This is a guest post by Rob Rammuny from Robswebtips where he helps others escape the 9-5 to live the Internet Lifestyle. He also has a FREE eCourse where he teaches you step-by-step how to create a profitable blog and live the Internet Lifestyle. You can follow him on Twitter @RobRammuny.

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The Internet Lifestyle is the goal and desire for many bloggers to live. I’ve been living the Internet Lifestyle for quite awhile now and I must say… I love it. I couldn’t ask for anything more than what I have.  But one thing I’ve noticed over time that the Internet Lifestyle is being perceived as a walk in the park.

Today, I’m going to bring a reality check for you. I’m going to share with you what it’s like to live the Internet Lifestyle VS the Work Lifestyle and also the big debating question…  Are you ready to live the Internet Lifestyle?

The Work Lifestyle

Work from 9 to 5, sitting in the office all day staring at the clock counting the hours, minutes and seconds until it reaches 5PM. Un-passionate about what you are doing,   checking the mail waiting for the check.  It’s simply uncomfortable and something many people do not enjoy living.

The Internet Lifestyle

You work when you want, however long you want. You have the freedom to be your own boss and make your own income. The limits on the revenue you bring in is limitless, and only controlled by you.

The difference…

Right now you’re probably thinking that “The Internet Lifestyle is just RIGHT for me; freedom, time and luxury.” Just seems perfect right? The big difference between these two is beyond what I explained, something more important. What I’m going to share with you is what will answer the big question “Are you ready to live the Internet Lifestyle?”

Responsibility, one word, but it has a big meaning behind it though. When we are our own boss we have freedom to what we please. When you’re living the Internet Lifestyle it’s important that you have enough responsibility to set time in the day to devote to your business.

People instantly jump into the mindset that the “Internet Lifestyle” is the “Work free Lifestyle” which is in no way true. I have worked weeks where I’ve put in over 100+ hours. Usually, I spend about 30-40 hours working on my business. The thing is, I’m doing what I love. Any successful entrepreneur will tell you running your own business is no walk in the park. And certainly is not a “work free” journey. In a interview I was reading, 12 Top Online Entrepreneurs Share How Hard They Work and I noticed they all work around 50+ hours a week.

read next post

So the question is… Are YOU ready to live the Internet Lifestyle?

The Internet Lifestyle is a blessing to live. But if it was really “so easy” to live, why isn’t everyone and their grandparents doing it? It takes work, time and most importantly responsibility.


  1. PC Support


    Very great post Rob. I know that you are living the internet lifestyle and congrats on making it big. Thanks for sharing mate..Love to see more from you. 🙂

  2. Bit Doze


    Internet is a big deal for me I think without it it will be hard to leave.

  3. Noah Rainey


    Nothing is going to compare to the internet lifestyle. It’s just a matter of fact. No if your a multi million dollar man without doing this through the internet that’s a different story. Haha, great post Rob.
    .-= Noah Rainey´s last blog ..25 Ways on How to Make Money Online =-.

  4. Dev


    Awesome Post. Internet lifestyle is really awesome. !! It’s great fun working from home but it takes lot of hard work and patience.

    Thanks for sharing this great post.

    .-= Dev @ Blogging Tips´s last blog ..Interview with Rob Rammuny – Living Internet Lifestyle =-.

    • Rob Rammuny


      It truly does take a lot of hard work, but in the long run it pays off 🙂
      .-= Rob Rammuny´s last blog ..This one word… becomes the death of bloggers =-.

  5. Reply

    Very great post Rob. I know that you are living the internet lifestyle and congrats on making it big. I would like to reach your level of achievement but I know I have to put in hard work to get there.

    I am climbing the ladder little by little to reach it.

    • Rob Rammuny


      Thanks Kharim for letting me guest post. No worries dude, if you keep up your level of motivation and hard work.. you will be sitting high too bro. Like I told you, you have already had a stronger start than I did 🙂 so you are doing very good!
      .-= Rob Rammuny´s last blog ..This one word… becomes the death of bloggers =-.

  6. Melinda


    I think many people think working at home is all fun and games. The reality is it does take more work to run your own business. Sometimes I think it would be easier to go put in 40 hours somewhere, come home, and be done with work for the day. I, too, find myself working 7 days a week and sometimes about 80-100 hours. Working for yourself at home, you never leave your job. I think it does take someone who is responsible, organized, and self-motivated to work at home where no one is watching you to see if you are goofing off. Great article! It is inspiring to see young bloggers, such as you, so self-motivated and driven at such an early age.
    .-= Melinda´s last blog ..Volcanic eruption fun – cleaning with baking soda =-.

    • Rob Rammuny


      Your totally right Melinda and another thing that I realized by reading an article the other day was…when you work online, business runs 24/7. That means your business never sleeps, so there is always work to be done, because your competition isn’t sleeping either.

      Speaking of 80-100 weeks, I’m finding myself doing that this week. I’ve been cutting back on sleep, T.V and other fun stuff and working hard on business.
      .-= Rob Rammuny´s last blog ..This one word… becomes the death of bloggers =-.

  7. John Paul


    Nice post.. nothing beats the internet lifestyle, but don’t get it twisted, the internet lifestyle is still hard work,, maybe even more in the beginning.

    The beauty of the IL is that at some point, you will have more freedom and income to do the things you wouldnt be able to do with the Work Lifestyle.
    .-= John Paul´s last blog ..Breaking Into The Top 20 Internet Marketers Online With No List =-.

    • Rob Rammuny


      Thanks John, and your totally right. I think the reason it is more challenging is because for many of us, we are running our own business… which we know isn’t a walk in the park.

      And I can totally say agree that having the freedom and finical freedom is amazing!
      .-= Rob Rammuny´s last blog ..This one word… becomes the death of bloggers =-.

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