Blog commenting is something that I have been doing before I even started blogging. I like to comment on posts after I have read them and give my input or to thank the writer for the tips and information in the post. This will also make the writer feel more enthused to write more.

After I started blogging I started commenting more. I venture out to find new blogs of my interest to read articles and make a comment, here there and almost everywhere.

What It Has Done For Me

I must say that commenting on other blogs has lead to a great friendship between me and the blog owner or the author of the article. Having a friendly relationship with other bloggers is really great especially if they are in the same niche as you, because you both share common interest and will no doubt help out each other in difficult circumstances.

When I make a comment I don’t just say “thank you”, I get into more detailed stuff about the article that I am commenting on. This will show that you have read the article and you have appreciated it by commenting in details.

What It Has Done For My Blog

Blog commenting has really build up my blog over the few couple months of blogging.

    Boosted My Traffic – I must say that commenting on other people’s blog has given me over 300+ unique visitors. I got this because I comment on higher traffic blogs in my niche, so the incoming traffic is really great. If I were to stop commenting then my traffic would go down. I need to keep my traffic up so this means I have to be constantly commenting on other blogs.
    Boosted Comments On My Blog – When you make comments on other blogs the owner and other commentators on that blog will come to your site and also make comment on your blog article as well. This is trading comments, you make a comment on a blog and the owner of that blog makes a comment on your blog. It’s as simple as that.
    Achieve Great Backlinks – Most blog these days have do-follow and this is a great way to build up back links and to gain more popularity.
    Increase PageRank – With the do-follow enabled on the blogs that tou comment, you will eventually get some “juice” to your blog so you can rank better in search engine results. The higher your page rank is the better for your blog and this means more traffic for you.

Group Discussion

  • Are you making comments on other blogs in your niche to boost your blog’s traffic and popularity?
  • What has commenting on other blogs done for you?

    1. Reply

      Thanks for sharing the valuable information about Blog commenting. I have also seen the good amount of results through Blog commenting activities for few of my clients.

    2. Reply

      Good points Kharim, Blog commenting is really useful and can turn great sometimes. It is important for getting good alexa and some good traffic. Its a great way of achieving back links. thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    3. Reply

      Blog comments has allowed me to network a lot, I have met and spoken with a lot of new people thanks to comments. I have also gotten help with my questions too.

    4. sai


      thank you for your story.i am also trying to improve my blog using comments.if you have any tips for commenting. please write a article for it.nice share ๐Ÿ™‚

    5. Joe


      I’ve noticed that guest posting has done more for boosting traffic to my site then commenting.

      On average how many blogs to you comment on? I’m asking because maybe I just haven’t reached the tipping point yet.

    6. Chetaru


      Thanks for sharing this information and resources its really help full for me with the help of this we can improve our blog commenting and site traffic on web
      Web Design Company India

    7. Karl Hadwen


      Blog commenting is awesome dude, and I find that there are a lot of useful blogs out there such as this one, and a lot of nice people to engage with!


    8. Paul


      I have just started to get serious about commenting on blogs. I, unfortunately, never took advantage of commenting, and am now realizing some of the benefits. My traffic is increasing, and while it is still too early to tell about backlinks, I’m sure with CommentLuv I am getting a few of those as well.

      Now all I have to do is keep commenting.

    9. Daniel Sharkov


      There’s definitely no doubt that blog commenting is very important for blog owners. Commenting on dofollow blogs is especially vital, since it gives you the chance to get many backlinks just by sharing your opinion on something. The problem with that is that there are many people, spamming whatever blogs they can find with links to their websites, which can really be frustrating. I’m getting at least one or two such comments a day. By spamming, one will never be able to create a relationship and relationships are important if you are in the quest of establishing yourself as an authority.

    10. Andy


      Thanks for the tips. I’m a bit conservative with my comments, I only bother If I’ve got something really important to say.

      Your blog seems to be doing really well by the way, so nice job.

    11. Reply

      That’s brilliant that it works for your Kharim, to me, because of my niche (Video tips for wordpress newbies) blogs which can bring subscribers are the newbies blogs, not the famous blogs lol (they all know how to do that and this). So my resources are newbies wordpress forums.
      Keep the good work up ๐Ÿ˜€
      .-= Kimiยดs last blog ..What is Google buzz? =-.

        • Reply

          Because i love what i am doing now, and i will still do it ๐Ÿ˜€ I guess we should blog what we love to blog about, and i am in it.

          I have an ok traffic, my traffics of blog.web6 are 60% from Google, and i am not quite happy with it, i also want my traffics coming from social medias, what i am working on it at the moment, in the last few months, i don’t socialize my blog much ๐Ÿ™
          .-= Kimiยดs last blog ..What is Google buzz? =-.

    12. Reply

      Yeah.. I got the positive results too from blogging. Getting more friends and increasing backlinks are some amazing results and bonuses from commenting on other sites.

      Commenting is also a powerful tool to build our reputation as bloggers.

      If you think that commenting didn’t mean anything other than just leaving your comments, you are wrong ๐Ÿ˜› start commenting now!

      • Reply

        Thanks very much for the comment Nasrul Hanis. You have made an excellent point here “If you think that commenting didnโ€™t mean anything other than just leaving your comments, you are wrong :p start commenting now!”

        This is so true. ๐Ÿ˜€

    13. Aaron


      Hi Kharim,

      I’ve noticed the same things as many others have already mentioned. When I’m active, commenting on others blogs and visiting new blogs, reading and commenting, I notice greater activity on my own blog. And like Jarrod, when I slack off, the results are very noticeable, like my Alexa rank going the wrong way, and posts without a single comment. I need to make it a priority to visit blogs regularly and find posts to comment on.
      .-= Aaronยดs last blog ..Memorial Day Special Offers =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks for the input Aaron. Commenting on blogs I see this as an on going process. If you don’t want your blog to die then you need to comment on a daily basis. My Alexa rank is always on the falling side ๐Ÿ™‚

    14. Reply

      Commenting is important, and can’t really be ignored. In a way, it is the foundation of your effort to get traffic – you need other bloggers to know who you are at the least, and bloggers are more apt than others to promote your work.

      That having been said, there is definitely a limit on how much commenting can help unless it is part of a strategy. A good strategy can be to comment on certain blogs in your niche regularly and try to make friends with the bloggers in question or their audience over time.

      I can safely say blog commenting has not been a terribly huge help for what I do. Some niches aren’t as easy to promote.
      .-= ashokยดs last blog ..โ€œIntroduction to Poetry,โ€ Billy Collins =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks for your comment, ashok. As you say in the last part, some niche aren’t easy to promote, you are right about that. But by commenting it will also help with some sort of promotion.

    15. Hulbert Lee


      Hey Kharim, I didn’t really do blog comment until about 3/4’s of a year after I started my blog. I regret it now and it would have one thing I would change if I could start over. It’s really awesome to see beginning bloggers like you start off with so much blog commenting. I believe that by doing this, your site will grow really fast. Thanks for this post man.

      • Reply

        Wow man, you should have started earlier. As I stated in the start of this article that I have been blog commenting from before I started blogging and I have made more blog comment since now that I have started blogging.

        This has made my blog really successful in it’s third month ๐Ÿ™‚

        Thanks for your comment Hulbert Lee ๐Ÿ™‚

    16. Jarrod


      Hey Kharim,

      I must say, I agree totally. Commenting on other blogs has done the same for me. I’ve also noticed that when I get slack in my commenting, my traffic goes down. I do enjoy the relationships I’ve formed in the blogosphere. Some of the coolest people I’ve met have been in the “blogosphere.” Thanks for sharing!!

      • Kiesha


        Hi Jarrod – same here! I noticed my traffic and comments were dipping so I decided to spend today catching up on some of my favorite blogs – I tell you – I’ve got to many favorites cause I can’t keep up. ๐Ÿ™‚

    17. Kiesha


      Commenting on other blogs – even those not in my niche has done so much for me that I’m not even sure if I can say it all in this one comment.
      I’ve met some great people through commenting on other blogs – yes, it has increased my traffic and my comments, but most importantly the networking opportunity is what made the most impact. All because of my comments, I got invited to do a guest post, that guest post went so well that I was invited to take over WeBlogBetter – that would never have happened if I hadn’t started commenting on the site in the first place. Same thing for getting invited to join the T.I.P. Team on I’ve also been told by a few followers that it’s because of comments I’d left on sites that made them want to come and check out my blog. I tell you, it’s truly amazing what leaving authentic comments on blogs can do for you and your blog.

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment Keisha. I think you are doing a really great job.
        Your blog is awesome and I have seen some articles that you have written and I must say your articles are really impressive ๐Ÿ™‚

        Keep up the good work hun

        • Kiesha


          Hey Thanks!! I truly appreciate the comments. It always makes me happy to hear that someone has been enjoying my posts. It’s very encouraging.
          You’re not doing to bad yourself! You keep up the great work, too!

    18. element321


      Comments do help with traffic. On my site, I see a large spike in traffic, when I comment. I try and find new site to post daily, but I tend to go back to the sites that I know and trust. But between my work, part-time work, and freelance projects, I do not get to comment daily and on the days I do get to comment its very limited.

    19. Dev


      Hey Kharim,

      That’s awesome to hear bro. Blog commenting is one of the awesome and easiest way to get traffic, backlinks..! And I am doing the same from quit some time :D.

      Thanks for sharing this great Post.
      .-= Dev | Technshareยดs last blog ..10 Best Internet Marketing Blogs =-.

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