Google creates updates because people are always looking for ways to manipulate the system for their own benefit. That is why so many people seem to lose their position on the search engine results pages when Google creates an update.

The people who are using these manipulative techniques (knowing or not) are often thrown down the search engine results quite quickly.

Here are five tips that may help you get through future updates.


1 – Write your page content for the user and not the search engine

This is one of their most commonly stated points. Google are always saying that the user should come first, and their updates always seem to work towards that end. In other words the things such as keyword stuffing and awkward keyword placement should be a thing of the past. If your keywords are not appearing naturally in your text then clearly they are not supposed to be in there in the first place.

The people who write content of any old nature and then put in keywords that are seemingly unrelated are always going to fall foul of the most recent Google updates. If you keep your user in mind at all times then you cannot go too far wrong. Do not forget that Google wants to create the most user friendly results possible so that people keep on using their search engine.

2 – Add backlinks to websites where you would get direct traffic

If you get direct traffic from the website then your traffic numbers will still be present even if you are kicked off of the Google search engine results. But, Google does have this thing about relevancy, and websites that have the same target audience as you are considered relevant. If you are getting direct traffic from your links placed on other websites then it is safe to say that they have the same target audience as you.


3 – Anchor text is supposed to tell the search engine about the linked web page

When you create anchor text for your websites internal links and for its backlinks it is supposed to have keywords in it. This is because it is search engine friendly, and because it gives Google a clue as to what your website is all about. This sort of web content clue is going to be a ranking factor for a long time and is unlikely to change, so you should stick with it.

When you create your anchor text atop your links you need to make sure it is descriptive without being too long. It should be convenient but also concise. This does not mean filling it full of keywords or just having keywords. It is all about striking a happy middle ground so that it is usable for the search engines and for the users.

4 – Usability for the reader is of paramount importance

Google is always going to want to have very useable Internet search engine results. The websites they present should be highly usable so that people keep coming back to their search engine.

This means that if you strive to make your website highly usable for the reader then you are going to avoid any nasty sides of Google updates. Usability should run from the navigation all the way to the website content and its actual use. If your website does not seem to have a use then ask yourself how you expect to rise up through the search engine results pages.

5 – Do not follow the latest search engine trends that you read about

This seems to be a common pattern that people fall foul of. Every now and then a certain search engine secret comes out in the online community. For example, when people went a bit nutty about guest posting it seemed that guest posts were more search engine friendly than adding articles to article websites.

All of a sudden there are thousands of people scrambling to get on the bandwagon and before you know it Google have released an update that makes the method no longer as effective. Even these days writing guest posts is now as effective as writing for article websites; this was not the case earlier in 2013 when article websites were not as effective (they are now as search engine friendly as guest posts).

All you have to do is not take current SEO trends too seriously because before you know it Google will create an update that will change the goalpost.

[box]Kate Funk is an essay writing specialist at She is the author of numerous essays on SEO, internet, marketing.[/box]


  1. Sudipto


    Nice post and Yes, we have to write content for our readers not for search engine. These points which you mentioned above are really very important. Thanks for sharing these tips with us.

  2. Sriniwas


    Nice Post, but i’m not sure about the last point – whether to agree or not?

  3. Sumit malik


    i agree with your post.. lots of website just fill their page with keywords.. moreover they do it so much that it difficult to read and understand it proprery.. so whenever google catches such site.. then punish it so badly that you can not see them till 30 pages +

  4. Ruchi Dobhal


    Thanks for sharing this post. You have really explained it well. I really enjoyed it while reading. These 5 tips are of really great importance.

  5. Samir


    Very great points mentioned. Every thing in our blog should be unique and fresh which shall be published for readers not for search engines.


  6. Robert Singh


    The first thing is we must work on quality content which are loved by google and we must not care about search engines. Perhaps it’s the best way to get traffic.


  7. frank joseph


    I agree with all your points, if you as a blogger does not follow the guide on how to protect your websites from google frequents updates, you might not like what will happen to your site ranking.

  8. Reply

    Very nice article
    In the last Google update, thousands of websites were eliminated and decrease PR. I think those tips can help website owners to protect their reputation and maintain them effectively.
    thanks for your sharing.


  9. ashfaq ahmed


    very useful info, as recently update by google and traffic of the website goes down and also pagerank but your article give great tips about it.

  10. Reply

    i think that the best tip that you can get its to write honestly. If you make tricks google will gonna get you sooner or later

  11. Naveen


    Due to heavy spamming by automated SEO blasts, Google frequently release new algos to penalize the sites with un natural link pattern.

    To avoid this, we should build link with relevant website and always diversify links.

    Thanks 🙂

  12. Reply

    Yeah, following the SEO trends seems like a losing game. Even if you get ahead for a bit, do you really think you’re going to stay in front of Google? Best bet: build an audience, write content they like, repeat. Thanks for the post!

  13. Reply

    Not sure I agree with the point about article marketing.

    Its large scale paid link building and most article sites have low domain authority and accept posts on anything so aren’t going to be relevant.

    That doesn’t exactly fit in with Google’s latest guidelines?

  14. Zaib Abbasi


    Our priority should be our web page content but i don’t know why every one follow the new trend madly they should keep focus on their way of posting then they can get any thing

  15. Saqib Razzaq


    Well said. We don’t need to start following every new trend that we hear about. Just keep going the way you are going if things are working out good for you. Thanks for sharing.

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