Do you think it is too late to start building your mailing list?

A lot of people might answer to the question with a single word, “yes”.

Why is that so?

This is because they think that the earlier you start building your mailing list then the more success you will have in email marketing.

While that may be true, it is never too late to start building your mailing list.

Tons of bloggers started their mailing list late but at some point in time they started their mailing list and are now some of the top email marketers.

Some people are also to take the first step into building their mailing list.

In this post I am going to help you understand why it is not too late to start your mailing list and also why you shouldn’t be afraid to start today.

[box type=”spacer”]Why It’s Not Late To Star Building[/box]

The reason for this post is that I had written an article pertaining to growing a mailing list, and the comments from my readers made me realize that a lot of them started their mailing list a few months later or even a year after starting their blog.

While the process in building up a mailing list can be slow, you can start building your mailing list anytime you feel like. Lots of people think that the earlier you start building your mailing list then the better because you can get tons of people to sign up to your mailing list as early as possible and then start marketing to them.

Well it depends on the things you do to start building your email list and what you want to accomplish through it.

In one of my recent articles, How To Grow Your Mailing List With These 15 Amazing Tips, I gave some awesome tips on how to build up your mailing list in no time.

It’s not hard to build a mailing list, all you have to do is have giveaways, write great contents, make it easy to subscribe, have an attractive optin form, us pop ups and also invite them to subscribe.

[box type=”spacer”]My Trial Mailing List & Marketing[/box]

I had started a mailing list using Mail Chimp. This was just to test if people were truly interested in my blog and if they would also subscribe to my newsletter.

I used Mail Chimp because it is free to use and also allowed me to have up to 2,000 subscribers for free. If I went over that 2,000 subscribers mark then I would have to start paying to use their services.

While I didn’t go over the limit, I managed to get almost 400 people to subscribe to my blog. Even though I didn’t do a giveaway or promoted my mailing list to the full, I still got almost 400 people to subscribe to my blog.

This made me realize that my blog readers were interested in my content, so it was time to start building my real email list.

About 2 weeks ago I sent out one single email to them and made $50. This goes to show that I was successful in marketing. It was time for me to now take this serious.

[box type=”spacer”]I Finally Started My Mailing List[/box]

So now that realized I can build a mailing list, I finally started my mailing list last week.

I have decided to stop using Mail Chimp and get down to business.

On February 14, valentines day, I fell in love with Aweber. They make building an email list so much fun. I am so excited in building up my email list and start giving out the best blogging tips to my subscribers.

It’s almost 3 years now since I started this blog, so why did it take so late to start a real mailing list?

Well I first wanted to build up my blog and then launch a mailing list so that people would be eager to subscribe.

I also wanted to have a strategy to build my mailing list.

Did I start too late?

No I didn’t! I started just at the right time because I wanted to be in the frame of mind to start email marketing. Now that I am in it, it’s time for me to start building my mailing list.

[box]In Conclusion[/box]

It doesn’t matter when you decide to start your mailing list. Start it when you know that you are ready.

Some people say that the mistake that they made is not starting a mailing list early. But for me the mistake that can be made is not starting your mailing list at all.


  1. Yasir Khan


    Business mailing lists considerably increase the power of a company’s marketing campaign. It will help you spread the word about your websites and products easily.

  2. Reply

    Yes, it’s never too late. I have also heard good things about Aweber, a lot of top bloggers use their service all the way up to the 80k and 100k bu mark.

    • Reply

      Hey Donny,

      It is never to late to start. Aweber is awesome! I just signed up the other day and already loving the success of building my mailing list.

      Thanks for the comment.

  3. Reply

    Nice article. Good to see this…
    Thank You Very Much for posting this.. 🙂

    Your Blog’s Information is really useful

    I believe whenever a new blog is started we must starting working on building the mailing list.

    • Reply

      Hey Sanjay,

      Yep building a mailing list from the start can be a great thing and even lead to faster blogging success.

      Thanks for the comment.

  4. Swet


    Email Marketing is also a good technique of Online Marketing. Through this we can boost our products and services in the web. Its an cost effectual method to interact with the consumers.

    • Reply

      Hey Swet,

      You are so right about that. This is one of the top was to make money as well, through email marketing.

      Thanks for the comment.

  5. Shitij


    Well I will also start my mailing list using Aweber and I would be glad if you could give me some discount coupons or some offer in buying one..

  6. Sarah Park


    There will never be late as starting a mailing list. I myself fail to start mine when I started with blogging.

    • Reply

      Hey Sarah,

      Many people start late because they didn’t know about email marketing. I purposefully started late because I wanted to be ready when it came to that part of making money online.

      Thanks for the comment.

  7. Reply

    I believe whenever a new blog is started we must starting working on building the mailing list. So that we can get loyal readers.

    • Reply

      Hey Jessica,

      Well that is true. But sometimes when a blog is new, not everybody will be eager to sign up to it’s mailing list. So it is best to build up a great reputation and then launch your mailing list.

      Thanks for the comment.

  8. Ali Usman


    I have start building my mailing list when I have write more then 90 blogs so I think you are absolutely right there is no late time to make something good for your own self.

  9. markincense


    Well nothing is never been late for anything you can start anything any time there is no age for something and the mailing list make sure you have to start it do not worry when was the right time just start it.

  10. Joe Boyle


    I think it’s rather ironic that people are still saying that it’s too late to start a newsletter, yet it’s not too late to start a website. The point is just as existant today as it was yesterday, or it will be tomorrow – where there is people, there is a possibility for a newsletter. If you have a group of people who like your stuff, they will subscribe whether it’s “too late” or not.

    Everybody has started sometime – they were probably told it was too late when they did. Even if it is too late, it’s better now than tomorrow. Just go for it. Great post, Kharim. Keep up the great work.

    • Reply

      Hey Joe,

      Yes, once people like your articles they will freely subscribe. It doesn’t matter when you place the optin form on your blog, once they see it and your content is like gold to them then they will subscribe.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  11. Dave



    Well iam currently using aweber which is awesome, although i always recommend aweber to all my buddies.

    Now according to me, i believe whenever a new blog is started we must starting working on building the mailing list. So that we can get loyal readers.


    • Reply

      Hey Dave,

      I too just signed up with Aweber and I am loving it as well.

      Well that is true. But most times people aren’t so eager to sign up to a new blog. So one should build up contents and a good reputation and then launch a mailing list.

      But it can work both ways.

      Thanks for the comment.

  12. Reply

    Hey Kharim !
    Well that’s a motivational post. Now I can understand, really it’s not too late to start building my mailing list.

  13. Adam


    The answer could be yes because it has become really hard to go throug the spam filter these last months. To do email marketing has lost a lot of his interest.

    • Reply

      Hi Adam,

      It’s never too late to start. Once you have great list building methods that you can use, you can do it.

      Thanks for the comment.

  14. Reply

    Hello Dear

    i read your post and i appreciate with your post and i am very impress, email marketing is nice and interesting way of link building and i am also using these way, really thanks for the sharing me

    • Reply

      Hello Alka,

      Email marketing is a great way to generate some income from your blogging journey and also great for traffic as well.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  15. Melly Schug


    It’s always your choice when are you going to start building your mailing lists. It’s not to late for you if you start now because when you have started earlier and you’re still not ready for it then it’s just useless right?
    Anyway, thanks for these tips.

    • Reply

      Hey Melly,

      Yes you are so right about that.

      Start your mailing list when you are fully ready for email marketing and when you really know how to build a list.

      Thanks for the comment.

  16. rahul


    by email marketing we can get more traffic so start making mail list now that is very helpful for us thanks for sharing this post…

    • Reply

      Hey Rahul,

      I appreciate your feed back. Yup email marking can help us greatly in traffic wise and also in making money.

      Thanks for the comment.

  17. mr alexis


    A mailing list is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients. So , you can start a mailing list whenever you want , and whenever you feel your are ready to.

    • Reply

      Hey Mr. Alexis,

      You are so right about that. A person should start his/her mailing list when the time is right and also when the person is ready for email marketing.

      Thanks for the comment.

  18. Amit Sharma


    Nice article Kharim..i was also that person who never made any kind of mail list but after some time i understand this is very important for every type of blogger….

    • Reply

      Hey Amit,

      Yep lots of people started building their mailing list late. It is good that you have started.

      Have you had any success with your mailing list so far?

  19. Reply

    Hey bro, really nice post man!
    While it’s never too late to start building a list, it’s better to start early. I started building about a month ago and I think it’s interesting with AWeber.

    Hope to be back to read more

    • Reply

      Hey Enstine,

      Yep starting right away can mean more success in email marketing. But for those who didn’t start as yet they shouldn’t feel bad. They can start right now and have success as well.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  20. SNPlanet


    I was using Mailchimp too but I’ve hitted the 2000 mark and Now I’m hosting the newsletter on my site directly through a wordpress plugin.

    Unfortunately I do not have the useful stats like I had with mailchimp

    • Reply

      Well why not start paying for Mail Chimp? That would be better for you and then you can start marketing so that you can make money from your list.

  21. anis


    very nice article thanks for sharing bro cool tips given
    i wanna install comment Luv on blogger can you show me how to to get it done without losing your previous comments can i import comments from Disqus t comment Luv thanks in advance i hope you gonna reply thanks !

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