New bloggers are popping up everyday all over the blogosphere in different niches here, there and everywhere. Not all of them are successful and they come to the conclusion that blogging is hard. Blogging can be challenging at times but can be quite easy with the help of Ms. Ileane from

As the name of the blog says, Basic Blog Tips, it’s a blog where you can get blogging tips totally free from Ms. Ileane and other guest bloggers of that blogging community. This blog has lots of information that can turn you from a new blogger to a basic level 10 blogger or might be a whopping problogger if you subscribe to that blog.
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What Makes This Blog Stand Out?


  • Ms. Ileane choose the perfect name for her blog, This blog title/name speaks for itself. Once you hear the name Basic Blog Tips then you know exactly what this blog is about, it’s all about getting tips to make you an excellent blogger.
  • <li>Ms. Ileane uses Thesis WordPress Theme to power her blog with the design of skin. Ms. Ileane knows that Thesis is one of the best WordPress theme available that can make your blog stand out and that's why it's her theme of choice. Thesis is great for SEO and I can bet that gets lots of search engine traffic.</li><br />
    <li>Ms. Ileane markets her blog. She has been on lots of blog making blog comments, on social media sites, optimizing for search engine, advertising and much more. So this is why <a href="" rel="dofollow">Basic Blog Tips</a> has lots of incoming traffic and lots of guest bloggers.</li><br />
    <li>It's easy to navigate through. Basic Blog Tips is neatly arranged with clean navigation menu and a well arranged side bar. So when browsing this blog you can find whatever you are looking for with ease.</li><br />

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    Basic Blogging Tips

    Here are a few great posts from
    StumbleUpon Tops My Traffic Chart

    Promote Your Blog On Blog Engage The Easy Way

    Amplify Integrates Google Analytics And Facebook Page Shares

    If you want more great and basic blogging tips, then you should visit


    1. Kate Brown Wilson


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    2. Reply

      I also think that great blogs attract readers when they’re laid out well. It’s also important to make sure if you have ads, they integrate well within the blog itself.

    3. Reply

      Ileane is one of the best, and I’m glad you selected her as someone to highlight. Of course, she gives both basic and expert blog tips, and covers all those areas in between as well; something for everyone to learn. I can’t go far enough in praising her.

    4. John Cooper


      Well for a new blogger the most complicated thing is the selection of url and title. Its good for a blogger to chose a url related with content. If a novice blogger chose any url and post content not related with url or title then its not good. Content must be related with the title and url. It would not even the blog search engine friendly but also improve the blog reputation.

    5. Connie


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    6. SeoDezin


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    7. Will


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    8. Reply

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    9. Marketing Philosophy


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      • Reply

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