Blogging is an amazing hobby and an excellent way to earn money; the trouble is the income can be a little unreliable. You might get a ton of opportunities one month with companies buying sponsored posts and banner ads. You might write a post that goes viral, gaining you lots of clicks to your site and earn you a significant amount of money with Google Adsense. Other times it might be quieter, days or even weeks might pass without any interest- even if you’re a fairly well-established blogger. If you’re looking to quit your day job but aren’t confident that you’ll be able to live on just your blog income, having a few other projects on the go at the same time can all help to supplement your money. Here are just a few of them.


People pay good money for tutors, so if you have a skill why not earn some extra money from it? If you’re a blogger, chances are you’re already pretty knowledgeable in this area, and so this is one subject you could focus on. You could teach the basics of setting up a blog, SEO tips, provide photography advice and provide topic ideas. This could be done in person, or even via Skype to anyone in the world. If you have other subjects that you’re either qualified in or know a lot about you could tutor in those instead. Have a think about what you’re good at, do your market research and work out the practicalities of setting it all up.


If you run a blog then you will already be skilled at writing, so why not look into freelance writing jobs? Many websites offer a ‘bidding’ system where you can bid on, and essentially pick and choose the projects you want to do. While there will be deadlines, this is good as you can do it in your own time. If you’re having a busy week or month with blogging, then hold off on the writing projects. You could do freelance editing, design or something else entirely.


Image credit to Pexels

Look Into Binary Options

Binary options is a way to make money online which anyone can take advantage of. It’s similar to trading stocks in the fact that you buy and sell at the right time in order to make a profit. However, unlike traditional stocks, it’s much easier for beginners. As with all trading, there is an element of risk there, but it can be a fruitful and exciting way to earn money. It’s advisable to set up a demo account, software such as 24option has this feature. That way you can practice and formulate a plan before investing real money.

Get Crafty

There’s no better time to start a small business; there are so many sites online where you can set up your own little store and sell your crafts. It could be digital art, fine art, jewelry or something else. You could set up a Facebook business and sell things like baked goods to people in your local area. Whatever you’re good at or are interested in could become a little business that you could run on the side, and is a fantastic way to supplement your blog earnings.

What do you do to supplement your blog income during quieter times?

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