Making money online is quite the rage these days. In this contemporary era, it has become easier for anyone to sell their skills to make money online. Along with many other online jobs, online teaching is a skill that is high in demand. The willingness of people to spend on education has multiplied hence the opportunities to make money by teaching online are also greater than ever.

Anyone, skilled enough in teaching can earn online. While some people may just find it more comfortable to make money from the comfort of their couch, others with disabilities or genuine issues of leaving the house can also leverage their skills to make money online.

Why is Online Teaching a Great Idea?

Initially, teaching online saves you a lot of time and hassle such as that of transport. It takes lesser time, involves minor formalities and enables more people to utilize their skills. It also makes it easier for disabled people, mothers who are responsible for children or people seeking part-time work to earn a handsome amount of bucks. While we’re at it, I’d like to mention here that online teachers are highly paid and you can earn quite a lot from this.

Also, the trend of purchasing online teaching courses is on the rise. People are more likely to pay for courses if they’re providing what the students are looking for.

With the demand for online courses at the all-time high, it’s certainly the right time to get into online teaching.

Here’s a guide on how to earn by teaching online.

Choose a Platform

Initially, you’ll need a platform. Even though you can create a course on your domain, it is not recommended as it involves more hassle and costs and the return is low too. Instead, you can utilize services such as Kajabi or Udemy, that provide hosting for your courses, designing, promotion, marketing and other services, making it easier for you to create, host and promote your online teaching course.

Create Landing Pages

Before you start creating a course, you must have a website or at least a landing page, where you can bring your audience before getting them to register for your course. While a website is an expensive option, creating customized landing pages for your audience is a better and more feasible option.

A landing page can be extremely influential in turning the audience into customers. Third party online services make it easier to create landing pages.

For example, Kajabi lets you create a page using their built-in templates. This means you won’t have to start from the scratch and can use their amazingly designed templates, add your content, tweak if required and you’re done. As the template is pre-provided, it won’t take much time. Once you’re done, you can also preview it to see how it looks like.

Build a Course

The most vital, time-consuming and demanding thing you’ll have to do before you can earn by teaching online is to build a course.

First of all, you’ll have to add a title and the description. Now make sure that your title is good enough to attract an audience and compel them to buy your course. A title must be straightforward and should indicate towards everything the course is all about. You shouldn’t use flowery language in it, and it must be kept short.

Coming to the description, it is as important as any other element. Obviously, a potential customer will have a look at the description of the course before purchasing it hence you must carefully craft the description of your course, in order to attract more people and encourage them to buy it.

Next, you’ll have to add a product thumbnail image for your course. Again, as it is a sneak peek of what one can expect from the course, the image must be chosen carefully.

Once you’re done with the basic branding tasks, you can move on to creating the real content, the content that’ll matter. Initially, you must choose a topic that you think will be high in demand and will compel more people. Then, you can start adding content to your course.

The content must be complete, informative and easy to comprehend. It is important that people find the information included in your course useful. The content of your course can be text-based, video/visual presentation based or images. You must create a perfect blend of text and visuals to make your course informative and useful.

If you still want to learn more, you must read Neil Patel’s blog post on how to develop an online course.

Another thing worth mentioning here is that you shouldn’t rush while designing a course. It is important to include everything necessary before putting it up for the customers.

Promote and Communicate

Once you’ve created a course, you’ll have to market and promote it, to attract students. Note that marketing of your course is as important as designing it.

Social media marketing is a great way to approach the relevant audience and sell them your courses. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram let you target audience and communicate your message to them.

You can also opt for Email marketing and send regular newsletters and offers to students through highly targeted niche marketing. You can also avail the marketing services offered by third-party tools such as Kajabi and Udemy. This enables you to target the right audience, design Emails that’ll compel them, customize Email messages and deliver them at ideal times.


  1. Reply

    Whoever says that teaching isn’t a well-paid profession hasn’t heard about the thousands of people making $100,000+ each year by teaching online courses. I’m just one of those people… a person who started without any experience, without a following, without a website, without a brand.

    And remember, most of the successful teachers I know aren’t experts or gurus. They are just normal people who wanted to share their knowledge. I bet they’re people like you.

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