I have been using social media sites to drive traffic to my blog ever since I started blogging for the past 3 months and I notice that not all of them brings me traffic.

This led me to to ask this question, “Which Social Media Site Rules?”

There are numerous amount of social media sites popping up all over the web and some of them brings major traffic to your site. But which one of them is best for driving traffic?

I Like Social Media

I like using social media sites to drive traffic to my site, market affiliate links, find other websites of interest and to communicate with friends and family.

But today I will be discussing the use of social media for driving traffic and marketing.

In one of my previous article I urged people to make good use of social media, because this is a great way to spread the word about your website and this is the reason why my blog has great success after 3 months.

I was on the phone the other day with Rob from RobsWebTips.com and he was saying he notice that on Twitter I am not communicating with my followers, I was only trying to promote my blog. I was understanding what he was saying. Twitter is not only for driving traffic, but to communicate via short status messages. Communicating with others is a great way for getting to know people and build a social relationship.

Social Medias That I Use

I am not on every social media sites, just a few of them. I mostly use Twitter and Facebook for communication and some marketing If you want to connect with my then feel free.

<li>Facebook Fan Page</li>
<li>YouTube Videos</li>
<li>Stumble Upon</li>

My Social Media Statistics

I have been using Google Analytics to track my stats of my referring social media sites. My top 5 traffic source from social media sites are listed below in ascending order:

BlogEngage – 185 Visits
Twitter – 142 Visits
StumbleUpon – 95 Visits
Facebook – 14 Visits
Others… – 22 Visits

Concluding Statements

Social media is one of the leading ways to gain traffic and popularity but this doesn’t take one person to make it happen.

For example with Twitter, If you are the only person tweeting your blog posts then it makes little or no sense for social media. But if you have lots of friends or kind enough people to tweet and retweet your blog posts then this is where you will gain lots of traffic, and then you can turn your traffic into sales.

Group Discussion

Most bloggers and webmasters use social media to drive traffic and market their products or affiliate links, other might use these sites for the fun of it. I would like to her from you:

  • Which Social Media is your favorite?
  • Which do you use to drive traffic and which brings you more traffic?

    1. Daniel Sharkov


      BlogEngage really seems like a good opportunity for getting additional traffic. I registered for an account some time ago, but haven’t used to site to date. Will have to check it out again as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing the statistics. It seems that Facebook has a long way to go until it catches up with sites such as Twitter and Stumbleupon.

    2. Kelly Watson


      I like using facebook, is facebook has the potential to provide you traffic?

    3. Isabel Rodrigues - Pro Blogger Journey


      Twitter and Blog engage are quiet effective. At least for me as I get majority of traffic from them.

    4. Reply

      Facebook, for socializing my friends, communicate and even past time. Youtube is another hobby for music and videos, Twitter for new friends who really shares thoughts and blog views. I don’t usually check more often on traffic. Just love to lurk and enjoy posting..

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment Ray. I like YouTube as well to kick back and have a laugh at some funny vids.

        I use Twitter and Facebook for socializing and marketing.

    5. Justin Germino


      I would pretty much list the same social media sites as my own favorites, and I do get more traffic from BlogEngage than from Twitter on one of my blogs. One tip for your blog theme, you need to update your CSS and make your “bullet” lines so that they “indent” about 5px the bullets run right up against the border of your post area and should be indented a little.

    6. Murlu


      I really like Twitter and Facebook.

      I like Twitter because I can have quick conversations or share a really cool link I’ve found during the day.

      Facebook is fantastic for the engagement because it’s on a much more friendly level.
      .-= Murluยดs last blog ..Insights And Interviews: Jonathan Beebe Of MMO Work =-.

    7. Adam Paudyal


      Kharim !!!
      Yes, brother I agree with you.
      Social media is one of the leading ways to get traffic to a site but it takes quite a number of people to make it possible.

      I say twitter is the best, if not one of the best social media sites. I have seen you in blog engage. I am glad it is really working out for you.

    8. Joe Boyle


      I think Twitter is best. It’s free, you don’t need an invite, it’s easy to gain a HUGE following, there are a lot of features, and there are tons of apps. Even better, it’s not the most popular site on the web, so it’s easier to brand yourself on Twitter.

    9. Reply

      I have just registered my self in blogengage, but didn’t start it yet ๐Ÿ˜€ I saw your pic on the front page ๐Ÿ˜€ so i thought i will try it as well.
      .-= Kimiยดs last blog ..Favicon WordPress =-.

    10. bbrian017


      I think it’s amazing to see blog engage up there as your number one referral. It just goes to show other bloggers that with a little dedication, quality content the site does work for you.

      I’m so happy the site is working out for you Kharim it’s great having you as a supporting member. I think your friend is right. if you market your blog to much using twitter it could look bad. Try building more friendships and get to know your followers.

      I know it’s time consuming trust me I live this life every day but with your dedication I think your going to do great things with your blog.
      .-= bbrian017ยดs last blog ..Day 13 of the Blog Engage SEO Keyword Challenge Social Bookmarking =-.

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