The social media continues to change the way people do business. In addition to making it easy for people to reconnect with the people they know and to find new friends from across the globe, the social media platform has proven to be one of the most effective tools you can use in online marketing. This is partly because most of your consumers are already on social media.

One thing that makes social media a good choice for online marketing is the fact that it will help you get better ranking on social media. Google tends to give priority to content from Facebook and other social media. By incorporating social media in your marketing strategy, you will be able to achieve better results. But why should you display Facebook and other social media using URLs? This is a trend that has been around for some time and most people don’t understand why it is important. If you are one of these people, the purpose of this post is to help you understand why displaying your social media using URLs is a great thing.

Create quality links

The main reason why you should consider the option of using URLs to display your social media profiles is because it is essential for search engine optimization. It is important to understand the basics of SEO. The more quality links that a page has, the better its chances of being ranked well on search engine results. Search engines favor links from Facebook and other social media networks. Displaying social media content using URLs will excel in helping you add quality links to your pages. This will boost your ranking.

The second reason why it is good to display your social media profiles using URLs is because it makes it easy for your customers to find your social media profiles. By simply clicking on the URLs, customers will be able to find your profile easily. This is because the link will send them directly to your social media profile. This is better than forcing your customers to spend time searching for your profile using the search tools. Making it easy for people to find your profile will help you get more followers.

It is also important to note that sharing your social media profiles using URLs will help you add fresh content to your website. This is a very important thing considering visitors are easily bored by stale content. What is more is that most digital signage systems allow you to share your live social media feeds on your screens using URLs. This will further give you fresh content for your screens.

Make customers aware of your social media profiles

Another reason that makes sharing your social media profiles using URLs important is the fact that it makes it easy for customers to learn of your social media profiles. This is essential considering the fact that you need more followers in order for your content to have a wider reach. The URLs you provide make it easy for customers to be directed straight to your profile where they can join and be part of your followers. Making it easy for customers to find your profiles is the easiest way of convincing people to follow you.

Another way sharing URLs will help you is by making customers be more interested in your profiles. People cannot search for something they don’t know exists. This is why providing a link to your social media profiles will be more effective in compelling customers to join you. More so, you can share your pages using URLs so that customers can see what you post and share on your profiles. This can further enable you to compel them to follow or like your page.

The main reason why sharing your social media URLs is important is because it will enable you to get more followers. The more people learn about the existence of your social media page, the more people will be included to follow you. Essentially, having more followers means that you will get more likes and shares on your posts. This enables your content to reach a wider audience.

Let customers know what is happening on your social media profiles

Sharing your Facebook and other social media using URLs makes it easy for people to know what is happening on your social media pages. This is important when you want to remind customers of the existence of your profiles. It is very easy for your followers to get bored and forget about your Facebook page. Sharing the profiles on your website using URLs can help remind old customers that your page still exists and that it is more relevant than it was before. This can help win back lost followers.

Another way sharing social media using URLs can help is by compelling new customers to join you on Facebook or any other social media network. This is one because it makes it easy for them to find your profile since all they need to do is to follow the link. Second, sharing the content enables the new customers to know what you usually post on your pages. This can help win their attention.

Last but not least, you can share your social media profiles using URLs for the purpose of educating your customers on new or upcoming developments. For example, if you have a new product that you will be launching or an upcoming event, you can give more information on this on your Facebook profile and then make it easy for customers to find it by displaying your Facebook content on your website or another platform using URLs.

There are so many reasons why displaying Facebook and other social media using URLs is a good thing to do. However, for this to work in your favor, you have to make sure that your social media profiles are active and relevant to your customers. You must also make sure that you properly regulate the content that you display on your pages. The wrong content can cost you potential customers.

Author Bio

Charlie Brown is a social media marketer working with Way2Web; an online marketing company rendering services in Antwerp. He often recommends newbies to use to learn more on marketing.

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