Using The Big F For Promotion- Facebook

You got a F. You should use it. I am not talking about the word fail or the f on a test paper. I am talking about Facebook.

Facebook has managed to become a standard for all other social networking sites. Offering a staggering amount of apps, games and extras, this Web site is currently the second most popular in the United States (Alexa, March 2010). That is one popular social networking site. When you consider the sheer amount of traffic this Web site reaches, you might start to get a few ideas. Learn how to use Facebook for promotion, and harness some of that popularity for yourself.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use social networking to drive more traffic to your pages and earn more income? Well, you can. Learn how to use Facebook in a way that will help you boost your Web site’s money-making abilities. (more…)

5 Tips for Using Twitter to Grow Your Business

1. Make a profile. Fill it out completely, providing a good description of your business, and a link to your company Web site. You may want to set up two or more Twitter accounts – perhaps one as a customer-service channel, and another as the main company page.

2. Listen & learn. At first, don’t post much… just search for Twitter users in your sector who have a lot of followers and watch what they’re saying. Follow them – some will follow you back and you’ll start to build an audience. Locate influential Twitter users such as Rob Rammny (@robrammuny) or Lisa Irby (@2createawebsite) and read their Twitter tips. (more…)