Who could even imagine, something as overused and methodical, like email could have SEO impacts? It is true. You can turn the search engine friendliness of your website around with simple email marketing tactics. Bigger companies have PR teams and marketing teams working on full-blown email campaigns. We are not telling you to take it to such a pro level. You can simply try a few tools and easy hacks to see the positive change in website traffic and conversion rate, you have always wanted to experience.

Encourage interaction

Now, you can send out thousands of emails on “latest fashion trends for 2017”. You will not see any traction on your site. There is no actionable content in the mail. According to Best Source Marketing in Edmonton, even the most eminent companies make that mistake. Emails will not directly help you rank for search terms. However, sending out invites to events where your subscribers can comment, participate and buy will make a whole lot of difference. You need to include a call to action and an emotional element in your emails. The easiest ways to do this –

  • Ask your subscribers to add on to your blog comments
  • Encourage sharing of old blog posts and new offers for lucrative incentives
  • Encourage people to find you on social channels including Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Link your profile and blog to these channels.

If you have old campaigns and surveys, make use of data from them to drive sharing.

The golden rule: stay out of spam

81% of the mail a person receives goes into spam. How to make sure, your marketing message does not end up in the spam or the trash? People who work in digital media have inboxes full of unchecked emails. How is it possible for you to draw attention to your message?

First, find out about the CAN-SPAM act. Do not use misleading titles, do not identify your messages as an ad and follow the spam-trigger word lists just to avoid them carefully. Phishing phrases are very distinct and the ISP is likely to send messages containing such content directly into the spam.

The best way that works for most companies is to use spam checkers before you send in your emails. Programmers Heaven is a great place to start. You can also try SpamAssassin and IsNootSpam.com to test your emails and spam-proof them.

Consider using links in emails

How do want people to find what you are trying to sell unless you mention the direct link? Links are a ubiquitous part of your email marketing campaign. Including the image of the product or a video featuring the product is not enough. In fact, using excess media can trigger spam alert for many servers. Use interesting catch phrases like “exclusive ****day discount just for you” and hyperlink the text to the offer page. Alternatively, simple use a call to action like “celebrating mother’s day…click here to find out more about offers” and add the link at the bottom.

Do not forget keywords in emails as well

Using your business centric keywords and linking them to your site is a very good idea. When people search through their emails, for example when you search for a specific old email in your Gmail inbox, what do you do? You use keywords or key phrases to search for them. No one remembers the sender or the email id it came from. Therefore, if you are into vegan recipes, use more related keywords to increase chances of positive hits during such inbox searches.

Email marketing is the change every small business needs

If you are a small business looking for some fresh marketing opportunity, you can try local SEO companies who can hook you up with great email marketing deals. Since email campaigns tend to be a wholesome deal including subscription, database building, email construction, selection of offers and keywords and sending them to target audience only, they tend to have a long dormant period. However, email marketing, when done right, tends to be the most rewarding form of marketing for most SMBs and even start-ups.

The relationship between SEO and email marketing

Direct email and email marketing are intricately related. To create the perfect email, the SEO Company will need inputs from your marketing team. The optimization will depend on some factors including your internal executive teams, design team, and remote SEOs. The key factor in SEO and email remain the same – good content. Some companies rely on repurposing content from their website, blog,  and social media.

The idea is to select a reliable ESP (email service provider), who can partner with you to give you the best possible services. Reporting and monitoring the response is another critical factor of all email marketing campaigns. Check the feedback on your ESP before you sign on the dotted line.


  1. Reply

    I really agree with you Kharim, about what you say in this post. I’m also trying to do my best in my small business. Anyway, thank you very much for sharing! 😀

  2. Reply

    nice article, thank you for sharing such a great information, but can please you suggest a good and free email marketing tool?.

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