Content marketing is one of the most commonly used internet marketing instruments today. Businesses now share valuable articles and resources to bring traffic to their websites. Direct-selling is no longer the priority; it is much more effective to build a strong audience base, especially in the long run.

Content marketing is certainly not the only way you can attract more visitors to your business website. If you’re trying to expand the reach of your site even further, here are some of the clever strategies to try.

Online Games!

There are a lot of HTML5- and Flash-based games on the internet right now. Browser-based games, especially online games where players can compete with each other – are immensely popular. You only need to look at the games on Facebook and popular gaming sites such as Arcade Lots to understand what I mean.

It is also easier to develop your own online games today. There are plenty of pre-made templates to use. On top of that, game design and development services are far more affordable than you think. You would be surprised by how cost-effective and fast developing your own games can be.

Don’t just use any game to attract visitors though. You want the game to remain relevant with your business’s brand and key messages. On top of that, you want your games to also be relevant with the products and services you offer, so that you can use them as a digital marketing tool.

Web Applications

Nothing attracts visitors like a handy and valuable web application. There are plenty of problems to solve on the market and you can gain a lot of attention by delivering the solution to one of those problems in the form of a free web application.

This is a strategy that worked – and still works – really well in the printing business. Instead of communicating with potential customers manually, many printing companies provide layout and design tools for the customers to use.

Using a simple web application, customers can then design their own prints. It is even possible to create an entire photobook using provided templates and highly customizable elements. The same approach can be very useful in other industries as well.

Live Consultation

The last strategy you want to try if your goal is to attract a wider audience is offering live consultation. People love to communicate with experts before making big purchase decisions (or any important decision for that matter). Connect the audience with experts in a particular field and you will have a steady stream of visitors.

Once again, the application of this strategy is only limited by your imagination. You can, for example, offer free consultation for your kitchen remodeling business. A live chat with doctors or a chance to talk to a knitting expert are just as appealing to the right audience segments. You can even create live sessions and add video streaming to elevate the user experience.

Directing traffic to your site isn’t difficult, especially now that you have these strategies to use. The next big challenge is converting those incoming visitors into paying customers; Stay tuned here on Webmaster Success for more tips and tricks about boosting your conversion.


  1. Paul Lugg


    This was a very interesting read. Attracting a wide audience for business is hard work but worth it.

    Thank you for sharing.

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