No matter whether you are a vendor or an affiliate, your first priority is always getting better conversions.  You make every effort from split testing everything from email subject lines to colors on your pitch page order buttons to try to bump up your conversion rate even ½ point.

So why is everyone obsessed with conversions? Why spend the time in constant testing?  That’s a no-brainer – it’s all about the Benjamins.  Higher conversions means higher ROI and is potential money in your pocket; it also means affiliates are more likely to promote your product which is even more money in your pocket.  So this article aims to show you the best way to use “Presale & Follow Up” method to up your conversion rate by at least 30% and quite possibly even more.


Presale and Follow Up Method – What Does That Mean?


You might be surprised to learn that more than 80 percent of customers who click the Buy Now button and make it to the payment form don’t buy, but instead abandon the purchase. There are probably several reasons for this – second thoughts, or don’t want to go find the credit card at that moment, interrupted by a telephone call, and so forth.  The only thing we can do in this case is to ask the customer to try once more.

So, rather than send your prospective buyer directly to the payment form, you can use a ‘squeeze page’ to garner the buyers name and email address prior to sending them to the order form.  Some people have advised me that they heard adding this extra step will reduce conversions, but I have done numerous split tests and found that not to be true; it has not had a negative impact on conversions for me.

A Presale Form Should Contain:

I have found from experience the best presale form should contain all or at least some of the following:

Ÿ  Ask for Customer’s email address, first and last name

Ÿ  Seal of Trust stating your business is legitimate and verified

Ÿ  Progress bar at top of form showing customer progress in the order process and what they should expect next

Ÿ  Testimonials for your product if allowed to use them

Ÿ  Product image to keep customer focused on what they are buying

These leads are absolutely the hottest any vendor could ask for – each one of these people clearly intended to buy your product before they stopped because they

a. clicked the buy button and b. took time to fill in their details.  Both of these indicate a clear intention to buy before they were halted for one reason or another.

So now, all you need to do is follow up on this list by sending them an email – offer an additional incentive to try their order once more.  An incentive could be something like a price discount, a free give-a-way, or a bonus of some kind.  My research results indicate 25 to 30% of the ones who receive an email invitation will actually come back, try again, and buy.  This proves you can increase your conversion rate by 25-3-% just by using this tactic.

I found an interesting article and I am sure you will like it too –
Why You Should Start Focusing Your Marketing Efforts On Wealthy People?


  1. Marketing Philosophy


    This is a key factor if you want to become a successful online marketer, you cannot just sent people to the payment form and expect from them to buy your products. Most people buy products after the third approach of the seller, so you should make them give you their email to be able to send them follow up messages.

    • Martha


      Nice to have you here! People want a third party approach or recommendation. It also acts as a symbol of trust IMO!

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