Improve the number of clients your website produces by creating content that your readers love. What’s good for the user is great for the search engines.

Maximize the traffic your site receives by reaching a top position in the organic search results. In an article he write in his own blog, Sparktoro, Rand Fishkin wrote that the trend of zero-click searches has now reached 51% of the total search volume. Despite this growing phenomenon of click-less searches, the organic results still accounts for the bulk of traffic you can receive from a specific keyword search.

To rank on the first page, content should have the ability to meet the needs of specific search query. If we go through the entire process step by step, it all begins with a keyword topic.

Creating content structure

When you are building content on your site create a preliminary blueprint for what needs to be published. Start with your main keyword topic. Use this main keyword topic as an idea bucket and fill it with every subtopic that would adequately describe your main keyword topic.

Each of these subtopics will be used within your main page but will also be published as separate supporting articles that go deeper into detail.

This is the initial blueprint for publishing content in a hub and spoke structure. This structure illustrates the depth of your keyword topic as well as the importance of the central page through the links that are made to and from the articles.

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Keyword research

Now that you have the initial blueprint of the content you need to create, you can find the best keywords to target for each page. Invest the time for effective keyword research to explore as many options as possible.

Find your seed keyword

Enter the main keyword topic into a keyword tool to generate a list of options.

Export the results to a spreadsheet.

Sort the results according to keyword difficulty.

Eliminate the options that are unrealistic in achieving a first page ranking.

Sort the results by volume.

Delete the keywords that are below an acceptable volume of searches.

Sort by cost per click from the highest to lowest values.

You are now looking at keywords that represent the most commercial value out of your options. Scan your keywords and highlight your top selections. You will need to choose the best option based primarily on relevance but with a good balance of volume, difficulty and commercial value.

Make it a long tail key phrase

Make your target keyword at least four words or more. Use descriptive words that will accurately target a user who is specifically searching for the solution you’re offering.

If you’re a local business, targeting a keyword with your city at the end of it might serve as the best option. By targeting local traffic you can eliminate competition and focus on driving traffic that is specifically looking in your city for your product or service.

Answer the Public is a site that groups popular phrases together in different ways to present hundreds of long tail keyword ideas. Simply enter your keyword in the dashboard to get a report that uses your keyword in questions, combinations and associations.

Targeting a long tail keyword typically yields less traffic but with a higher conversion rate. As you build on the authority of your page and website you improve your ability to rank for the seed term as well as the long tail search phrase.

Publish award winning content

The content you publish can make or break a successful campaign. Include the most relevant aspects of your topic and make it something your visitors will enjoy reading.

You can improve the quality of your content by incorporating media. Use images videos, podcasts and infographics to boost your pages engagement and spice up your content. When it comes to user experience, a professional web designer can help with the aspects of design that will hold a users attention longer.

People will retain more information when there are images associated with the points you’re explaining. It’s also a way to break up big blocks of text and make your content more appealing to readers.

Video is proven to increase the engagement stats a website generates by lengthening the time a visitor spends on site. People prefer to watch a video rather than read text when they are learning about a topic. A video will also give you more options to drive traffic from YouTube and other social media sites.

Present your content to targeted audience

If you don’t have at least one social media profile in which you’re actively engaged in building a network -now is the time to start. Pick a site that is best suited to your industry and get involved by joining groups and maintaining a presence.

Post content regularly and ask people to share it with their network. As long as your content has value, your network will grow and the audience you build will provide streams of traffic with every post.

As a traffic-producing asset, your social network can send you clients directly. It will also lead to new backlinks that will ultimately improve your position in the search results.

Brand your business while linking to your site

An effective method of building links to your site also happens to be a branding opportunity for your business. As a guest author you can submit an article to blogs within your niche to earn a backlink. At the same time, you can demonstrate your expertise in your field through the content you’re offering.

Guest posting can sometimes be a labour intensive process. To improve your chances and streamline your efforts make sure you submit articles that have enticing headlines and subtitles.

Most editors decide from the title whether they are going to consider your article for publication. If they like the title, they’re going to scan through your article reading the subtitles before they jump into the content. Give your article some sizzle effect by creating interesting headlines.

Improve the number of new clients your website produces

Strategize your keywords and spend time creating content that adequately covers all aspects of search intent. When you readers are actively engaged in the content you produce, a first page ranking is only a matter of time. A position on the first page is the solution to driving more traffic to improve the number of new clients your website produces.

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