4 Small Reasons You Should Read Other Blogs

Reading other bloggers blog is something that I have been doing way before I started this blog or even thought about building my very own blog.

Now that I am a blogger, why do I continue to read other people’s blog?

Good question don’t you think. I don’t read their blogs to steal information, but to get inspiration, ideas and to create a friendly relationship with the other bloggers.

I have 4 valid reasons why you should be reading other blogs.


The Internet Lifestyle VS The Work Lifestyle

This is a guest post by Rob Rammuny from Robswebtips where he helps others escape the 9-5 to live the Internet Lifestyle. He also has a FREE eCourse where he teaches you step-by-step how to create a profitable blog and live the Internet Lifestyle. You can follow him on Twitter @RobRammuny.

If you would like to become a guest author for WebMaster Success, please read the guest post guidelines page and sign up.

The Internet Lifestyle is the goal and desire for many bloggers to live. I’ve been living the Internet Lifestyle for quite awhile now and I must say… I love it. I couldn’t ask for anything more than what I have.  But one thing I’ve noticed over time that the Internet Lifestyle is being perceived as a walk in the park.

Today, I’m going to bring a reality check for you. I’m going to share with you what it’s like to live the Internet Lifestyle VS the Work Lifestyle and also the big debating question…  Are you ready to live the Internet Lifestyle?
