Enterprise resource planning software, or ERP software, includes tools that allow businesses to view and share data. Contrary to popular belief, these tools are not just designed for big companies and corporations; ERP can also be designed as small business solutions software.

But with different vendors offering similar features, how do you know which one suits your business best? Here are a few tips to help you identify the most fitting software to use for your unique needs..


  1. Think about your company’s goals and objectives

Before you set out looking for ERP platforms, you need to know why you want to get one in the first place. Identify and list down the problems you are trying to solve with the system. This can guide you in terms of selecting the ERP software you should look for and the features you need.

Do this prior to going online or searching the market for ERP software. This way, you avoid being influenced by sales pitches from avid agents and vendors.

To get a more accurate view of what your business needs, gather the leaders or the heads of each sector of your company. Although ERP systems are typically used in the accounting or supply chain areas, it can also be used as a management system for your entire business.

The platform’s features can be used to make information accessible to more workers within your enterprise. By getting input from your staff, you will have a better idea of what features you need to look for to make your operations run smoother.


  1. Know the cost of implementation

When shopping around for ERP software, don’t just look at the price of the platform itself. There is more to it than that. You also need to consider the cost of implementing the application.

Do you need to train employees? How long will the training take? Will it be easy to customize or modify the tool’s features? By considering these factors earlier on, you will have a better idea of how much you need to invest in the application.


  1. Determine how to measure ROI

Measuring the software’s ROI can be a challenge, but not impossible. By listing specific goals, you can determine if the ERP solution you’ve chosen for your business was worth the resources you’ve invested in it.

For example, let us say you run a business where you send repair technicians to a customer’s home. This could be one goal: the tool making your technician’s response time quicker by X percent. Another goal could be the software increasing employee productivity levels by X percent within Y months.


  1. See which features are customizable

There may be several businesses offering similar products and services, but how each enterprise is run is unique. Regardless of the size of your company, you need business ERP solutions that you can customize to suit your specific corporate needs.

When searching for the right platform, look for one that provides automatic upgrades or updates. Automatic updates reduce downtime. This allows your people to use the software even while it is updating.

It is also important to look for applications that will allow you to customize the features without the need to add more hardware or bandwidth. This way, you can continue to use the same platform even as the size of your workforce grows.


  1. Look for data backup services

Disasters can occur at any time. Shops and offices can burn down, data can be deleted and lost, and many other things can happen. When deciding on software to use, ask vendors how they protect your data.

Some vendors will offer cloud-based storage. With this option, you can be rest assured that your business data is safe even if something bad happens to your equipment or even when the vendor is performing maintenance and addressing other potential issues.

Keep these factors in mind when canvassing for enterprise resource planning software. This increases your chances of finding the best tools for your business’s needs.



Stephen Canning is the CEO of JCurve Solutions. By being passionate about how businesses can leverage technology to realise their competitive advantage, Stephen has had great success in driving business growth through clever technology as well as building successful, high performing teams by focusing on culture.

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