Imagine thousands of targeted traffic hitting your blog daily?

What difference would it make for your business? It doesn’t matter how valuable your posts are, without the right eyeballs, you’re heading for failure. Am I right?

I want to help you eliminate that ugly story right now, and share traffic tips you can’t resist. But this time, we’re focusing on search engines only.

This post is about the important tweaks you can make to befriend Google spider, so that it can send you free traffic, quickly.

Let’s quickly look at the 6 simple tips to drive organic traffic fast:

1.       Get your blog ready

Are you sure your blog is ready to receive avalanche of free traffic from Google? Don’t procrastinate this. Get your blog ready by making sure that your web hosting service is reliable.

How would visitors feel if they visit your blog and see this, “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded?” I hate to see this quirky piece of text.

To avoid bandwidth issues, upgrade to a larger hosting space from a reliable web host. Also, know what your blog is about (objective), and challenge yourself to become the go-to expert in that niche.

That’s how to get prepared. As a popular Gospel Preacher once said, “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” Google is waiting to send you free traffic, how prepared are you friend?

2.       Don’t rush your content

Bloggers who are in a rush usually miss out. Don’t make that mistake. Spend quality time to research your topics. Listen more, talk less.

That’s the major reason why God gave you two ears and one mouth. This is 100% truth. Take it to heart, cowboy.

Read books and authority blogs in and outside your niche. Get your creative juices flowing and you’ll never worry about blog post ideas.

Ideally, make your writing environment conducive. The truth is that any content you create with a relaxed mind and body would always help improve readers’ life.

And when blog readers are satisfied with your blog posts, it’d send a strong signal to Google spider – thereby leading to a surge of organic traffic coming your way. I love how this works. Really!

3.       Obey simple SEO-rule

Yes, you know the rules already. Research your keywords first. But don’t stuff or pad your content. No matter the urge to use blackhat tricks, avoid it. “He that enters through the backdoor is a thief.” – Can you guess where I got the quote?

Quality content is what blog readers are craving for. That’s why they searched in Google with specific key terms.

Having a great design is important to your blogging success, but that’s not why readers search the web, day in and day out. Valuable information rules the world.

They’re looking for helpful information to better their lives. Be the person who potential customers can rely on for answers. And be consistent at it.

If this becomes your mindset, it’s going to be fun attracting organic traffic – because search spiders would find your blog pages well optimized and patriotic. Did I just say that?

4.       Give value today

Google Panda and other recent algorithm updates are aimed at just one thing – to bring value to the web.

Sure, those tweaks affected millions of blogs and totally shut down the income sources of some savvy guys, but you can capitalize on this to rank higher, gradually. How?

Start giving value to every reader who visits your blog. Don’t chase them away with low-quality and rehearsed content. Stand out. Put yourself in their shoes – it doesn’t stink that much. Lol!

Truth is, you can’t be 100% exceptional in spelling and grammar usage, but do your best to write readable blog posts. Proofread multiple times and be willing to take corrections.

Once you’ve built a blog that people love, even when you make mistakes, fans and friends can correct you in love. Because they recognize that perfectionism is a killer. But how else can you give value? See below…

5.       Add figures to your headlines

A lot of bloggers can’t understand why no one clicks to read their recent blog posts, even when the post showed up in Google top 10. One thing you must learn and become a master at is headline writing.

You may not be a Journalist or media personnel, but knowing how to catch attention is an important blogging virtue. Hmm, let’s call it skill instead.

Ideally, add figure to your post headline. For instance, did you see how I added a figure (6) on this particular blog post, the title?

Maybe you didn’t realize it, but that was why you clicked and you’re almost done with this lengthy article. I’m smart, baby!

List post works, and it does bring potential clients. Experts have been preaching that bloggers should avoid list post. I think it depends on the value your list post brings. Ensure that you add value – that’s the goal.

6.       Target a long-tail key phrases

You’ve read this before. But the latest article you wrote, did you target a long-tail query? Don’t be like those who amass traffic generation ideas and never act on them.

The beauty of long-tail key phrases is that your blog would attract few but highly qualified visitors.

For instance, if a visitor clicks and read your web hosting review via Google search, the chances of converting that person into a customer is high, compared to a visitor who came from twitter or Facebook.

If head keywords exist, then the long versions MUST exist as well.

Use Google keyword tool to research key phrases you can gradually & easily ranked for. Then craft quality and engaging content around them. No, don’t stuff the content. Add the keyword to the headline naturally and have it on the first paragraph as well.

Don’t be deceived and give up on keyword targeting. Google is still mindful of the terms you choose.

It’s obvious, Google will continue to improve their search results policies, but keywords will continue to form the bedrock of a successful blog. Do you believe this?

Do you need organic traffic?

In the past few months, I’ve been enjoying highly targeted organic traffic from Google. At no cost.

In fact, 74% of my recent email subscribers found my blog through organic searches. But I didn’t use magic or trick, I used the 6 simple tips above, coupled with blog copywriting.

Don’t just read this and appreciate me, I need you to implement the tips and see if it works or not. Drop me a friendly comment, see you ahead!

Michael Chibuzor has embraced content marketing and he can help you dominate your niche with proven marketing practices. Get in touch with him if you need quality content.


  1. Ghazanfar


    Great set of tips from the master himself. Excellent ideas. Anyone wishing to take their blogging forward must read these tips. Thank you..

  2. bloomy


    i read ur whole article,i have a question!some thing is confusing me plz tell me,in the light of ur experience that as we early learned that long tail keywords are useful but now google limited the url length for only 35 alphabets u can check it on any blogspot url by using long tail keyword when u will open the url after posting to view it then it will show up to 35 alphabets only(4 to 5 words just) ?

  3. aisha


    I really appreciate that you wrote this article and shared some really good information on this specific topic. I was in vital need to get some information on this topic and thanks to you, I’ve got that! Thanks, once again

  4. Reply

    Hi admin!
    Thanks for the tips about seo. For my point of view, Seo was never been so tough as it is now a days. And is becoming more and more advanced with the often search engine algorithm updates. The one that keeps himself and his sites according to the coming updates and algos, is the king now.

    Prince Kathleen…………:)

  5. Ganeshkumar


    Yes ! I completely agree that a visitor who comes to your blog as a result of a Google search is much better than those coming from Social media. The latter usually results in a very high bounce rate (that has been my experience). Your tips are simple and worthy of implementing. I know I need to write attention grabbing headlines. point well made.

  6. Sukhen Tanchangya


    Here I see “Leave a comment – Speak your mind”, I can say “Thanks”, but this is not enough. Because provide successfully topics through articles, I really enjoyed day by day.

  7. raheel


    nice article,great tips,quality of content is really much important for getting huge traffic and loyal visitor.seo is important for become professional blogger,Newbies must known little about seo.Social media is great choice for the promotion of site by simply posting your recent article for getting increase in traffic.Thank for sharing this article is awesome for newbies.

  8. mughees


    nice and informative article ,nice and best key points thanks for sharing nice and wonderful and best article,well written great article really very appreciated work.

  9. Reply

    Thanks for sharing really impressive stuff with us driving organic traffic is really a tough deal but your mentioned points make it look simple i will definitely keep in my mind these stuff

  10. monaedward


    Really some nice tips which helps a lot I was focusing completely with social media but not much seo as I have a site where I write about affiliate business tips and help people find business for them free but noticing that I have not much traffic on my site was start learning and learning fund this post which give a last hope to me I think now I will continue with it.

  11. Yasir Khan


    Getting targeted traffic fast is one of the key ingredients that can ensure success for your online business. With the right information and knowledge, it is possible to quickly generate key targeted traffic to your site.

  12. Jane Stevens


    Traffic maximization isn’t a easy work. You can’t do it at a short time. So you can follow this instructions.

  13. Reply

    It’s so knowledgeable articles as a fresh SEO start. in this post some points are very nice and i implement my work. I reform my writing strategy also my work. and the source of big traffic using all social sites. post your quality content.
    Thank you to sharing me this post.i

  14. Prakash


    Nice tips for getting organic traffic. Yes we should spend more time for researching to our topic. Headline must be eye catching. Applying simple rules for SEO is good enough.
    Thanks for this nice post.

  15. Jan Christian Bajas


    Wow! I will surely gonna follow what you said about long tail phrases. Hope I can finally improve my organic search using this tips, thank a lot!

  16. Vikram


    In my opinion Organic traffic is really important for any blog. Your tips described above about increasing organic traffic seems very useful ans i am surely it will help me a lot as i am a new blogger. Thanks for sharing this.

  17. Reply

    Nice post. Search engine traffic is always targeted traffic. But it’s not easy to get high rank in Google easily. But if we proper use our keyword, title etc over time we will get it.

  18. Mark


    Rushing content, thats sometimes just inevitable… I know its purely rubbish but sometimes you just have to do it not to lose visitors!

  19. Reply

    Thanks for making the points to be precise and clear more we indulge into white hat technique links look natural to search engine and gain more visibility and attract more real organic traffic

  20. markincense


    the most best things for me is the knowledge about google panda that is what I was looking for and getting for many time and having information from many site thank you for sharing all this information you have write,

  21. Marian Mendoza


    Really very effective tips you have provided here to drive organic traffic fast and easy. This is simply the best article in this category to explain this.Nice one.

  22. Riz


    Nice write up ! These are absolutely fundamental practices that any blogger should follow in order to make his blog secure a good place in the world of blogs. These days many bloggers write and optimize for the search engines which is exactly where they are going wrong, we all need to understand that we create blogs for humans and not machines.


  23. prabhat


    hello michael
    great tips for begginers as well as for bloggers like me who are neither begginers nor pro. i think SEO is the best source to get traffic. yes, it takes time to learn the concepts of SEO but they can give you huge traffic if you apply the tips

    • Michael Chibuzor


      Thank you so much Prabhat. I do my best to help beginners and intermediates improve their organic traffic.

  24. CBIL360 Inc


    Organic traffic has a high rate of conversions than direct traffic. So, you have to take lots of efforts on – How can I drive more organic traffic to my website or blog? As stated above – Follow above tips and ideas along that implements your own new SEO strategy to accomplish it.

  25. Turk Telekom


    Hi Michael, always love to see ways of getting traffic and this article would definitely help a lot of beginner bloggers to get their blog up and running.

  26. Cristi


    Wow awesome tips on driving traffic fast.. and yeah Targeting a long-tail key phrases is something which bring more traffic.

  27. fitta


    In the past few months, I’ve been enjoying highly targeted organic traffic from Google. At no cost.

  28. Shopi Elektro


    hi michael i just want to know,how to make my blog in top 10 search result google in the keyword i want?

  29. Reply

    These are great tips that if implemented can drive great traffic to your website or blog. What has intrigued me most is what you have said about using long tail key phrases and I have to admit it’s something I never thought of before and even if I applied it, I did not do it with it’s intended purpose.
    Another thing that has grabbed my attention and came to realize that it has a very big impact on the chances of click through rate is the use of numbers on the headline. This is because use of numbers in a text headline is an instant attention grabber.

  30. Rajkumar


    Driving organic traffic to your blog is not that easy. It will take time and you have to be patient. These tips are definitely worth the try.

  31. Len


    I agree Michael with much of this article, and I think the first step is content. Most blogs are full of material not even from their niche – so quality articles vs. quantity is important. Thanks for sharing this article.

  32. Reply

    I like the idea of your saying “two years 1 mouth ” exactly ,some people rush towards bulk content but misses quality .

    Useful information.

  33. Reply

    thank you Michael Chibuzor for writing these tips. I will impliment these tips on my blog. -:) surely i will write my results here…

  34. Sara Leone


    I like your tips for blogging. It is worth mentioning here that by adding figure to your headlines, you can get more search engine priority.

    • Alex Grow


      You are right Sara, Now days we have to check & keep track every we doing to brand our website or blog

      also, must be agreed with #4 tips, now days we can share the old things again and again.. we have to put something new to keep on top and bring new traffic

  35. merlin


    WoW! These are very good steps for driving more and good traffic to your website or blog. From today i will use these tips to get more traffic and visitors because if i get more visitors then i will earn more money. Thanks for sharing these good tips.

  36. Reply

    Hello Friend

    i read your post and i am very impress to your post, your all points are great and interesting but i think your second points is important for your reader, really thanks for the sharing me

  37. Ferb


    Hi Michael, always love to see ways of getting traffic and this article would definitely help a lot of beginner bloggers to get their blog up and running.

    Thanks – Ferb

  38. sarika deshmukh


    Hello Dear

    great article really solid points i am totally appreciate with your post but i share you one more think, mind setup this is must for your blog, really thanks for the sharing me

  39. Joe Hart


    Good hosting and great content are mighty important..Add some long tail keywords and the site is ready for some quality,targeted traffic.

  40. Swet


    Hey, awesome info. All the points are fabulous. Agree that if we write content in fresh mind then list of readers improve rapidly. Content is the King of the Web. It should be unique, fresh and informative and if the content fulfills readers requirements then no one can beat the traffic on our site.

  41. Shalini Chauhan


    It is also very important to include the keywords in the url so that if a keyword is searched in the search engine our keyword can appear in the SERP.

  42. Reply

    Great tips Michael. I never really thought about making sure my host is ready.

    I am ready and trying to make sure my articles are informative, insightful, and interesting.

    I like your tips and it is good to see you here.

    • Michael Chibuzor


      I’m glad you enjoyed reading the post. Yes, keep working on your content until you’ve mastered it.

  43. Rajkumar Jonnala


    Long tail keywords plays a big part. Often we misunderstand that it is tricky and cannot be used. But if we can make proper use of Google Keywords Tool, then can rank our sites in the first for long tail keywords.

    • Michael Chibuzor


      Google keywords tool is still my favorite. Since Google is the #1 search engine, I presume they’d have the most reliable keyword database. I appreciate your comment friend.

  44. Petr Bednarik


    Great article, thanks for tips. An important source of traffic can be discussion forums and yahoo answers. Just write a few posts, and your site visit hundreds of people. To each post just insert your signature. Advantage of yahoo answers is that people go there looking for answers. If you resolve their problems they visit your site and buy your product.

    • Michael Chibuzor


      I’ve to agree with you, Yahoo Answers is a great portal for traffic generation. Thanks for your comment.

  45. Saqib Razzaq


    I’m thinking about my content more than anything these days and I am focusing on daily writing schedule instead of posting schedule. Your post is really good for showing the right path.

    • Reply

      I’m agree with Saqib. Writing content daily is more important. Content having more information are liked by readers of the blog are easily rank higher.

      Content is always KING.

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