The success of a website today is measured by its traffic. And more traffic means more leads, which means more customers. Most of the time you will have to act as your own SEO expert, and, at least in the beginning, until your website gets on its feet, do the legwork yourself. That is why we offer these five simple SEO techniques that can help you get started.


The core of SEO is in the keywords. The best way to get boosted with Google rankings is to have great keyword phrases. However, creating them takes work, if you want to do it right and help yourself in the long run. To build solid SEO foundations for your website, take a week, or up to ten days to simply research keywords. See which ones would work the best for your product and website content. Google’s suggested phrases at the end of the search results page can also be of great help.

Focus on Long Tail Keywords

After doing your research you should have a long list of phrases and their variants. The ones you should be focused on, are long tail keywords. Like, for example, cheap kids bunk beds in Ontario. Simply implementing the keyword bunk beds will place you in a whole slew of result, so narrowing down your link keyword will boost you higher in more specific searches. Statistics show that specific searches are much more common, so long tail keywords are the way to go.

Measure Your Return Of Investment (ROI)

Another way to boost your traffic is to measure your ROI – return of investment. It is not an easy feat, but doing this properly can guarantee year-after-year growth of ROI and it places you in the upper class among other entrepreneurs. It is a feat that might give you an upper hand over your competitors, simply because the time taken to master it is long enough to make a lot of people give up early. Learn the ROI strategies and you will be well underway for boosted traffic.

Create Engaging Content

By exploring websites like, yahoo answers, or blogs and websites similar to yours, you can analyze the kind of questions people most commonly ask. These can be used to create headlines of your own, and even help in deciding which way you want to take your website in. The audience prefers specific content types, too: infographics, guest posts, and short, compelling articles. Take the time to research your audience, then fill your website with posts, videos and whole galleries of pictures relevant to you and your future customers.

Hire Outside Help

Yes, the chances are you can learn the basic SEO techniques on your own and make for a good starting traffic. But in order to maximize it, some outside help will go a long way. There are specialized agencies who can give you that final push that will launch your website to the highest Google ranks, like TOP SEO Adelaide. If you realize that other features of your website need more work, and you can’t manage everything, the easiest way is to get professional SEO specialists to take the task off your hands, and for maximum results.

The world of SEO can seem like a big and scary place, and especially far too complex for an upcoming business owner. Luckily, even those well-versed in the language of search engines can always learn new things they are willing to share with others. Take the time to study these five techniques, expand on them and give them a staple of your own. To achieve great Google rankings, it is key to know your audience, imperative to master search engine keywords, and recommended to hire an SEO specialist, once you get your website onto solid ground.

Author bio: Steven Clarke is a digital marketing specialist/business consultant. In his spare time, he likes to write about his ideas and share them with the world. Steven is a regular contributor to several websites.


  1. mansi desai



    nice post ever , in which that SEO specialist which is very significant ally described all points are very point fully

    described ,
    thanks for this ,


    mansi desai

  2. Ak veg recipes


    Great post!
    Thank you for sharing this great article.It’s very helpful for every one.
    We are always looking for great tips for our new SEO firm….thanks again and keep up the good work.
    that will help me a lot.

  3. Reply

    I would add that internal links and external links can have a significant impact as well. The way you formulate your anchor texts for onsite and offsite articles can help boost your ranking on certain keywords.

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