In my previous article, I talked about Using Your Readers For Promotion. Today I want to target the WordPress blog users and how to add the TweetMeMe, adding the TweetMeMe to your Thesis teaser and the Sexy Bookmark.

Sexy Bookmark

Sexy Bookmark is a plugin that adds a list of social media buttons below each article post. This will make it easy for readers to share the article. You can customize your buttons, add or remove buttons, display buttons on index or only post or pages, and many more.

This image below shows an example of how the sexy bookmark plugin looks.

read next post

Download the sexy bookmark plugin at the link below.


The Tweetmeme button is a fantastic way for our readers to engage with our stories and signals which posts are a hit with the Twitter community. The button has been a valuable addition to our site and consistently drives reader engagement.

Download the tweetmeme plugin at the link below.

TweetMeMe Thesis Teaser Tutorial

Code for tweet meme button inside the teaser box left or right, Copy the below code and paste it into custom_functions.php file. for right side change the style float:right and margin-left:10px; and tweet meme source as your twitter user name.


function tweet_button_left() {
<div id='twittley_button' style='float:left;margin-right:10px;'>
<script type="text/javascript">
tweetmeme_source = 'babyboykharim';
tweetmeme_url = '<?php echo get_permalink($postid); ?>';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<?php }

add_action('thesis_hook_before_teaser', 'tweet_button_left');

Demo Video Below

Thanks for reading 🙂


  1. bbrian017


    I love Sexy Bookmarks. When blog engage was first added I was really happy and promoted it on our social blog. I think it’s a great plugin for all bloggers. It’s clean, unique, we designs and provides easy access to all of the most popular social networks online.

    I also use tweet meme as well.
    .-= bbrian017´s last blog ..Take a moment and introduce yourself to our community =-.

    • Reply

      Thanks Brian. The sexy bookmark is great and I love how it works and I love having my posts tweeted with the tweetmeme.

  2. MrsMoody


    Thanks for this, the sexy bookmark i don’t have yet. Great post!
    .-= MrsMoody´s last blog ..Move wordpress to subfolder or subdirectory =-.

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