Now that you have a new website, I can bet my next dollar that the next thing you want badly is traffic. Organic search is critical at this moment and you need to get it by any means possible. It accounts to over 50% of all website traffic, compared to a meager 5% for social media so you see its importance in the success of your new website.

If you want to take advantage of this staggering potential, it is important that your website is visible in Google search results. Unless you want wait for nature’s favor, a few actions can get your new site indexed by Google quickly as explained below. 

  • Using Google Analytics

Google offers this tool free for anyone who wishes to track traffic on his or her site. Do not let such a wonderful opportunity go begging. This tool can help you know from the onset whether you are targeting the right audience.

You can decipher so much through Google analytics. For example, you can get crucial details such as referral sites, locations of your visitors, number of visitors and so on. Moreover, the tool enables you to identify keywords that your visitors use regularly. You need this kind of information to market your site correctly and get better results on Google search results.

  • Updating Your Social Media Sites

How are your social media profiles performing? If you do not even have Facebook, Twitter and the likes, you had better create them soon. Google is constantly looking for social signals for indexing sake. Furthermore, these social sites have places for you to link back to your website. Having active social media profiles will hasten indexing by Google, Bing and other search engines.  Using your site creatively will also boost your site’s performance. For example, create a short YouTube video and add your site’s URL in the description.

  • Using a Blog

It is not a secret that blogs are some of the best SEO machines ever. Ask experts at top10-websitehosting – adding a blog to your website will definitely increase traffic to your site. Research shows that blogging frequently can add traffic to visitors to a site to the tune of 55%. When you consider the indexing capacity of a blog, it comes even more exciting.

A website with a blog enjoys extra indexed links and pages (97% and 434% respectively). It does not matter which industry you work in; a blog will always come in handy.

  • Creating a Website RSS Feed

For those who think that RSS is long dead, you are wrong. Many people are still using this method to index their websites with amazing results. Perhaps its evolution is what is making many people to shy away. While RSS feeds helps users to read a lot of content faster, it also benefits website owners through instant distribution of content.

I am sure this is something you would want for your content strategy. You have Google to thank for a free RSS feed tool called FeedBurner. Whenever you publish new content, Google is notified.

Nothing is as gratifying to a new site owner as to see his or her website becoming an instant hit on Google and other search engines. The four points listed here are not conclusive. We still have not talked about Google Search Console, blog directories and sitemaps. You can get all these tips and more at this site. The point is that most of what you need for quick Google indexation of your new site is at your fingertips. What other methods have you used? Let us know.

Divya Thaker is a seasoned freelance writer who specializes in all things of digital marketing. She loves helping others get succeed being aware about the google index rules.


  1. mansi desai



    Excellent post ,

    indexing is mean part of every website user ,in this blog it is very useful blog .

    thanks for sharing this information,


    mansi desai

  2. Reply

    Great tips thanks! What many people don’t realize is, if you don’t get your links indexed, they provide no value when it comes to your SEO. Social sharing seems to give me the most success for faster indexing of backlinks, so great advice here.

  3. Reply

    I think the quickest way to get your site or post indexed by Google is to use “fetch as” and “request indexing” in Google webmasters tool. 🙂
    Great post by the way.

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