Google Panda and its implication have caused websites to literally either sink or make it big. High quality stuff is being rewarded while the poor content has to suffer its dire consequences as well. Google in all around has improvised thousands of mechanism which has made Panda to be among the most neutral and cooperative of avenues. The impact of Panda has already affected to more than fifty percent of the websites across its search engines.

google panda

Despite the many setbacks and allegations against them, Panda has still managed to give its due consideration and ranks to the websites that deserved them the most. Plus it also gives credit to stuff that speaks of web designing so things that come down to their parameters is lauded with good ratings. Thus web traffic is the most significant sign of appraisal for such websites.

Reaction Of People To Google Panda

There has been a marked voice of opinion from people for they fear that would lose their page ranking and whatever web traffic they had been able to attain in this period of time. But despite this, Google is firm footed and does not want to lose out on quality over quantity. For this the web owners would have to go by a series of queries that would give them some idea of what the criterion of Panda is and how they should prepare for the future as well.

The Stand of Google Panda

SEO which boasts about searches that it is supposed to be invincible is in serious danger. This is because Panda is of the belief that content that has some sort of errors such as grammatical, punctuations and stuff that seems redundant with respect to the style and content would no longer be given a freeway. Thus quality which pinpoints on information as well as relevancy are the prime targets of Panda in order to ensure the optimum level of traffic which by in turn will improve the ratings on Google.

Regularity Check On Google Panda

Google has not left this area unguarded and has rather upgraded its system for monitoring and security check with more effective mechanisms. As a result, virtual content and other methods of SEO will be more thoroughly scanned where loopholes are rare to be found. Thus Panda is dealing with all this quite successfully.

Thus, for all those who plan to venture in this platform there are some important considerations that should be kept in mind. Originality is what will keep you on safe grounds where authentic content in terms of content search should be given prime importance. In addition to this, avoid going to cliched platforms that is stuff that sounds repetitive and outdated.

Optimization tools and programs should be avoided too and maximize the use of links that would lead you back to the main site from social media networks. Advertisement should be enhanced and with the help of templates optimize the marketing aspect which would in turn augment the views on page and ratings at the same time.

What do you think about the Google Panda so far?


Crystal J. Briscoe is from Exams King. Looking for 640-792 exam help? Let’s take advantage of Exams King self paced 650-987 training and pass your IT exams on first try.


  1. Azam


    I always welcomed Google Panda update because real work has got its importance because of Google Panda update.The most famous article directory ezineaticles was also effected by the Google Panda update.

  2. Reply

    hi. Though i knew what Panda has done overall, i was completely unaware that it has been made so serious about grammar and punctuation. Thanks for the info. It would help me a great deal. Thanks a ton.

  3. Nathan Jones


    Google has not left this area unguarded and has rather upgraded its system for monitoring and security check with more effective mechanisms, thanks for sharing.

  4. Iva Stecker


    Paying attention to your astounding post, I locate it is of the extraordinary experience and appropriate suggestions.

  5. Liz


    With these changes, I guess autoblogs will be much affected. And it will entail a lot of hardwork for SEO experts to keep their ranking. The challenge is on!

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