When CommentLuv Premium Plugin was launched, it got the best responses from lots of the buyers. I am also a customer of the CommentLuv Premium plugin and I must say that this plugin is really great and I would recommend that every WordPress blogger should install it on their blog. Yes! It’s that great!

In the first launch, the plugin didn’t stay long on the market and only a few customers got to purchase it. I am happy to say that Andy Bailey has made the plugin live once again and available for purchase (from November 16, 2011 to November 30, 2011). This time with 4 bonus.

CommentLuv Premium + 4 Bonuses

When you purchase the CommentLuv Premium plugin, (for a limited time only), you will get 4 exclusive bonuses.

Check out these bonuses below:
  • Bonus #1

You get the awesome eBook with 15 amazing traffic getting articles written by amazing bloggers. Each article won over 100 dollars in prize money and was independently judged to be of superior quality.

  • Bonus #2

You get this valuable bonus premium plugin that allows you to run your own groupon type site. Make offers with a countdown that removes the buy button when the time runs out.

  • Bonus #3

The Dashboard Luvvers Widget (premium) will show recent comments made on your site along with how many comments they have made, a link to that comment authors recent post, their avatar, their comment and you get links to see all their comments and if it’s had a reply or not!

  • Bonus #4

The WP Mail Ads plugin was previously sold for $27 and did fantastically well. You can now make it your own!

Click here for the video on how to rebrand it as your very own product that you can give away or sell!

CommentLuv Premium Limited

You might be wondering how long this will be on the market for purchase… Well if you are, then you have 2 weeks.

Since this plugin has gone live, tons of bloggers have already purchased thisCommentLuv Premium Plugin and activated it on their blogs.

What about you?
I encourage and urge you to get this plugin now before it is too late. Not having the CommentLuv Premium on your blog would be like missing out on free traffic and money making opportunities.

Click here to download the new CommentLuv Premium!


  1. Reply

    The CommentLuv Premium is great, but for some reason, people are not using it like they did in last few years and spam may be the reason behind it. i too not prefer to showcase my recent posts too much, when I comment. Although I do sometime, but not always.

  2. Reply

    Well Kharim, i did not knew about this. We can get all of them only for 67 USD?? that is great and thanks for these useful information.

  3. Edith


    It’s been the hottest plug-ins over the world of search engines optimization. It’s due to the fact that it increases traffic and most of the blog were incredibly valuable and worth reading for.

  4. Kate Brown Wilson


    I hope that many blog site should get this commentluv premium, I have encountered a lot of site,that the commentluv is not working anymore. I hope that they will grab this opportunity.

  5. Jac Evans


    Hi Kharim
    Commentluv have a great packages of bonus which attract the employees. I have found CommentLuv premium to be a great help in managing many aspects of my site when it comes to comments. What many people also don’t release is that there is a very large community of CommentLuv users who are interacting with each other online every day.

  6. Mika Castro


    It is definitely a good catch to get commentluv premium right away. Those are awesome bonuses packages that blogger will get in the deal of. However, I encountered some sites that are not really into this plugin. what are the benefits that they could get in having this?

  7. Laur


    So far I am using the free version of ComLuv and would like to upgrade soon, even free version has increased my website´s traffic remarkably.

  8. Shiva


    Hey there Karim,
    Commentluv Premium is certainly a plugin worth the price. It comes with so much of awesome features and can certainly be called a blogger/Internet Marketer’s All in One Tool Kit. I thank Andy for coming up with such a great plugin.

  9. Brian D. Hawkins


    Hi Kharim, I love CommentLuv Premium and the bonuses alone are worth the investment. Andy is a great one for over-delivering.

  10. bbrian017


    Hi Kharim do you know if we get these bonus products if we are older customers and bought the plugin last month or so?

    So far like Is aid I’ve really enjoyed the Comment luv plugin for Blog Engage. I’ve said it a few times ob other blogs it’s great for building a community blog and blogs that have guest bloggers.

    This way when your guest bloggers engage with your readers they can leave different back links for each comment they leave. In my opinion if a blog doesn’t have comment luv it’s a downfall if their looking for guest bloggers.

    • Reply

      Hey there Brian, thanks for stopping by bro to leave your comment here.

      I had already spoken to Andy about the bonus for existing CommentLuv Premium members. He said that he will be sending out emails to us with info when we will get our bonus package.

      This plugin is really great. I am also in the process of writing a next CommentLuv post how it has helped my blog.

      Thanks again Brian.

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