


    I like the Hangout features of google+ … it also great use for business forum and meetings.

  5. Michael


    I haven’t created my account for Google Plus all because I really don’t use social networking sites that much. Though I’m an active FB user, but I’m only using it for playing games! LOL But the FB security is pretty alarming that I’m seeing unfriendly spam posts everywhere. So I find myself interested now in getting my Google Plus account.

  6. Reply

    It seems to me that Google Plus will ‘hit the jackpot’ with these new features. They’re very interesting but I think Facebook is preparing a comeback with new features that will overcome Google Plus maybe, it’s obviously that Google can win over Facebook because Google is more powerful and richer than Facebook. Also, looking forward to trying Google Plus, seems cooler than Facebook.

  7. Marketing Philosophy


    Well to tell the truth I don’ t feel the same about Google+ , it might be just me but I don’t see anything special in circles, hang outs or whatever they call them.

    Sure facebook is not the best that it could be, but you just have too many options and actually almost everyone is on facebook.

    On the other hand most Google+ users are marketers, webmasters and bloggers which might sound good for our niche but it lucks broader audience…

    Kostas | Opportunities Planet

  8. Dia


    It will exciting to watch the two big social media giants fighting with each other to get a place in number one spot.

  9. Aanchal


    Agreed these are some unique and awesome features by Google+ which makes it much better than Facebook and users love to join Google+, though facebook has copied circle feature by introducing lists feature.

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