Following marketing strategies should be made this year to make your business successful. Path for both small scale and large scale business is given below. These are the basis marketing skills for all.

Contests and promotions

Keep your consumers energetic by conducting many contests and promotions. Give the prizes to the individuals who stand 1st, 2nd and 3rd . There should always be a kind of giving away going on .Such contests should be conducted on weekly or monthly basis. Never be biased about the results. Draw should always be genuine and make sure that you keep the prizes which attract your fans and it is soothing to get excited about.

Fulfilling commitments

All marketing strategies should start with appropriate commitments. Once a promise is made with the client it should be fulfilled .Always try to come up to the expectations of the individuals. Never let your client down or loose hope. Show a good gratitude.

Pull the plug and explore

Never be afraid to learn always beaten about the bush if you don’t understand anything. Your failure might make you even more successful so never hesitate to learn. Learning should be your prior habit.

Respect for you competitors

Always pay due respect to other companies don’t adopt cheap strategies to let them down. Do not make yourself successful from others failure. Be friendly with your competitors.

Broaden your horizon

Keep experimenting new things and you will end up in knowing something which you never knew. So break the traditions today and step ahead to learn.


Customer care services

Your clients are the people whom you need to care the most. Develop a customer care service so that you can quickly respond to their questions. Always use simple and easy language to make your customer understand in the best possible manner. Aim of the customer care service should be to facilitate the clients before, during and even after purchase of the product. Satisfy the individuals that they have achieved what they desired for. Professionals should be hired in this regard.

Attractive videos

Shoot eye catchy videos for your clients this will increase in your fan falling. Upload such videos on YouTube so that it becomes popular everywhere. Pour all the emotions power and zeal into videos.

Fan pages

Formulate fan pages on facebook and twitter to make people aware about our brand. Keep updating your pages so there they are well known with the latest upcoming schemes. Usually facebook is proffered because it is the fasted growing media forum.

Get real

Try to create better communications. As people are not concerned about the advertisement all they are worried about is that they get benefited with your work.

Focus of one customer for small business

In small business strategies are a bit different from the large scale business. Once the contracts is made ask for feedback or make a small in house interview of your customer.


  1. Prakash


    Social media is an important part of online business. We can use it to socialize our online business. It will be very helpful for us. Thanks for sharing these tips.

  2. monaedward


    Social media is a place which always have room to improve your self as I am running a page where I have visitors but to have commenting with every is getting difficult for me in which I have choose to put my comments on wall so every one in friend list come to know what is going in my mind. That page is all about business and was thinking how to promote than page here I find some best advice.

  3. Alex Thompson


    This write up will help me to understand social media marketing skills. I have found this very helpful. I still recommend to use unique and fresh contents in social media sites to get good responses.

    • Austin Richerd


      Thanks dear. Definitely we must use 100% unique and fresh content on our blogs and other social media sites.

  4. Reply

    Great post Now days buzz of social media sites spread all over the world these sites providing huge platform to promote your business, social discussion and lot’s of stuff these site provided to mass appeals.

    • Austin Richerd


      Without Social Media Platforms like facebook and twitter, it’s very hard to promote business.

  5. markincense


    It is great information about social media I use social media but not like this to gain traffic on my site but you have pass a great information which will always help me to get my goals.

    • Austin Richard


      Thanks for admiring and commenting. I think everyone should follow these strategies to gain success in Social Media.

  6. robert


    Marketing can create succeess through social media.Through social media marketing spread very fast and it ends with great results.

    • Austin Richard


      World has become a global village now. Even a small businessman can sell his product all around the world through Social Media Marketing.

  7. SNPlanet


    Very good tips Austin…Nowadays customer care should be the first priority, especially for small business, that sometimes they can’t beat big company on price comparison, but they can offer a better customer care service

    • Austin Richard


      Thanks. If our customers are happy, it means our business is growing.

  8. Imran


    Marketing strategy on social media plays an important because many of the youths are spending there time on social media …

    • Austin Richard


      Social media sites like facebook, Youtube, and twitter are really popular among our youth. And if your target audience is youth then these social media sites are very useful for you.

  9. Lee


    I have been thinking about how to go about some sort of strategy to do with social media to help promote my business through my website. I think I will start with facebookanddo some competitions.

    So for great info thanks lee

    • Austin Richard


      Hi Lee, These strategies can be useful for your business. Starting competitions on facebook sounds like a great idea to me.

  10. Jocuri de gatit


    Social media has exploded in the last few years and more and more people are using sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. This explosion has transformed the way people communicate online and more importantly how companies market their products and services to their target audience.
    Jocuri de gatit

    • Austin Richard


      My thought exactly! I totally agree with you. Thanks for a fine relevant comment on my article.

  11. Reply

    videos will be great useful for social media marketing.
    thanks Austin Richerd for sharing with us such great points..

    • Austin Richard


      Doing videos may be expensive. But still it is a really useful tool for getting peoples attentions.

  12. Purnima


    Salutary share.
    I completely agree that videos are far more enticing than text and play a crucial role to convert surfers to readers .

    • Austin Richard


      Thanks for admiration. definitely video sharing sites are playing a great role in social media marketing. Why not take the benefit from them?

  13. Rajkumar Jonnala


    its very essential part of our blogging.At first we have to make our clients satisfaction & secondary to think and analyses our mentioned points. For new blogger there require a step by step enhancement and your points of discussion are really helpful for we all.

    • Austin Richard


      “Making and keeping our clients satisfied” this strategy can do wonders for the success of your business.

  14. Reply

    Hello Dear

    i read your post i suggest you only one think is customer are always right, and i also agree with your points Contests and promotions this is very famous and useful way, really thanks for the sharing me

    • Austin Richard


      Hey Alka! Thanks for kind comment. You are right that contests and promotions is a very useful strategy.

  15. Cristi



    To be honest i decided this year to focus on social media promotion rather than other strategies. I think every search engine is giving importance to social signals.

    • Austin Richard


      That sounds good. Optimizing your site for search engine is also important.

  16. Sarah Park


    Social media indeed plays a big role in businesses today. With proper knowledge and skills, we can fully utilize its uses to our very own advantage.

    • Austin Richard


      In fact we should be thankful to social media. These days we can’t grow our business without social media marketing.

  17. Reply

    Excellent list of marketing strategies here! I find it very interesting and useful. Thanks for the fantastic share!!!

    • Austin Richard


      Thanks a lot for admiring my knowledge about social media marketing.

    • Austin Richard


      That’s the point! Social Signals are really important to be successful in online marketing. facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites can make people aware about your brand or a product.

  18. Reply

    These are real-time marketing tips if we are to succeed in today’s competition. Thanks for the very relevant share.

    • Austin Richard


      Thank you for your kind comment on my article. The world of internet and social media is changing every moment. but some strategies will always be relevant to social media marketing.

  19. Reply

    This year has a lot in store. The article provides the hands-on information, which is quite useful. Thanks for the share.

    • Austin Richard


      You are welcome Aayna! I’m passionate about Social Media and I always like share useful information with others.

  20. Reply

    Hey bro,
    These are very good tips man. I have decided to be doing giveaway with cash prizes monthly. This month, I have a $75 cash prize giveaway and it’s the hottest post. I agree with you that this strategy works great

    • Austin Richard


      Thank you Enstine! It’s amazing for me that you have decided to give cash prizes. Good job by the way. Keep the good work up!

  21. Reply

    Hey Austin Richerd !
    Very interesting marketing strategies you have mentioned. i really liked this point that respect your competitors. normally people do not act according to it. I just want to add that never snatch the credit of others and never under estimate others. Overall awesome post.

    • Austin Richard


      Hey Matt! thanks for appreciating my knowledge on Social Media Marketing. Yes, you are right actually we can learn a lot just from giving respect to our competitors.

    • Austin Richard


      Thanks a lot for admiring my article Rahul. I think now I will have to keep you guys updated with new strategies and tips in regard of Social Media Marketing.

  22. Lawrencia


    I think customer satisfaction is very important. We need to develop an environment by which user can easily interact with us and social medial play an important role in this scenario.

    • Austin Richard


      Developing a customer care service is necessary in this regard. And for customers this service should be available for 24/7. So you need to hire a professional staff to provide this kind of service.

  23. Joe Hart


    Pretty useful tips..Will surely put these on my checklist.Contests with exciting prizes have always been popular on Social media sites..Have seen lots of big players using it quite successfully..Bloggers can attract a lot of new visitors using this i guess.

    • Austin Richard


      Thanks. You got it right. Who doesn’t like to win prizes? Contests with exciting prizes can do wonders for Social Media sites.

    • Austin Richard


      Thanks for appreciation. I love to share my own experiences on Social Media.

  24. Dragos


    I am looking to improve my social skills this year so thank you for your helpful post! I am thinking of becoming more interactive and maybe some contests would do the trick..I saw on some blog a plugin – that would give points to visitors- just for visiting, more points for “like” on Facebook, other points for coming back or commenting etc- guess in the end you got something for those points, even if only something honorific. we have to attract and keep our readers in this area!

    • Austin Richard


      You are welcome! Blogging is my passion and I love to help others. And yes you are right “Contests” will definitely work for you.

  25. Saqib Razzaq


    This year is going to hell lot different than the previous one. Hence,thanks for different strategies.

    • Austin Richard


      Definitely, every year will be different for Social Media Marketing.

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